Complete visibility (15.6%)
Partial visibility (58%)
No visibility (26.4%)
Less than 5% savings (9.1%)
More than 5% savings (22.4%)
More than 10% savings (53.3%)
More than 25% savings (15.2%)
Very efficient (8.8%)
Moderately efficient (58%)
Not efficient (33.2%)
Visibility & Control
Potential Cost Saving
Software Applications Management
84% of the surveyed companies report having only partial or no visibility and control over the different software applications used within the company. This is despite the fact that the "software" budget is usually larger than the IT budget for hardware.
We have found that using a Software Asset Management tool can reduce costs by 10% by eliminating double spending, unused licenses, and overlapping software.
Efficient management of software applications appears to be a significant challenge. Only 8% of companies report doing this very efficiently, while 58% describe the process as "reasonably" efficient.
Have a look at the full results of the survey here