Measuring Perceptions of Company Performance Across Stakeholders
Ipsos ESG Watch : Overview of Findings
ESG has captured the attention of citizens. A third of Canadians say it is more important for companies to focus on ESG over consumer needs. Only in the oil and gas sector is the ESG focus more important than consumer needs.
Despite much communication and
news dedicated to the emergence and adoption of ESG practices, company performance (and when summed up to sector level performance) remains available for companies to shape.
Almost 6 in 10 Canadians say that they do not have an opinion or hold neutral views of a given company’s performance.
When the net of positive and negative responses is examined at a sector level:
The bank and invest-ment sector leads
for its impact on the environment followed closely by the
retail and IT sectors.
The retail sector gets top marks for its impact on society, , while the food and beverage sector and oil and gas sectors trail.
The retail sector gets highest marks for making ethical and law compliant decisions. Oil and gas sector gets lowest marks.
Sector Performance on E in ESG
The bank and investment sector leads on net (positive/negative) performance on the environment followed closely by the retail and IT sectors.
Q1. Do you think that [INSERT COMPANY] is having a positive impact, a neutral impact, or a negative impact on the environment? Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
+/- Net
Change in Sector Performance on E in ESG
When it comes to the environment, restaurants and the retail sector are seen to have improved the most over the last 12 months.
+/- Net
Q2. Do you think that [INSERT COMPANY]’s impact on the environment has improved over the last 12 months, has not changed over the last 12 months, or has worsened over the last 12 months? Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
Sector Performance on S in ESG
The retail sector gets top marks for its impact on society, while the food and beverage sector and oil and gas sectors trail.
+/- Net
Q3. Do you think that [INSERT COMPANY] is having a positive impact, a neutral impact, or a negative impact on society? Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
Change in Sector Performance on S in ESG
The food and beverage sector and the oil and gas sector are seen to have made the least improvement over the past 12 months.
+/- Net
Q4. Do you think that [INSERT COMPANY]’s impact on society has improved over the last 12 months, has not changed over the last 12 months, or has worsened over the last 12 months? Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
+/- Net
Q5. Do you think that [INSERT COMPANY] is doing a good job, neither a good nor bad job, or a bad job at making business decisions that are ethical and in compliance with the law? Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
The retail sector gets highest marks for making ethical and law compliant decisions. Oil and gas sector gets lowest marks.
Sector Performance on G in ESG
+/- Net
Q6. Do you think that [INSERT COMPANY]’s ethical decision making and compliance with the law has improved over the last 12 months, has not changed over the last 12 months, or has worsened over the last 12 months?
Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
No sector stands out in terms of improving its governance over the past 12 months.
Change in Sector Performance on G in ESG
+/- Net
Q7. When you think about the [INSERT COMPANY] and you hear or read about its environmental, social and governance initiatives do you think they do what they say they’re going to do – OR- do you think they tend to not follow through on their commitments. Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
Canadians are more likely to see all sectors as likely to follow through on their ESG commitments than not.
Follow Through on ESG Initiatives
+/- Net
Q8. Do you believe that it is more important for [INSERT COMPANY] to focus on ensuring its Environmental, Social and Governance performance is improving, or its more important that it focusses on ensuring good service and quality products and services for its consumers. .
Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
Only in the oil and gas sector is the ESG focus more important than consumers’ needs. More generally, a third of citizens say its more important to focus on ESG vs. consumers’ needs.
Importance of ESG vs. Consumer Needs
Stakeholders are paying attention. Their expectations are growing, and they are looking for companies to be more than "net neutral" — they want to see positive and improving contributions to ESG.
How do you perform on ESG according to citizens, consumers, employees, investors and other stakeholders?
Ipsos surveyed 3,000 Americans for their views of 30 companies operating in 6 different sectors.
other analysis
Contact Us to Learn More
Mike Colledge,
ESG Canada Lead
Simon Simpson,
Corporate Reputation Canada Lead
esg Watch
How do you compare nationally and within your sector?
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Contact Ipsos to understand how your ESG efforts are perceived by the public and how we can assist in measuring the views of all your stakeholders. Together, we can help you effectively communicate your ESG story to the market and drive positive change. Let us help you do well by doing good.
ESG performance
ESG Watch will provide Overall Company Metrics
Change in ESG performance
Follow Through on ESG Initiatives
Importance of
ESG vs. Consumer Needs
ESG performance citizens
ESG performance customers
ESG performance employees
ESG performance investors/regulators
ESG Watch will provide Performance Across Stakeholders
Ipsos ESG Watch: Define or be Defined
Ipsos ESG Watch: Define or be Defined
Q8. Do you believe that it is more important for [INSERT COMPANY] to focus on ensuring its Environmental, Social and Governance performance is improving, or its more important that it focusses on ensuring good service and quality products and services for its consumers. .
Base: All respondents (n=Varies)
* Net of positive and negative perceptions of performance for ESG combined.
Ipsos ESG Watch:
Define or be Defined
Define or Be Defined: With 6 in 10 Canadians saying their views are neutral or they do not know enough to respond, there is ample white space for companies to define themselves.