The Library Table is the ultimate communal table to anchor a collective experience—whether reading room, canteen or theater-in-the-round. The warm expression of wood and welcoming curved and tapered touchpoints bring hospitality and an approachable vibe to the workplace.
Knoll Rockwell Unscripted® Library Table
Inspired by the functionalist vision of the modern masters, Reff Profiles delivers a progressive and architectural design solution for private offices, administrative areas and open plan environments.
Knoll Reff Profiles™
The freestanding, linkable or mobile Power Beam gives planning flexibility and range to address the ready-to-change mentality of today’s workplace. Continuous channels in the top and sides of the beam enable off-module freedom to position screens and task lights, or to support worksurfaces.
Knoll Antenna® Power Beam
Framery One is not only stylish and super smart, it incorporates the latest technology, leading sound insulation standards and echo-free acoustics.
Framery One
By leveraging DIRTT’s wide variety of finish options and custom millwork capabilities a unique “library’ like feel allows the conference room to have a non-traditional feel as well as function as flexible small group project workspace when not reserved for other use.
DIRTT Conferene Rooms
Efficiently sized offices built utilizing modular DIRTT walls feature glass walls and sliding doors to maintain openness and maximize footprint. Future flexibility is inherent to building with DIRTT, as these room’s functions could easily be switched to meeting rooms down the road if needed or walls could even be removed or moved depending on evolving needs.
DIRTT Private Offices