Determine where
you are in your ESG & sustainability journey.
The Korn Ferry ESG and Sustainability Maturity Model builds
a journey map based on where your organization stands in each area of the maturity model and creates a path forward.
Korn Ferry’s diagnostic will plot your journey on five strategic dimensions along a continuum from Basic (1), which will generally be a narrow functional focus, to Leading Edge (4), where there will be full ownership by the CEO, leadership team, middle managers and employees – all driving towards superior financial performance and the intended outcomes
for your stakeholders.
And because driving real change requires both
behavioral change (mindsets, skillsets, relationships) and structural change (structures, processes, practices), our approach incorporates both perspectives across each of
the five dimensions.
Find out more about the Korn Ferry ESG & Sustainability
Maturity Diagnostic.
Click on the model to see what leading edge looks like in each dimension.
The Korn Ferry ESG and Sustainability Maturity Model builds a journey map based on where your organization stands in each area of the maturity model and creates a path forward.
Korn Ferry’s diagnostic will plot your journey on five strategic dimensions along a continuum from Basic (1), which will generally be a narrow functional focus, to Leading Edge (4), where there will be full ownership by the CEO, leadership team, middle managers and employees – all driving towards superior financial performance and the intended outcomes for your stakeholders.
And because driving real change requires both behavioral change (mindsets, skillsets, relationships) and structural change (structures, processes, practices), our approach incorporates both perspectives across each of the five dimensions.
Find out more about the Korn Ferry
ESG & Sustainability Maturity Diagnostic.