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Legacy systems no longer meeting the needs of a growing healthcare organization

In 2019, Spectrum Health was relying on a heavily customized legacy ITSM solution, and a 20-year-old ERP platform with about 30 other solutions bolted on.

Both IT and Human Resources (HR) were doing their best to serve employees and keep up with requests that might arrive via email or a doorway chat about a malfunctioning laptop or missing tax form. Highly manual tasks left a large margin for error. And neither functional area had a way to clearly show the services it offered, the volume of the work it completed, or its true value to the organization.

New hires were met with a maze of HR, IT, and facilities management systems to navigate before securing the training, security access, hardware, software, and other equipment and supplies needed to make the transition to contributing employee.

Current employees in need of equipment repairs, software updates, and supplies, or who simply wanted to get a tax form or check their vacation time faced similar challenges.

Open requests, security badges, and computer equipment were among the items that were difficult to track and monitor. And a lack of governance and controls made the data that was available suspect. A sprawling applications catalog numbering in the forties required numerous people and time to manage and lacked effective governance.

In a field such as healthcare, where employee retention is especially important, Spectrum committed to a major digital transformation of its service management functions. Along the way, two major mergers would double the number of employees and add further complexity. But the organization remained committed to transforming service delivery and was convinced that ServiceNow was a key technology for enabling the transformation.

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With ServiceNow already deployed across HR and IT, and with employees having widely adopted the platform and becoming adept, satisfied users, Corewell Health is in a position to explore additional ways to transform performance and gain efficiencies.

ServiceNow has even more to offer Corewell Health

Today, a new hire at Corewell Health receives a warm, timely welcome via a single portal that connects them to both HR and IT. Behind the scenes, ServiceNow triggers a series of automations that ensure prompt requests go out for everything from payroll and security badges to lockers and desk lamps.

A modern, streamlined solution enables the 60,000+ team members of Corewell Health

In 2019, Spectrum Health was relying on a heavily customized legacy ITSM solution, and a 20-year-old ERP platform with about 30 other solutions bolted on.

Legacy systems no longer meeting the needs of a growing healthcare organization


