Global leader in business jet aircraft engineering, integration and contractor logistics support
Unmatched, industry-leading 98.4% delivery rate
Most experienced integrator on the Bombardier Global-series aircraft
UK Sentinel Airborne Stand-Off Radar (ASTOR)
U.S. Army Airborne Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare
System (ARES)
U.S. Army Theater-Level, High-Altitude Expeditionary Next Airborne
U.S. Army High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (HADES)
Multi-Domain Sensing System (MDSS)
U.S. Air Force EC-37B Compass Call Cross Deck
U.S. Air Force RC-135 Rivet Joint
Royal Air Force RC-135 Rivet Joint
Royal Australian Air Force MC-55A Peregrine
Italian Air Force Joint Airborne Multi-Mission Multi-Sensor System (JAMMS)
Dassault Falcon 2000 ISR Platform
Redesigned, tested and certified seven
unique military commercial derivative aircraft-based ISR platforms in the last 10 years
Over 800,000 labor hours designing, building, integrating, testing and certifying mission systems on Bombardier Global series aircraft
Design, integration and fielding:
Delivered over 15,000 A/C
98.4% on-time delivery rate
185/188 delivered on
or ahead of schedule
[Click on the + for more information]