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To replace an image, select the png or jpeg on the canvas or in the layers panel and click the "Replace image" button, which is next to the image thumbnail in the design panel. Any applied animation to the original image will carry over to the new one.
To select the img on the canva in the "Intro" section, lock or toggle the visisbility of the "Mask Square Shape".
Pin specific objects or group of objects to a specific point in the viewport. This allows you to keep these objects, such as the nav bar, to always be visible on the canvas, regardless of where the user scrolls on the canvas.
Note: Pinned objects do not currently work on full-height embedded experiences; only standalone experience and scrolling embedded experiences.
Template - Advanced Collection Overview
1280px x 5000px
Add a rectangle that's the same color as the background to "mask" other elements.
In the header section, the layer "Mask Square Shape" has the on view, shrink up animation which has a 1.0 sec delay. Revealing the image behind it.
Delta SKY360° Club
Offers fully inclusive premium cuisine and bar with no details spared, offering members a fully immersive luxury game experience.
Delta SKY360° Club
Meet with your friends, family or business partners to have a one of a kind game experience.
•The very best seats in Arena – on the glass!
•Exclusive Glass Seat Member events and benefits
•Dedicated Delta SKY360° Club Entrance - opens 2 hours prior to every LA Kings home game
•Complimentary Valet Parking
•Inclusive Premium Cuisine and Open Bar
•Private Restrooms
•Watch the team warm up and take the ice before every period
•Dedicated VIP Service Manager for all your membership needs
Delta SKY360° Club
The Most Exclusive Access in LA
Multi-year renovations to Arena are underway. Renderings depict current construction plans and are subject to change.
Delta SKY360° Club
Offers fully inclusive premium cuisine and bar with no details spared, offering members a fully immersive luxury game experience.
The Most Exclusive Access in LA