ESG investing
leads the charge
With the ESG-friendly elements
of lockdown now ingrained in our futures, those companies placing sustainable practices at the top
of their agendas will spearhead
the global recovery from the
Covid-19 crisis
Few asset managers can boast
they began investing responsibly
as early as the 1980s, but CEO
of ESG pioneer Federated Hermes International Saker Nusseibeh
tells Natalie Kenway how the firm continues to adapt and innovate
Royal London Asset Management’s Mike Fox, manager of the £1.8bn Royal London Sustainable Leaders Trust, discusses the competitive advantage of ESG investing, the highlight of his career and ‘gobbling up’ the rest of the funds industry
‘it was never meant to be a secret’
James D’Ath of Sustainix says
while asset managers recognise
the financial significance of ESG factors, there remains a glaring
lack of financial products that align with natural capital targets, in particular biodiversity
natural capital
Despite the indomitable rise of ESG investing there is as yet no universal benchmark for what constitutes such a fund. In response, ESG Clarity has joined forces with Last Word Research to produce the Responsible Ratings Index. Lottie McGurk reports
Ratings Index
Natalie Kenway speaks to
the manager of the EdenTree
UK Amity Fund, Ketan Patel,
about the strong performance
from screened funds in the UK
sector and the future of active management within ESG
UK Amity Fund
‘Funds with a high ESG rating have continued to
outperform both those without an ESG rating and the
FTSE 100, even in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic’
‘We have never seen such great performance
from a wide variety of funds’
‘In the end, we will be like a reverse Pac Man: we are the small part at the moment but at some point we are going to gobble up the rest of the industry’
‘Federated Hermes was seen as slightly eccentric and hippie.
Now, if you listen to the CEOs of major asset management companies, it is clear they believe ESG is the future’
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