Directly aimed at getting prospective buyers to make a purchase. Because
the clear aim of a brochure is to make a sale, readers are likely to view claims with skepticism. (Note that by some definitions, brochures and other blatantly commercial overtures do not qualify as content marketing.)
Similar to a brochure, website copy generally maintains a promotional tone
and appeals mainly to audiences that have already identified a specific need and are looking to meet it.
Brochure, commercial, website copy
Article, white paper, report
Blog, LinkedIn post,
talking-head video
commercial, website copy
The content marketing continuum
Volume of content produced
Case study
Case study
In theory, these would offer solutions to difficult business problems and draw in readers who face similar challenges. In practice, however, case studies tend to fall short on substance and credibility since the proposed solution is often, “Hire us.”
Blog, LinkedIn post, talking-head video
Offer a short, personal take on a timely topic, or perhaps a fresh take on a perennial one. While it’s possible to share insights in 600 or 800 words or a 2-minute video, these are often too introductory to be considered true thought leadership. Some blog posts can serve as a teaser for or lead-in to a more in-depth piece.
Article, white paper, report
Seek to provide a better understanding of the context surrounding a complex business problem, and then propose what may be an equally complex solution. These may include distinctive market or industry analysis; insights into common misconceptions or pitfalls; and detailed, actionable advice.
(This is not content marketing, it is placed here to indicate that the extreme end of the spectrum would be complete editorial independence—something that no for-profit entity can every truly achieve. For example, however honest a consulting firm might be in its analysis, it could never publicly take a client
to task.)
The thought-leadership zone
When executed well, content
in these categories can fall anywhere in the shaded part of the continuum, from veiled sales pitch to pure thought leadership.
Note: Numbers 3–5 aren't on fixed spots along the continuum
Hover over numbers for more information