Future for DB 

Buyout or run-on

As mentioned earlier in the report, UK DB pension schemes are in the healthiest, best funding position they have been for decades. Considering these improvements, much debate has centred around whether schemes should choose to buy out or run on.

From speaking to pension schemes, our view is that most schemes will incorporate insurance into their long-term de-risking strategy and for many, moving to buyout will be a question of optimal timing.

Objectives will depend on individual circumstances. A proportion of schemes will opt to run on in perpetuity while some may want to take more time to achieve different objectives, for example, to generate a surplus, or to restructure illiquid assets and prepare for buyout.

It doesn’t need to be an all or nothing decision and the option remains open to run-on for a period, before buying out at a time of the trustees’ choosing.


Discover more

Debating buyout vs. run-on: an insurer's perspective, John Towner, Managing Director of UK PRT

Video: Bridging the gap to your endgame, Lisa Purdy, Head of DB Solutions Distribution

With monetary easing cycles under way in developed economies and bonds once again providing potential insurance against equity risk, we believe that interest rate hedging could be key for DB schemes looking to maintain elevated funding levels.

What could be in store for funding levels?

With monetary easing cycles under way in developed economies and bonds once again providing potential insurance against equity risk, we believe that interest rate hedging could be key for DB schemes looking to maintain elevated funding levels.

As we look towards year-end, with lots of lower-inflation data in the bank, we think it's hard for investors to get concerned about high inflation. We therefore believe there's plenty of scope for bonds yields to fall relative to equity yields.

To discover more about the outlook we see for credit spreads, please see our recent article: Preserving funding levels as rates fall


Whatever your scheme’s preferred endgame, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to hear more about how Legal & General can help you build the bridge to your chosen destination.

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