• HELIOS (High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance) is a transformational new weapon system with deep magazine, low cost per kill, speed of light delivery and precision response.
• Through integration with Aegis, the USS Preble (DDG 88) is the first deployed and operational fielded, integrated laser weapon system.
• Addresses Anti-Surface Warfare and Counter-Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C-ISR) warfighting gaps with the ability to dazzle and destroy Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and defeat Fast Inshore Attack Craft (FIAC).
• Aegis integrates and uses tactical data from the MH-60R helicopter to enhance situational awareness for task forces and naval commanders conducting maritime operations. The MH-60R is the most capable naval helicopter available today designed to operate from frigates, destroyers, cruisers and aircraft carriers.
• Advanced Offboard Electronic Warfare (AOEW) is an electronic warfare pod that provides advanced Anti-Ship Mission (ASM) detection and Electronic Attack (EA) response to detect, track and deter incoming threats.
• The Navy must have integrated capabilities faster than ever before to meet the increase in global threats to our national security.
• Lockheed Martin has transformed the way we operate to deliver Aegis Combat System Engineering Agent (CSEA) products as quickly as the U.S. Navy needs them – at the speed of relevance.
• We utilize automating tools and are collaborating with our extensive network of critical partners. The result? Drastic reduction of development time for delivering mission-critical capabilities
Combat System (CS) / Common Source Library (CSL)
• MK 41 VLS is the premier launching system for the U.S. Navy and 12 allied navies.
• Aegis and MK 41 accomplish any warfighting mission: anti-aircraft, anti-surface, anti-submarine, ballistic missile defense and land attack.
• Integrated with 18 missile variants, including anti-air (SM-2 and ESSM); Ballistic Missile Defense (SM-3 and SM-6); anti-submarine (VLA) and strike (Tomahawk) capabilities.
• System has conducted over 4,300 successful missile firings worldwide, with a success rate greater than 99.1 percent.
MK 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS)
• Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP) is an integrated shipboard combat system that provides a full suite of next generation electronic warfare capabilities.
• SEWIP is fully integrated into the Aegis Combat System and the data provides a complete picture of the threat environment.
Surface Electronic Warfare
Improvement Program (SEWIP)
• By 2040, SPY-1 ships are expected to comprise nearly one-quarter of the U.S. Aegis Fleet.
SPY-1 Radar
• As the Combat Systems Engineering Agent for the U.S. Navy, Lockheed Martin is integrating the SPY-6 Air and Missile Defense Radar.
• Coupled with Aegis Combat System Baseline 10 and Ballistic Missile Defense Baseline 6.0, SPY-6 will be fielded with DDG 125.
SPY-6 Radar
• Virtualization technology is a critical enabler to combat systems of the future.
• Lockheed Martin has used virtualization to remove computing hardware as a capability limiter; speeding delivery of new capabilities and reducing lifecycle costs.
• Virtualization has enabled Lockheed Martin to apply Aegis Weapon capabilities to scalable and mobile assets, services, and enterprises.
Virtual Aegis Weapon System

• MK 41 VLS is the premier launching system for the U.S. Navy and 12 allied navies.
• Aegis and MK 41 accomplish any warfighting mission: anti-aircraft, anti-surface, anti-submarine, ballistic missile defense and land attack.
• Integrated with 18 missile variants, including anti-air (SM-2 and ESSM); Ballistic Missile Defense (SM-3 and SM-6); anti-submarine (VLA) and strike (Tomahawk) capabilities.
• System has conducted over 4,300 successful missile firings worldwide, with a success rate greater than 99.1 percent.
• The land based transportable version of MK-41 is MK-70.
• Integration with PAC-3 MSE enhances capability and capacity.
MK 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS)
• The AN/SPY-7 radar is the world’s latest technology radar offering the most capability and the most affordable price.
• SPY-7 is built from mature, scalable, and modular solid state radar technology proven in the Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR) to pace
evolving threats.
• Integrated with the Aegis Weapon System, SPY-7 provides advanced technology for Aegis ship and Ashore programs
• Japan’s Aegis System Equipped Vessel utilizes this latest generation radar for continuous homeland defense. The Canadian and Spanish Navy are also utilizing variants of SPY-7.
Lorem ipsum
• Aegis is the world’s most advanced combat system, operating within sea, air, land, space, and cyber domains.
• Due to its open architecture, Aegis takes full advantage of evolving technology to deliver enhanced capability to the warfighter including, deployed simultaneous Integrated Air and Missile Defense.
• Aegis is currently operational on over 120 ships worldwide, in 7 nations, on multiple Ashore sites, is deployed on the U.S. Army’s mid-range capability and is a core component on Guam’s distributed land-based system.
Aegis Weapon System
• Aegis provides a real-time kill assessment report for missile engagements that provides the warfighter with valuable and timely information.
Kill Assessment
• The Aegis Combat System integrates with other elements of the Missile Defense System (MDS) via the Command and Control, Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) System.
• C2BMC connects all sensors and shooters into a single, near-real time picture. It shares and combines sensor data from across the network and optimizes sensor resources and weapon engagements from systems like Aegis.
Missile Defense System Integration
• Virtualization technology is a critical enabler to combat systems of the future.
• Lockheed Martin has used virtualization to remove computing hardware as a capability limiter; speeding delivery of new capabilities and reducing lifecycle costs.
• Virtualization has enabled Lockheed Martin to apply Aegis Weapon capabilities to scalable and mobile assets, services, and enterprises.
Virtual Aegis Weapon System
• Virtualization technology is a critical enabler to combat systems of the future.
• Lockheed Martin has used virtualization to remove computing hardware as a capability limiter; speeding delivery of new capabilities and reducing lifecycle costs.
• Virtualization has enabled Lockheed Martin to apply Aegis Weapon capabilities to scalable and mobile assets, services, and enterprises.
Virtual Aegis Weapon System