Select a Launcher
The MK 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) is the most reliable, combat-proven, multi-mission launcher for the U.S. and international navies. As the only launching system capable of simultaneously accommodating the weapon control systems and their missiles for any warfighting mission – anti-aircraft, anti-surface, anti-submarine, ballistic missile defense and land attack – MK 41 can accept any missile type into any cell.
MK 41 Vertical Launching System
The Single Cell Launcher (SCL) is designed to meet maritime force protection requirements, leveraging the latest state-of-the-art MK 41 VLS Launch Control System, MK 25 Quad Pack Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) Canister and a new scalable mechanical structure. This design provides a flexible system that is easily configurable, particularly where size and space concerns are paramount, such as for smaller, lighter ship classes like those found in many international navies.
Single Cell Launcher
The Host Extensible Launching System (ExLS) offers a low-cost alternative for integrating new missiles and munitions into the U.S. Navy’s surface combatants equipped with VLS. Essentially a launcher within a launcher, ExLS reuses existing canistered munitions with qualified launch electronics to cut integration costs by more than 50 percent.
ExLS also comes in a standalone variant (ExLS 3-Cell Standalone Launcher) that enables a ship to launch missiles or munitions regardless of whether or not it is equipped with a VLS.
Host Extensible Launching System
The Vertical Launch ASROC (VLA) is a urgent attack operational anti-submarine warfare weapon for surface ships, providing 360-degree engagement capability, day or night in any weather conditions. The VLA missile system is a three-stage weapon that can deliver either a MK 46 or MK 54 torpedo, making it effective in either open-ocean or littoral waters.
Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rocket
MK 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS)
Single Cell Launcher (SCL)
Extensible Launching System (ExLS)
Vertical Launch ASROC (VLA)
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3-Cell Extensible Launching System
A standalone variant of the Host Extensible Launching System (ExLS), the ExLS 3-Cell Standalone Launcher enables a ship to launch missiles or munitions regardless of whether or not it is equipped with a VLS.
3-Cell Extensible Launching System
3-Cell ExLS
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The Host Extensible Launching System (ExLS) offers a low-cost alternative for integrating new missiles and munitions into the U.S. Navy’s surface combatants equipped with VLS. Essentially a launcher within a launcher, ExLS reuses existing canistered munitions with qualified launch electronics to cut integration costs by more than 50 percent.
ExLS also comes in a standalone variant (ExLS 3-Cell Standalone Launcher) that enables a ship to launch missiles or munitions regardless of whether or not it is equipped with a VLS.
Host Extensible Launching System
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Controls and Automation
Providing Machinery Controls for Over 30 Years
• Features a suite of integrated capabilities and support tools not found in any other plane management system
• Simplified architecture reduces weight, cabling and system space by more than 50 percent as compared to other IPMSs
• Full plant monitoring and control from any authorized workstation
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• Built-in cyber security
• Integrated damage control automation
• Health monitoring and built-in test
• Damage control automation
• Highly fault tolerant network
Controls and Automation
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