Essential to Allied Air Power
Denmark joined the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program in 2002 during the System Development and Demonstration phase and has influenced several technical elements of the F-35.
In April 2021, Danish and American officials celebrated the rollout of the first of 27 F-35A Lightning II jets for the Royal Danish Air Force in Fort Worth, Texas. Just one month later, Danish military history was written when the test pilot MON, as the first Dane, successfully flew a Danish F-35 fighter.
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F-35 Lightning II
F-16 Fighting Falcon
C-130J Super Hercules
MH-60R Romeo
Decades of Proven Effectiveness
The F-16 is a strategic and valuable choice for Denmark, delivering advanced, 4th generation fighter aircraft capabilities, regional and worldwide partnerships, and affordable lifecycle costs.
It has also influenced technical elements of the F-35. From 2008-2016, a Danish F-16 served as a chase plane for the JSF 461st Flight Test Squadron at Edwards AFB as part of the F-35 Development, Test & Evaluation program.
One Aircraft, Many Capabilities
There is no aircraft in history that matches the relevance and versatility of the C-130 Hercules.
In continuous production longer than any other military aircraft, the C-130 has earned a reputation as a workhorse ready for any
mission — anytime, anywhere. The C-130J Super Hercules offers Denmark superior performance and capabilities for every theater of operations today, with the ability to grow to meet future requirements.
Dependable Long-Range Strike Cruise Missile
Denmark became the third country to operate the MH-60R after Australia, receiving its first aircraft of nine in 2016.
In the rugged North Sea, the helicopter has proved it can land even in the most precarious of places. Recently, MH-60R also showed off its ability to be aerially refueled from a ship (Photo 2) and has supported anti-piracy operations for NATO.
Tip: How to save time when creating a tab module from scratch.
Create one tab that has the images, text format, animations, and interactions you want the other tabs in the module to have. Copy and paste the tab and change the names of the pasted tab folders in the layers panel. You can then change the text and images in each tab. This is more efficient than making each tab from scratch.
Create digestible content and save screen real-estate by condensing lengthy content into categories that can be viewed on separate tabs.
Template - Horizontal Tab Module
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To replace an image, select the png or jpeg on the canvas or in the layers panel and click the "Replace image" button, which is next to the image thumbnail in the design panel. Any applied animation to the original image will carry over to the new one.
Tip: Try to make the new image a similar size and dimension to the image being replaced.
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