2020 was a year like no other. We all had to show extraordinary resilience. Supporting each other and giving back to our communities had never been more important.
We are proud to announce that together with Mace people we donated £345,000 to charities around the world in 2020. While the Mace Foundation is a separate independent charity to Mace it is a key part of their commitment to being a responsible business and helping communities thrive.
2020 was a tough year for us all. The months of uncertainty, the effects of social distancing, lockdown and the loss of loved ones to coronavirus had a huge impact on our mental health.
We are proud to say our annual donation to Mind has helped them expand their vital information services during the pandemic – growing the reach of their digital resources with nearly 2 million views of their COVID-19 information hub since its launch in March 2020.
Mind, for better mental health
Through 2020 the Mace Foundation and Mace people supported the following charities through the Foundation’s match funding programme.
Our match funding programme remains at the heart of the Foundation and allows Mace people to increase funds they are raising for a charity close to their hearts and in their communities.
For example in 2020, we supported the annual Newham Toy Appeal in providing 2,869 stockings filled with presents to children living in poverty across East London. We also supported a number of food banks including Serve the City in Amsterdam; who provide meals for families who are facing financial hardship.
We will actively seek out opportunities for improvement and build a learning culture so we keep moving forwards and never rest on our laurels. Taking a data-led approach we will raise the bar of safety risk management and reporting, training and activity management
The mental health and wellbeing of our people goes hand in hand with their safety. By using regular engagement and wellbeing surveys we’ve developed a comprehensive understanding of our people and we continue to invest in improving their mental health and wellbeing
Developing healthy workplaces, preventing and managing occupational health risks and encouraging conversations about mental health and physical wellbeing has been a key focus over the last few years
Engagement in our wellbeing agenda continues to grow. We will continue to support our people’s wellbeing by encouraging open and supportive conversations, creating a safe environment for our people to speak out and share experiences and by providing access to further support and advice
The coronavirus pandemic
Growing urbanisation
The climate emergency
Our dynamic and changing societies
In 2019, the Mace Foundation’s MENA work stream helped to fund a school to be built and operated for 18 months in Malawi.
We are pleased to announce a ground breaking ceremony took place in September 2020. Over 100 children from a rural village will benefit from this new school. These children are currently being taught in huts, under trees, walk miles to a neighbouring village or don’t go to school at all. Not only will the local children benefit but 2 fulltime teachers will be employed and around 60 adults will benefit from evening classes.
This is in partnership with Dubai Cares and BuildOn.
We also made a £2,500 donation to the Frida Hartley Shelter for destitute women and children in Yeoville, Johannesburg in 2020. The shelter takes in homeless women, and their children who have endured neglect, abuse, trauma and homelessness. They shelter individuals who have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet, young homeless mothers looking to kick-start their lives and individuals going through financial difficulties (affected by retrenchment or unemployment). The shelter is a non-profit organisation that aims to empower women, through providing accommodation, psycho-social support, employment, and training.
The local Mace team have been supporting the Shelter for the last three years.
In January 2020 Mace set ourselves target to reduce our emissions to 25,000 tonnes of carbon for our scope 1, 2 and elements of scope 3; and to offset all of those outstanding emissions to Gold Standard offset projects.
By the end of 2020 we had achieved beyond our expectations, generating just over 15,000 tonnes of carbon – and through offsets we achieved a Net Zero Carbon position for the year.
In our new strategy, we raise our ambitions once again – aiming to engage and influence with our clients and become a world-leader in carbon reduction in the built environment.
Coming together to make a difference
Mace people are at the heart of the Foundation, they helped to raise £42,000 for us and a further £111,356 for their chosen charities via our funding programme.
Like many charities the impact of the coronavirus pandemic had a major impact on the Foundation’s planned fundraising activities. However, we managed to keep giving back and in the fight against COVID-19, the Mace Foundation was able to help protect some of our key workers by making a donation to purchase £60,000 worth of personal protective equipment for NHS London.
click to find out more
click to find out more
We are passionate about our charity partnerships with mental health charity Mind and homelessness charity St Mungo’s.
Wake up to homelessness
At St Mungo’s, they know that it takes more than a roof over someone’s head to end homelessness. While sleeping rough is the most visible form of homelessness, the causes and consequences of having nowhere stable to live are often much more complicated.
That’s why the Foundation partnered with St Mungo’s to support their recovery based approach for their clients, focusing on addressing the issues a person faces to help them move on with their lives.
This time last year I was sleeping rough on the streets of London. I now work on a Mace construction project as a slinger signaller and have a place to call home.
We have been able to support St Mungo’s clients into a sustained recovery from homelessness by helping them get training and employment on Mace construction projects.
Despite the challenges, our first year in partnership with St Mungo’s has been incredible, with £156,000 worth of monetary donations and pro bono support given to help end homelessness.
Our annual donation aids St Mungo’s Westminster Street Outreach Support team to help reduce the number of people rough sleeping in the UK and support a sustained recovery through training and employment.
As part of St Mungo’s Winter Appeal we were able to further support the homeless community in Westminster by providing 7-day ‘Festive Packs’ (meals and desserts) to 183 residents of St Mungo’s homelessness services, which equates to 1281 hot meals.
Mace employees raised £26,424 by taking part in St Mungo’s Take the Lead challenge with their furry friends, hosting quiz nights and abseiling down the UK’s tallest sculpture the ArcelorMittal Orbit to help end homelessness.
Together with Mace’s supply chain partners we were able to help renovate one of St Mungo’s pioneering services, a housing-based model for particularly vulnerable homeless women in London.
We provided over £45,500 of pro bono support, £8,480 in kind donations and gave back 766 hours. We will continue supporting this project in 2021 by creating a mindfulness garden to help make a real difference to the lives of the residents.
We are proud of the work St Mungo’s achieved during the coronavirus pandemic for the homeless community from campaigning Government for change to helping over 3,000 people who were rough sleeping or in communal night shelters to isolate safely in empty hotels or other emergency accommodation. During that time, 1,072 people have been further supported by St Mungo’s to make positive moves into longer-term housing.
We are committed to supporting charities around the world where Mace works to help make a difference. Since 2013 we have donated £182,000 to 16 countries around the world.
For example in 2020, we supported Buildher – a charity that equips disadvantaged young women in Kenya with accredited construction skills. These skills help the women to find greater financial prosperity, helps to change male attitudes to working women and promotes gender quality within the construction industry. The donation from the Foundation has supported six women to start the Carpentry & Joinery Training programme.
Supporting communities around the world
Following the devastation caused by the Australian Bush Fires the Foundation donated £5,000 to the Australian Red Cross to help support the local communities affected by this natural disaster.
In 2020, our Simon Healey Bursary fund enabled 75 WheelPower volunteers to up-skill their knowledge and provide them with tools to better engage wheelchair users in inclusive sports sessions.
WheelPower is a UK charity for wheelchair sport. Providing opportunities for disabled people to play sport and lead healthy active lives.
The Foundation has been working with Mind since 2013 and together with Mace people we have donated nearly half a million pounds, which has enabled millions of people experiencing mental health problems to get the help and support they need.
To date the Mace Foundation and Mace employees have donated over £5 million to charities around the world since 2013.
This would not be possible without your support, together we are making a difference. Thank you.
Thank you for your supporT
view the charities we have supported
Paul McAuley Slinger Signaller
donated to Mind since 2013, by the Mace Foundation.
to charities around the world
Since 2013 the Mace Foundation has donated...
Make a donation
The summary financial information included within this report is intended to demonstrate the source
of the Mace Foundation’s income and to explain the expenditure in the period to 31 December 2020; the figures should not be used in lieu of the full annual accounts. The annual accounts are not available at the time of printing this report and the figures included within this report are unaudited. The full annual report and accounts, including the Trustee’s report, will be available
in due course through the Charity Commission website.
The Mace Foundation is a UK registered charity (1150134), working independently of the Mace Group.
During this period the team had over
people were enabled to leave the street and secure accommodation
people were reconnected with friends or family for housing across the UK and internationally
street contacts
St Mungo’s clients throughout the year
The SOS team worked consistently with over
Westminster Street Outreach Support team
2020 construction training and employment
giving back to communities in 2020
people being trained in Construction and Maintenance skills
people progressing into St Mungo’s ReVive programme
vocational training sessions
people into employment
The Mace Foundation has two funding streams; annual donation from Mace Limited and fundraising by the general public, mainly Mace people; employees, clients and supply chain partners. The Foundation's income for 2020 was £381,253 (2019: £586,270). The Foundation's charitable giving in 2020 compared to 2019 decreased by approximately £169,000.
Charity partners
Match funding programme
Other charitable donations