Mid-Level Enrichment
While the climb to the top may appear challenging, the Mid-Level Enrichment training program will help new and aspiring federal leaders get from here to there — and beyond.
Getting Started
Purpose: To Set the Stage
Learners begin with an ECQ-based Competency Assessment, an application essay, and a letter of commitment – signed by both the learner and the learner’s manager. They’ll also get instructions on completing the 360-degree assessment.
Step 1
Cohort Kickoff
Step 2
Purpose: To Orient
The cohort kickoff offers learners their first opportunity to meet their fellow cohort members, facilitator, and others. Cohort members will learn more about the program and the SoFLE Learning Hub.
Weeks 12-14
Step 9
Purpose: To Increase Knowledge | Focus: On Changing Leadership
Week 12 features a three-day course on Leading Organizational Change, exploring the neuroscience of change and effective management strategies. Week 13 involves finalizing group projects, and preparing presentations for senior leadership, culminating with a final session with an executive coach.
Weeks 9-11
Step 8
Purpose: To Solve Agency Challenge | Focus: On Specialty Area
In Week 9, learners spend four hours in virtual job shadowing with the Analytics team and apply Week 8’s theories. Week 10’s two-day class on Strategic Planning in Federal Agencies introduces strategic academic research and helps learners develop strategic plans for their agency and personally. Week 11 focuses on refining agency challenge solutions and includes virtual job shadowing with the agency’s internal Strategy team to apply strategies learned in Week 10.
Weeks 7-8
Step 7
Purpose: To Increase Knowledge | Focus: On Specialty Area
In Week 7, learners work on their agency's challenge and virtually job-shadow a member of the agency’s internal Budgeting team. This follows theory and application learned in Weeks 5 and 4, respectively. Week 8 introduces the third specialty area, analytics, where learners sharpen their decision-making skills through analytics training.
Week 6
Step 6
Purpose: To Grow Cohesion | Focus: On Leadership
In Week 6, learners receive results from the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and the Hogan Development Survey (HDS), psychometric assessments backed by over 40 years of validated research. These tools highlight how leaders effectively relate to others while at their best, and worst. The week also includes two days dedicated to an advanced problem-solving course.
Weeks 4-5
Step 5
Purpose: To Learn | Focus: On Application
Week 4 involves learners shadowing a member of their agency’s internal Acquisitions team, applying the theory and content explored in Week 3. Cohort students will also have time to research their thought leaders. In Week 5, learners will move on to examine the next specialty area of study, the Federal Budgeting Process.
Weeks 2-3
Step 4
Purpose: To Apply Learning | Focus: On Specialty Area
In Week 2, cohort members will work with their small teams on their agency challenge, while choosing an accountability partner to contribute to an online discussion on leadership development. Week 3 features a 1-day overview class on the federal acquisitions process, facilitated by one of our Federal acquisitions and contracting experts.
Week 1
Step 3
Purpose: To Build Cohesion | Focus: On Leadership
This week provides learners with several experiences that focus on professional perceptions and leveraging storytelling to form deep connections. Learners will have their first session with their executive coach to collectively determine their goals for the MLE program endgame.
While the climb to the top may appear challenging, the New Supervisor Immersion training program will help new and aspiring federal leaders get from here to there – and beyond.
Click on each waypoint to discover how.
Mid-Level Enrichment
Purpose: To Set the Stage
Learners begin with an ECQ-based Competency Assessment, an application essay, and a letter of commitment – signed by both the learner and the learner’s manager. They’ll also get instructions on completing the 360-degree assessment.
Getting Started
Purpose: To Orient
The cohort kickoff offers learners their first opportunity to meet their fellow cohort members, facilitator, and others. Cohort members will learn more about the program and the SoFLE Learning Hub.
Cohort Kickoff
Purpose: To Build Cohesion Focus: On Leadership
This week provides learners with several experiences that focus on professional perceptions and leveraging storytelling to form deep connections. Learners will have their first session with their executive coach to collectively determine their goals for the MLE program endgame.
Week 1
Purpose: To Apply Learning Focus: On Specialty Area
In Week 2, cohort members will work with their small teams on their agency challenge, while choosing an accountability partner to contribute to an online discussion on leadership development. Week 3 features a 1-day overview class on the federal acquisitions process, facilitated by one of our Federal acquisitions and contracting experts.
Weeks 2-3
Purpose: To LearnFocus: On Application
Week 4 involves learners shadowing a member of their agency’s internal Acquisitions team, applying the theory and content explored in Week 3. Cohort students will also have time to research their thought leaders. In Week 5, learners will move on to examine the next specialty area of study, the Federal Budgeting Process.
Weeks 4-5
Purpose: To Grow Cohesion Focus: On Leadership
In Week 6, learners receive results from the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and the Hogan Development Survey (HDS), psychometric assessments backed by over 40 years of validated research. These tools highlight how leaders effectively relate to others while at their best, and worst. The week also includes two days dedicated to an advanced problem-solving course.
Week 6
Purpose: To Increase Knowledge Focus: On Teams
In Week 7, learners work on their agency's challenge and virtually job-shadow a member of the agency’s internal Budgeting team. This follows theory and application learned in Weeks 5 and 4, respectively. Week 8 introduces the third specialty area, analytics, where learners sharpen their decision-making skills through analytics training.
Weeks 7-8
Purpose: To Solve Agency ChallengeFocus: On Specialty Area
In Week 9, learners spend four hours in virtual job shadowing with the Analytics team and apply Week 8’s theories. Week 10’s two-day class on Strategic Planning in Federal Agencies introduces strategic academic research and helps learners develop strategic plans for their agency and personally. Week 11 focuses on refining agency challenge solutions and includes virtual job shadowing with the agency’s internal Strategy team to apply strategies learned in Week 10.
Weeks 9-11
Purpose: To Increase Knowledge
Focus: On Changing Leadership
Week 12 features a three-day course on Leading Organizational Change, exploring the neuroscience of change and effective management strategies. Week 13 involves finalizing group projects, and preparing presentations for senior leadership, culminating with a final session with an executive coach.
Weeks 12-14
Step 9
Week 15—Success!
Step 10
Purpose: To Share Key Learnings | Focus: On Application
Week 15 reconvenes everyone for the program's conclusion. Participants will present their recommendations and service project learnings to senior leadership. The next day, each cohort member will present their reflection paper results.
Purpose: To Share Key Learnings
Focus: On Application
Week 15 reconvenes everyone for the program's conclusion. Participants will present their recommendations and service project learnings to senior leadership. The next day, each cohort member will present their reflection paper results.
Week 15—Success!
Step 10
Begin Journey
Reduce Motion