The U.S. has a preterm birth grade of D+
March of Dimes Report Card
Stay tuned for the release our annual March of Dimes Report Card on November 16, highlighting the latest national and state level data to provide insight into mom and baby health, including our recommended policy actions that can create positive change. Learn more
about your state’s grade by visiting
November is the 20th anniversary of Prematurity Awareness Month—our global spotlight on the current state of maternal and infant health in the U.S. and around the world. We know it’s possible for women to have healthy pregnancies, but the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations to give birth. Together, let’s end preventable preterm birth and help all families have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.
Each year in the U.S.,
1 in 10 babies is born preterm
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We release our annual March of Dimes Report Card on November 16, highlighting the latest national and state level data to provide insight into mom and baby health, including the collective factors that contribute to maternal and infant mortality and morbidity.
Since 2008, March of Dimes has released our Report Card to educate and advocate for better mom and baby outcomes across the U.S., Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.
While it originally focused on only the preterm birth rate, it has evolved to include more indicators to better reflect the state of maternal and infant health in the U.S.
One thing that has remained constant: an alarmingly high preterm birth rate.
We all have a role to play in solving the prematurity crisis in the U.S.
Help us raise awareness by participating in one our many activities and fundraising efforts to reach our goal to end preventable preterm birth.
Light it purple, including your office or home. Wear purple to show your support. Be sure to share your baby photo on social using #WorldPrematurityDay and @marchofdimes.
Take action
Be an advocate for #BlanketChange by calling on legislators to pass The PREEMIE Reauthorization Act of 2023, the Federal government’s commitment to preventing preterm birth and its long-term consequences.
Make an impact
Donate today to help fund lifesaving research and community programs that keep families healthy and strong at
Join us
Partner with March of Dimes to bring greater awareness and resources to fight the maternal and infant health crisis in the U.S. at
Stories that inspire us.
Allison’s Story
After struggling with infertility for almost three years, Allison and John Petersburg got pregnant with twins after multiple rounds of IVF. The babies needed to be delivered by emergency Cesarean birth at 24 weeks—more than three months early. The devastating loss of their baby Lucas stays with them until this day.
Ismael’s Story
When Ismael Torres-Castrodad’s mom was pregnant with him in Puerto Rico, she knew something wasn’t right and was forced to advocate for herself and her baby. The experience had such a profound effect that it shaped Ismael’s life, from him serving as March of Dimes Ambassador to meeting President Obama to studying political science today so he can make real change.
Lauren's Story
More than 20 years ago, Lauren LaRosa was born preterm at 26 weeks and spent 89 days in the NICU. Now her life has come full circle and she’s pursuing a career as a NICU nurse to help families like hers—with mentorship from the same NICU Family Support® Program Coordinator who supported her when she was a baby.
Allison and
Mitch’s Story
After their first round of IVF, Ashley and Mitch Taylor got pregnant. But their excitement soon turned to fear when, at 18 weeks, Ashley’s water broke. Julia was born at 26 weeks, and she fought for her life for six months in the NICU, where her family received so much support from our NICU Family Support® program.
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Join our action network to add your voice
Make a big impact
for all families during
Prematurity Awareness Month.
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See your state's rankings in the 2023 March of Dimes Report Card
This November, together we can take action, raise awareness, and improve the outcome for
moms and babies.
Every November for the past 20 years, we've been raising awareness of preterm birth for the thousands of families who are affected.
Hear stories from real people we have helped.
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