Do you expect it to be easier or more difficult to forecast critical risks three years from now?
Is it easier or more difficult to forecast critical risks today than three years ago?
Others are
on the horizon,
but can’t be ignored.
Fiscal crises
Some are just
around the corner,
one to three years away.
Supply chain
Unemployment or underemployment
Talent availability
Some are here
and now.
technology competition
Incorporating external sources can help you make connections to risks you may not have thought of.
External points of view.
While valuable, overreliance on internal sources can keep some risks hidden.
Your own networking.
senior leaders
the field
Trade/industry publications
For each area below, do you expect your level of investment over the next two years to:
What barriers inhibit your organization’s ability to understand the impact of emerging risks on business strategy and decisions?
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said risk analytics investments will increase over the next two years.
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said cultural/institutional barriers
are the biggest inhibitor.
Where you invest will affect your success regarding emerging risks.
Identifying barriers can help
you address emerging risks.
What sources of information do you rely on to understand the potential impacts that an emerging risk may have on your organization?
External points of view.
Your own networking.
Relying on a variety of information sources —
internal and external — can help you understand broad trends.
From which of the following areas do you think the next critical risks for your organization will emerge?
Others are
on the horizon.
Some are just
around the corner.
Some are here
and now.
So knowing where — and when — critical risks will emerge from is crucial.
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said forecasting risk is going to be
more difficult in three years.
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said forecasting risk is more difficult than it was three years ago.
Forecasting risks is getting harder.
View Other
Communications, Media, and Technology (CMT)
Anticipating Threats and Opportunities Around the Corner: Industry Breakdown
The information presented here is based on data from more than 700 survey responses as well as insights from more than 50 leading risk executives gathered as part of the
2016 Excellence in Risk Management study. The full report contains additional data, insights, and recommendations regarding emerging risks. Click here to read the full report.