This Countdown Ticker is counting down to New Year's Day, 3000.
To adjust the date you are counting down to, edit the
"3000-01-01T00:00:00-05:00" parameter in the custom HTML to reflect your new date.
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Maximize Your Saving
Supplement your savings to help close a potential gap between what you'll need in retirement and what you've saved.
Take Action Now
Calculate the impact on your paycheck and maximize your contributions.
Pair up: Enroll in the COV 457 Plan to supplement your savings.
Choose SmartStep to automatically increase your contributions.
Log into Account Access, select COV 457 Plan, click My Account, then Contributions.
Or call Participant Services at 877-327-5261 (select option 1).
Choose SmartStep
What is SmartStep?
SmartStep helps you save more for retirement with small annual increases to your contribution and less impact to your paycheck.
SmartStep is an easy way to save more for retirement. Once you choose SmartStep, you do not have to log into increase your annual dollar amount contribution each year. SmartStep does the work for you!
Your annual SmartStep increases can really add up overtime, resulting in more money for your future.
Why is it beneficial?
You choose your annual increase dollar amount and which month your increase will occur. You can choose a Pre-tax or Roth (after-tax) amount. Your contribution will increase each year until you reach the maximum annual plan limit.
To view your regular, age 50+ and standard catch-up contribution limit for this year, visit varetire.org/457 and click Plan Info.
How does it work?
Enroll Now!
Close the gap! Save more by contributing to your COV 457 Plan.
Enroll in the COV 457 Plan
Salaried employees enroll online or call 877-DC-PLAN1 (877-327-5261).
To enroll online:
Copyright © MissionSquare 2023. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy Notice.
Click the button below to set up your online access or log in.
Select "Enroll" from the COV 457 Deferred Comp Plan dropdown menu.
Follow the "Enroll" instructions.
Defined Benefit (DB)
Provides a lifetime monthly benefit based on factors such as your years of service and compensation.
Defined Contribution (DC)
Provides a savings balance to draw from in retirement based on contributions and investment performance.
Potential Savings Gap
Here's how much more you may need to save to meet your income needs throughout your retirement years.