Digital Transformation
Under the custom HTML tab in the settings panel, add the following html code:
On pages 2-5, the hotspots over answer options A-D have assigned SDK tags. You can add a tag by opening the SDK panel.
The right cloud-based communications system can be a strategic asset, enabling operations that fuel business success. It allows employees to maintain vital connections with colleagues, partners, suppliers and customers, in turn streamlining internal operations, improving sales efforts and enhancing customer service. But the path to the cloud is different for every organization. Your current business needs and technologies will determine how direct a route you can take. Once you know where you are in your technological evolution process, it will be easier to determine the right path for you. Take this short quiz to find out where your business is on the path to digital transformation.
Find Out Where Your Organization is on the Path to
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Template - SDK Most Common Answer Multi Page Quiz
800px x 1000px
Small (1-100 Employees)
Mid-Size (101-400 Employees)
Enterprise (401+ Employees)
How big is your organisation?
Where are your employees predominantly based?
A bit of both
The office / on-site
We have a legacy on-prem system
We have a business phone system and use apps for messaging and video conferencing
We rely on email and mobiles to communicate
How do your employees and teams collaborate at present?
We’ve already invested in applications for messaging, video conferencing, etc., and are happy with what we have
We use different apps from different providers for messaging, video conferencing, etc., but want to integrate them into our current system
We don't have any yet
Do you use collaboration tools?
We’re heavily invested in our on-prem system, so won’t be making the move anytime soon
We add features to our system as-and-when we need them, based on our plan to modernize our communications technology
We’re still getting value from our on-prem system; cloud migration is our long-term plan
Do you think your business is ready for a cloud-based solution?
We still need to extract value from our current solution
We’re adding-on features to our existing system as-and-when we need them
Our current tech is limited, and we need a new solution
Which of the following best describes your organization’s digital transformation strategy?
I’ve made significant investment in my on-prem system so the cloud will be a long-term play, I just need apps that integrate with my current tech
I need a little more use out of my current system, so let’s start with apps and move to the cloud gradually
I need a whole solution with complete functionality
What does your business need from a cloud solution?
Migrate Like A
You need a communications technology vendor that is both your cheerleader and your coach. One that can push or protect you to ensure you stay competitive and relevant and makes sure you’re able to grow and future-proof your organization. They protect your business objectives and ensure you remain on track to meet the expectations and needs of your leadership team, customers and investors. They’re involved and invested in areas that provide the most promise for your future and are experts in the space of customer experience (CX), digital transformation (DX), cloud services, team collaboration and remote work. Most importantly, “The Protector” is a vendor that will keep your best interests in mind with everything they do, helping you make informed decisions and sound investments.
Learn more about migrating to the cloud in our e-book.
Your ideal match is a communications technology vendor that gives you the freedom to be you and evolve at your own pace. They excel in working with your unique setup to optimize your current state, while providing a foundation for the future. Your unique infrastructure is never a problem, “The Transformer” will recommend solutions to implement today will grow with you tomorrow. “The Transformer” vendor understands the options for third-party integrations and custom-tailored applications, so you stay in control of where your organization is headed on the path towards digital transformation.
Established families have made significant investments in their homes and are unwilling to leave them behind. And as an established business with an existing on-prem system that has not reached end of life, you feel the same. You can continue to extract value from it by integrating advanced cloud features that work with the existing system to leverage agility and cost efficiency and provide the functionality you need.
This hybrid approach may be the longer route on the path of digital transformation, but it gives you time to plan your final move to the cloud.