MoFo lawyers have one compelling mission: to deliver success for our clients. We focus on innovative and strategic solutions for both complex and routine legal issues. Over the years, we have supported many in their growth and development as leading industry players and household brands.
Succeed as One
Driven by Excellence
With a well-established presence in the London market, the MoFo team offers practical advice to enable clients to transact, grow their business, and manage risk. Learn more about the work you can do with us here.
Committed to Service
Conducting research that formed the basis for reports for JUSTICE, a law reform and human rights charity working to reform the UK justice system. These reports have included (1) Achieving Racial Justice at Inquest: A Practitioner’s Guide, and (2) When Things Go Wrong: The Response of the Justice System.
Center for Reproductive Rights
Assisting the Kenya office of the Center for Reproductive Rights in a variety of ways in its mission of advancing reproductive rights and maternal health in Kenya. This has included drafting an amicus brief on an important case at the High Court of Kenya on behalf of an adolescent who died after suffering from complications from an unsafe abortion. The case resulted in a landmark ruling issued by the High Court of Kenya that strengthens access to safe abortion in Kenya, where, on average, seven women and girls die from unsafe abortions every day.
Social Finance
Advising Social Finance, a not-for-profit organisation that partners with the government, the social sector, and the financial community to find better ways to tackle social problems. MoFo has worked with Social Finance on various projects, including structuring a development impact bond focused on decreasing infant mortality in Cameroon
Assisting APPEAL, a charity and law practice that fights miscarriages of justice and advocates for reform of the criminal justice system, in overturning the life sentence of an individual who was wrongfully convicted.
Not Beyond Redemption
Working with Not Beyond Redemption to help mothers who are in prison, or who have left prison, and need legal assistance to maintain their relationships with their children.
Collaborating on disability benefit appeals with Z2K, a London-wide charity working to combat poverty. Since the partnership began in early 2018, numerous members of the London office—including partners, associates, trainees, and paralegals—have worked on cases for low-income, disabled clients who were receiving disability benefits that were inadequate to cover their needs. To date, we have taken on over 100 individual cases, with a success rate of over 90% for those cases that have gone to hearing.
At Morrison Foerster, pro bono work is part of our DNA. Our dedicated pro bono team and our London Pro Bono Committee provide frequent opportunities for London trainees and associates to work on both domestic and international matters, ranging from providing direct services to low-income individuals, to counselling nonprofit organisations, to advising at law clinics. The London office is a member of the Collaborative Plan for Pro Bono in the UK, a law firm-led initiative to promote pro bono work, in which members commit to strive for an average of 25 pro bono hours per attorney, per year in their UK offices.
Examples of work our London-based lawyers have undertaken include: