The Scale of Exascale
Renewable Energy, Flight Technology, and More
How the Next Leap in Supercomputing Will Impact
Department of Energy, can do in 1 second.
exascale supercomputing systems, like the one HPE is building for the
calculation per second, it would take over 6 years to do what
In comparison, if all 7.7 billion people on earth completed one
supercomputing can process one quintillion operations per second.
about to change everything. What makes this one different? Exascale
The next big milestone in supercomputing is almost here, and it’s
aerospace design.
with strides in renewable energy, weather tracking and
Explore how exascale computing will transform daily life
Smarter Renewable Energy
Speaking of the Wind…
activity, and meteorology.
advanced knowledge of geosciences—like climate change, solar
research powered by large, next-generation exascale systems will fuel
The next leap in weather prediction is coming. Weather pattern
The exascale effect.
• Powerful hurricanes and tornadoes
• Flash floods and rising sea levels
• Wildfire risk
• Water supply and drought risks
when and where they occur, including events like:
more precise and more reliable at knowing exactly
patterns will make natural disaster predictions
Leaps in the ability to research earth’s climate
commercial flight are just the beginning.
the applications for renewable energy, weather tracking, and
exascale class supercomputing system comes online soon. And
The next big leap in supercomputing will arrive when the first
change your world—and everyone else’s—here.
Learn more about how exascale supercomputing will
Ready for Takeoff?
structure. That takes a massive amount of computing power...
simulation models that show how air turbulence impacts a plane’s
Engineers tasked with reimagining airplanes are currently reliant on
will take to new heights.
...that exascale computing
aerodynamic and fuel efficient as a result.
entirely different tomorrow and will be more
function, planes as we know it will potentially look
time. With these capabilities to rethink form and
in wing thickness, lengths, and shapes in a lot less
This will let engineers easily and reliably test variations
its impact on airplanes with unparalleled precision.
the fundamental physics behind turbulent airflow and
With access to exascale computing, engineers can test
How the Next Leap in Supercomputing Will Impact
Renewable Energy, Flight Technology, and More
The next big milestone in supercomputing is almost here,
and it’s about to change everything.
What makes this one different?
Exascale supercomputing can process one quintillion operations per second.
In comparison, if all 7.7 billion people on earth completed one calculation per second, it would take over 6 years to do what exascale supercomputing systems can do in 1 second.
Explore how exascale computing will transform daily life with strides in
renewable energy, weather tracking and aerospace design.
Scroll to see the scale of exascale
Exascale supercomputing will maximize the amount of energy we're able to create from renewable resources—like wind energy and wave-generated energy.
Enter exascale
Exascale supercomputing will be able to capture the increasingly complex interactions across large turbine farms.
Modeling capabilities will let engineers see wind patterns with more precision, reliability, and clarity for enhanced optimization.
Supercomputing will also help advance research around how we can produce virtually unlimited energy from water with a massively reduced carbon footprint.
The next leap in weather prediction is coming. Weather pattern research powered by large, next-generation exascale systems will fuel advanced knowledge of geosciences—like climate change, solar activity, and meteorology.
Speaking of the wind...
Leaps in the ability to research earth’s climate patterns will make natural disaster predictions more precise and more reliable at knowing exactly when and where they occur, including events like:
• Water supply and drought risks
• Wildfire risk
• Flash floods and rising sea levels
• Powerful hurricanes and tornadoes
The Exascale effect.
With access to exascale computing, engineers can test the fundamental physics behind turbulent airflow and its impact on airplanes with unparalleled precision.
This will let engineers easily and reliably test variations in wing thickness, lengths, and shapes in a lot less time. With these capabilities to rethink form and function, planes as we know it will potentially look entirely different tomorrow and will be more aerodynamic and fuel efficient
as a result.
...That exascale computing will take to new heights.
Engineers tasked with reimagining airplanes are currently reliant on simulation models that show how air turbulence impacts a plane’s structure. That takes a massive amount of computing power...
Ready For Takeoff?
The next big leap in supercomputing will arrive when the first exascale-class supercomputing system comes online soon.
And the applications for renewable energy, weather tracking, and commercial flight are just the beginning.
Learn more about how exascale supercomputing will change your world—and everyone else’s—here.
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Leaps in the ability to research earth’s climate patterns will make natural disaster predictions more precise and more reliable at knowing exactly when and where they occur, including events like:
• Water supply and drought risks
• Wildfire risk
• Flash floods and rising sea levels
• Powerful hurricanes and tornadoes
Leaps in the ability to research earth’s climate patterns will make natural disaster predictions more precise and more reliable at knowing exactly when and where they occur, including events like:
• Water supply and drought risks
• Wildfire risk
• Flash floods and rising sea levels
• Powerful hurricanes and tornadoes