For more information, contact your local Mutual of America office.
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We offer a full-service platform, backed by a talented and experienced staff. You’ll be able to offer your employees the opportunity to build retirement portfolios the way they want, targeting their unique goals for the future.
All of us at Mutual of America are committed to using our experience and expertise to help you offer a retirement plan that gives your employees a more effective, more valuable way to prepare for tomorrow.
Ready to build a more
valuable retirement plan?
Download the Brochure
Download the Brochure
You should consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the funds carefully before investing. This and other information is contained in the funds’ prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained by calling 800.468.3785 or visiting Read them carefully before investing.
The target date set forth in each Retirement Fund’s name is the approximate date that the fund expects investors to retire and begin withdrawing their account balance. The value of a Retirement Fund is not guaranteed at any time, including at and after the target date. There is no guarantee that a Retirement Fund will correctly predict market or economic conditions, and as with other mutual fund investments, investors may lose money. In addition to a retirement date, individuals should consider their risk tolerance, time horizon, personal circumstances and complete financial situation before investing.
We guarantee that we will credit interest for the life of the contract to amounts in the Interest Accumulation Account of our General Account at a rate at least equal to the greater of (1) any contractual minimum guarantee provided by the contract or (2) the minimum rate required by applicable state law or, if no state law minimum rate is applicable to a contract, the minimum guaranteed credited interest rate will be set pursuant to National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) standard nonforfeiture law. The NAIC minimum rate is determined in accordance with a formula, and cannot be less than 1.00% or more than 3.00% in any event. We determine whether the application of the formula will change the minimum guaranteed rate each November, and any change is effective the following January 1 for that calendar year. In addition, Mutual of America may credit interest to your contract amounts in the Interest Accumulation Account at a higher rate that we declare from time to time and which may increase or decrease at our sole discretion, although we are not obligated to credit interest in excess of the minimum guaranteed rate. If you participate in an existing Tax Deferred Annuity contract, you should refer to it before making a decision because it may have a guaranteed minimum rate in excess of the formula described above and the advertised declared rate. We compound interest daily on your contract amounts in the General Account to produce an effective annual yield that is equal to the stated interest rate.
The performance of the Separate Account investment options is not guaranteed, and any assets allocated to them may decrease or increase in value. For more specific information about our Separate Account investment options, including industry allocations and fund performance, please visit
We help clients offer a more valuable retirement benefit
Mutual of America offers efficient,
cost-effective retirement plan services
Reimagine your retirement plan
Offering you exceptional value, service and support
From our founding in 1945, Mutual of America has been at the forefront of the developments that have enhanced retirement, from defined contribution plans to electronic recordkeeping systems, and much more.
A history of innovation
The success of Mutual of America Financial Group is as much a part of who we are as what we do. Look at our workforce and you’ll find talented professionals known for their experience, skills and commitment to helping people build assets for the future.
People who care
We provide administrative support for complex
benefits arrangements, including multiple plans
sponsored by a single employer and multiple
employer plans.
In-depth skill and expertise
Our team is experienced in designing scalable, cost-effective retirement plans for any size organization.
Well-structured retirement plans
Our work is backed by technology that allows us to
deliver information, guidance and services faster, better and more effectively than ever before.
Strong technology support
With offices across the country, chances are there’s a Mutual of America team nearby. You and your employees are never far from the retirement plan answers you need.
Dedicated local service
Among our clients, you’ll find small, community
organizations and a variety of corporations. This wide experience helps us better tailor our services and support.
Diverse client base
Ask about the value of a retirement plan—most people immediately think of contributions, assets and payouts. While these elements are vital, just as important are the value the plan brings to its participants and the advantages that make the plan easier to administer.
Plans are more valuable when they encourage more and greater participation and provide a wide array of investment funds. They’re more valuable when they provide the potential for investment growth and help manage whatever comes next. This kind of value is needed now more than ever, because:
Retirees are living longer and making the most of their longevity in new and exciting ways.
Assets and income need to do more, for longer
A longer-lived population will need more specialized care as it continues to age, along with the financial resources to pay for it.
Healthcare costs continue to rise
The uncertain future of Social Security, Medicare, taxes and interest rates means that workers need dependable assets of their own to ensure a comfortable retirement.
Government programs and policies are changeable
So, if you want to offer a retirement plan that has the power to scale and adapt as your employees move through their careers and into retirement, then let’s talk. We’ll show you how valuable your retirement benefits can be.
Powerful plan components deliver seamless service and solutions
To be truly efficient and provide maximum value, the elements of a retirement plan need to evolve to best serve the needs of its participants. Mutual of America’s representatives work with you to understand what you want your plan to look like and give you the support you need to provide retirement benefits at a reasonable cost.
Helping you meet your fiduciary obligations
Our investment lineup, capabilities and dedicated support are designed to help you serve the best interests of participants, stay within stated investment policies and deliver value at a fair cost.
Group Account Representative
Primary contact for coordinating plan services.
Service Manager
Primary contact for administrative services.
Participant Account Representative
Conducts group educational seminars and meetings with your employees on a one-on-one basis.
Service Department
Handles inquiries from your authorized benefits and finance staff and from plan participants.
Regional Officer
Responsible for the overall delivery of your plan services.
Elements of a valuable retirement plan
Customized plan design
You’ll be able to design features related to eligibility, minimum age and service requirements, employer contribution levels, contribution types (e.g., Roth), vesting and withdrawal options. Your service team will also meet with you periodically to discuss the plan design and review possible enhancements.
Diverse investment menu
You can choose your retirement plan’s investment
funds from a select group offered by Mutual of America and other well-known investment companies. These funds are chosen for their management, historical performance and suitability for retirement portfolios.
Comprehensive recordkeeping
Fully automated recordkeeping services can scale to any size employee base. You get timely reporting of all plan assets, total participation, portfolio composition and all plan transactions and activities.
Transparent fee schedule
Our fees are clearly explained and easy to understand. You won’t end up paying for optional services you don’t use, and there are no start-up fees. You can also elect to pay certain fees that are normally paid by plan participants.
Complete administrative support
You get comprehensive compliance support, assistance with reporting requirements, document preparation and streamlined management of most back-office functions through our dedicated online plan administration system.
Personalized participant experience
Either in person or online, employees get professionally developed and delivered education on the benefits of the plan and the importance of disciplined saving and investing. Participants get fast, courteous, personalized answers to their retirement plan account questions, both as employees and retirees.
You’re served by a dedicated team of specialists
An investment lineup designed for every stage of the retirement journey
Your employees may have retirements that last 30 years or more. And they’ll join your organization at different stages in their careers. So, your retirement plan needs investment funds that allow participants to build portfolios suited for where they are, where they want to go, how long they see the journey and how much risk they want to take on.
Mutual of America’s flexible investment platform gives you the power to select funds that best suit your plan’s objectives and your participants’ long-term retirement savings goals.
The investment options offered by Mutual of America are appropriate for retirement plan providers and offer plan participants varied choices of investment strategies and styles, including many different risk/return opportunities that allow them to construct retirement portfolios that suit their financial needs and objectives. For those participants who prefer not to construct their own specific mix of investments, we offer several funds designed to simplify the process.
Before an investment company or its fund is added to our platform, we evaluate several essential criteria. We evaluate each fund’s investment process and its potential for attaining repeatable performance. Strong performance results, in the absence of a well-defined investment process, may not be attainable in the future. Another important aspect related to the investment process is the people who implement it. All of the funds on the Mutual of America platform have strong depth with respect to their portfolio management teams, and they have significant research capabilities.
How we choose investment funds
Key investment selection criteria
An internal Investment Committee maintains a rigorous and ongoing oversight process of the funds provided on our platform. This group evaluates any changes in the funds on our menu, including:
And much more. These review processes add additional layers of monitoring to help ensure that fund companies and their managers are continuing to meet the criteria for inclusion in our lineup and are appropriately fulfilling their responsibilities.
For organizations using our flexible mutual fund-based platform, we offer support for outside 3(21) investment advisers and 3(38) investment managers. You can self-select your investment lineup if core asset classes are included.
Wilshire is available as a 3(21) investment adviser and/or as a 3(38) investment manager for plan sponsors who desire outside advice but may not have an existing consultant relationship.
You and your advisers can see performance returns net of all investment fees, so results can be examined on a comparatively equal basis.
Customize your investment approach
Ongoing monitoring and benchmarking
Services that support employees to retirement and beyond
Customized awareness and engagement communications
Clear print and digital messaging explains the importance of saving for retirement and the benefits of tax-advantaged investing through the employer-sponsored retirement plan.
Over the last 75 years, Mutual of America has been privileged to serve plan participants from all over the country, working in many different professions. Every participant touchpoint is designed to help your employees make the most of their retirement plan.
of individuals contributing to a retirement plan feel confident they will have enough money to live comfortably in retirement, versus 39% without a plan.
Source: 2019 Retirement Confidence Survey, EBRI/Greenwald & Associates, April 2019.
On-site and virtual enrollment meetings
Dedicated Participant Account Representatives can explain the specifics of your plan and answer any questions about signing up.
Online account management and planning tools
Participants can manage their accounts quickly and easily at, as well as access tools and information to help encourage prudent saving and investing.
Retirement distributions
At retirement, we make it easy for participants to take distributions—with no surrender charges.* We can also offer participants strategies to help them manage any required minimum distributions.
Financial education
Participants get clear, easy-to-understand explanations of the plan’s investment funds, so they can build portfolios targeted to their goals, time to retirement and risk tolerance.
Processes and procedures to keep your plan running smoothly
We know firsthand the many challenges facing retirement benefits administrators. They spend their days juggling multiple priorities—even multiple roles—at some organizations. That’s why we deliver services that make life easier for HR and Benefits teams and add more value to their retirement plans.
Online billing services
Digital payments make it fast and convenient to remit contributions and repay plan loans.
Our innovative administration technology streamlines and automates most plan functions into clearly defined digital workflows. Its powerful suite of capabilities includes:
Payroll Integration
Eliminates the need for repetitive, manual data entry and provides a secure process for transferring employee information from your payroll file to Mutual of America.
Full compliance services
Timely production of Summary Plan Descriptions and Summaries of Material Modifications, QDIA and Automatic Enrollment notices, valuation reports and compliance testing across the full range of applicable criteria.
Online reports
Generate customizable plan- and participant-level transaction reports that can be easily downloaded in a variety of formats.
Regulatory updates
Receive timely information and reports on legislative and regulatory changes that may affect your plan operations and investments.
Increase employee participation and savings with auto-enrollment and auto-escalation.
Mutual of America offers auto-enrollment to bring employees into the plan, and automatic deferral increases to help them save more.
Clear, straightforward consultation—when and where you need it
Call on your Mutual of America service team for ideas, insight, guidance and answers on any issue concerning your plan’s administration. We’ll also meet with you periodically to evaluate plan health and performance, review progress and discuss any modifications or enhancements you’d like to see.
Elements of a more valuable
retirement plan
Of course, there are many concrete and measurable factors that help Mutual of America enhance the value of a retirement plan for your employees. We also look at value in terms of time and effort saved by your staff, and in the retirement plan’s role in attracting and retaining top talent. Several vitally important elements form the building blocks of that value creation.
Your employees can count on us for practical, useful information on financial wellness, delivered virtually or in person, and customized to your organization.
You’re served by an advanced recordkeeping system that captures data needed for nondiscrimination, top-heavy and participant limit testing, as well as plan audits.
You’ll work directly with a dedicated team that is committed to providing a high level of service and responsiveness.
We can create digital, print and on-premises communications campaigns designed to give your employees a greater understanding of the plan and its many benefits, including how easy it is to enroll.
The investment funds we offer meet our strict retirement investment criteria, including performance, style, manager track record and other factors.
Our team works to understand the objectives you have for your retirement plan, targets key benchmarks and meets with you regularly to assess plan health and discuss any needed changes.
Reimagine your retirement plan
Mutual of America offers efficient, cost-effective retirement plan services
Among our clients, you’ll find small, community
organizations and a variety of corporations. This wide experience helps us better tailor our services and support.
Diverse client base
With offices across the country, chances are there’s a Mutual of America team nearby. You and your employees are never far from the retirement plan answers you need.
Dedicated local service
Our work is backed by technology that allows us to
deliver information, guidance and services faster, better and more effectively than ever before.
Strong technology support
Our team is experienced in designing scalable, cost-effective retirement plans for any size organization.
Well-structured retirement plans
We provide administrative support for complex benefits arrangements, including multiple plans sponsored by a single employer and multiple employer plans.
In-depth skill and expertise
The success of Mutual of America Financial Group is as much a part of who we are as what we do. Look at our workforce and you’ll find talented professionals known for their experience, skills and commitment to helping people build assets for the future.
People who care
From our founding in 1945, Mutual of America has been at the forefront of the developments that have enhanced retirement, from defined contribution plans to electronic recordkeeping systems, and much more.
A history of innovation
Offering you exceptional value, service and support
We help clients offer a more valuable retirement benefit
Ask about the value of a retirement plan—most people immediately think of contributions, assets and payouts. While these elements are vital, just as important are the value the plan brings to its participants and the advantages that make the plan easier to administer.
Plans are more valuable when they encourage more and greater participation and provide a wide array of investment funds. They’re more valuable when they provide the potential for investment growth and help manage whatever comes next. This kind of value is needed now more than ever, because:
The uncertain future of Social Security, Medicare, taxes and interest rates means that workers need dependable assets of their own to ensure a comfortable retirement.
Government programs and policies are changeable
A longer-lived population will need more specialized care as it continues to age, along with the financial resources to pay for it.
Healthcare costs continue to rise
Retirees are living longer and making the most of their longevity in new and exciting ways.
Assets and income need to do more, for longer
Mutual of America is proud to offer a wide variety of retirement plans to public and private organizations nationwide.
So, if you want to offer a retirement plan that has the power to scale and adapt as your employees move through their careers and into retirement, then let’s talk. We’ll show you how valuable your retirement benefits can be.
Powerful plan components deliver seamless service and solutions
Service Department
Handles inquiries from your authorized benefits and finance staff and from plan participants.
Participant Account Representative
Conducts group educational seminars and meetings with your employees on a one-on-one basis.
Service Manager
Primary contact for administrative services.
Group Account Representative
Primary contact for coordinating plan services.
Regional Officer
Responsible for the overall delivery of your plan services.
You’re served by a dedicated team of specialists
To be truly efficient and provide maximum value, the elements of a retirement plan need to evolve to best serve the needs of its participants. Mutual of America’s representatives work with you to understand what you want your plan to look like and give you the support you need to provide retirement benefits at a reasonable cost.
Helping you meet your fiduciary obligations
Our investment lineup, capabilities and dedicated support are designed to help you serve the best interests of participants, stay within stated investment policies and deliver value at a fair cost.
Elements of a valuable retirement plan
Customized plan design
You’ll be able to design features related to eligibility, minimum age and service requirements, employer contribution levels, contribution types (e.g., Roth), vesting and withdrawal options. Your service team
will also meet with you periodically to discuss the
plan design and review possible enhancements.
Diverse investment menu
You can choose your retirement plan’s investment
funds from a select group offered by Mutual of America and other well-known investment
companies. These funds are chosen for their management, historical performance and
suitability for retirement portfolios.
Comprehensive recordkeeping
Fully automated recordkeeping services can scale to any size employee base. You get timely reporting of all plan assets, total participation, portfolio composition and all plan transactions and activities.
Transparent fee schedule
Our fees are clearly explained and easy to understand. You won’t end up paying for optional services you don’t use, and there are no start-up fees. You can also elect to pay certain fees that are normally paid by plan participants.
Complete administrative support
You get comprehensive compliance support, assistance with reporting requirements, document preparation and streamlined management of most back-office functions through our dedicated online plan administration system.
Personalized participant experience
Either in person or online, employees get professionally developed and delivered education on the benefits of the plan and the importance of disciplined saving and investing. Participants get fast, courteous, personalized answers to their retirement plan account questions, both as employees and retirees.
An investment lineup designed for every stage of the retirement journey
Your employees may have retirements that last 30 years or more. And they’ll join your organization at different stages in their careers. So, your retirement plan needs investment funds that allow participants to build portfolios suited for where they are, where they want to go, how long they see the journey and how much risk they want to take on.
Mutual of America’s flexible investment platform gives you the power to select funds that best suit your plan’s objectives and your participants’ long-term retirement savings goals.
The investment options offered by Mutual of America are appropriate for retirement plan providers and offer plan participants varied choices of investment strategies and styles, including many different risk/return opportunities that allow them to construct retirement portfolios that suit their financial needs and objectives. For those participants who prefer not to construct their own specific mix of investments, we offer several funds designed to simplify the process.
Before an investment company or its fund is added to our platform, we evaluate several essential criteria. We evaluate each fund’s investment process and its potential for attaining repeatable performance. Strong performance results, in the absence of a well-defined investment process, may not be attainable in the future. Another important aspect related to the investment process is the people who implement it. All of the funds on the Mutual of America platform have strong depth with respect to their portfolio management teams, and they have significant research capabilities.
How we choose investment funds
Key investment selection criteria
An internal Investment Committee maintains a rigorous and ongoing oversight process of the funds provided on our platform. This group evaluates any changes in the funds on our menu, including:
And much more. These review processes add additional layers of monitoring to help ensure that fund companies and their managers are continuing to meet the criteria for inclusion in our lineup and are appropriately fulfilling their responsibilities.
• Key investment personnel
• Investment process
• Category and style of the fund
• Fit within the mix of existing funds and managers
• Investment policy and objectives of the fund
• Management fees
• Expertise, reputation and stability of the investment team
• Competitive historical fund performance
• Adherence to the fund’s stated investment objectives and style
• Effectiveness of the investment managers’ research
For organizations using our flexible mutual fund-based platform, we offer support for outside 3(21) investment advisers and 3(38) investment managers. You can self-select your investment lineup if core asset classes are included.
Wilshire is available as a 3(21) investment adviser and/or as a 3(38) investment manager for plan sponsors who desire outside advice but may not have an existing consultant relationship.
You and your advisers can see performance returns net of all investment fees, so results can be examined on a comparatively equal basis.
Customize your investment approach
Ongoing monitoring and benchmarking
• Relative performance
• Performance attribution
Services that support employees to retirement and beyond
Financial education
Participants get clear, easy-to-understand explanations of the plan’s investment funds, so they can build portfolios targeted to their goals, time to retirement and risk tolerance.
Retirement distributions
At retirement, we make it easy for participants to take distributions—with no surrender charges.* We can also offer participants strategies to help them manage any required minimum distributions.
Online account management and planning tools
Participants can manage their accounts quickly and easily at, as well as access tools and information to help encourage prudent saving and investing.
On-site and virtual enrollment meetings
Dedicated Participant Account Representatives can explain the specifics of your plan and answer any questions about signing up.
Customized awareness and engagement communications
Clear print and digital messaging explains the importance of saving for retirement and the benefits of tax-advantaged investing through the employer-sponsored retirement plan.
Over the last 75 years, Mutual of America has been privileged to serve plan participants from all over the country, working in many different professions. Every participant touchpoint is designed to help your employees make the most of their retirement plan.
of individuals contributing to a retirement plan feel confident they will have enough money to live comfortably in retirement, versus 39% without a plan.
Source: 2019 Retirement Confidence Survey, EBRI/Greenwald & Associates, April 2019.
Regulatory updates
Receive timely information and reports on legislative and regulatory changes that may affect your plan operations and investments.
Online reports
Generate customizable plan- and participant-level transaction reports that can be easily downloaded in a variety of formats.
Full compliance services
Timely production of Summary Plan Descriptions and Summaries of Material Modifications, QDIA and Automatic Enrollment notices, valuation reports and compliance testing across the full range of applicable criteria.
Payroll Integration
Eliminates the need for repetitive, manual data entry and provides a secure process for transferring employee information from your payroll file to Mutual of America.
Online billing services
Digital payments make it fast and convenient to remit contributions and repay plan loans.
Processes and procedures to keep your plan running smoothly
We know firsthand the many challenges facing retirement benefits administrators. They spend their days juggling multiple priorities—even multiple roles—at some organizations. That’s why we deliver services that make life easier for HR and Benefits teams and add more value to their retirement plans.
Our innovative administration technology streamlines and automates most plan functions into clearly defined digital workflows. Its powerful suite of capabilities includes:
Clear, straightforward consultation—when and where you need it
Call on your Mutual of America service team for ideas, insight, guidance and answers on any issue concerning your plan’s administration. We’ll also meet with you periodically to evaluate plan health and performance, review progress and discuss any modifications or enhancements you’d like to see.
Increase employee participation and savings with auto-enrollment and auto-escalation.
Mutual of America offers auto-enrollment to bring employees into the plan, and automatic deferral increases to help them save more.
Elements of a more valuable retirement plan
Of course, there are many concrete and measurable factors that help Mutual of America enhance the value of a retirement plan for your employees. We also look at value in terms of time and effort saved by your staff, and in the retirement plan’s role in attracting and retaining top talent. Several vitally important elements form the building blocks of that value creation.
Our team works to understand the objectives you have for your retirement plan, targets key benchmarks and meets with you regularly to assess plan health and discuss any needed changes.
The investment funds we offer meet our strict retirement investment criteria, including performance, style, manager track record and other factors.
We can create digital, print and on-premises communications campaigns designed to give your employees a greater understanding of the plan and its many benefits, including how easy it is to enroll.
Your employees can count on us for practical, useful information on financial wellness, delivered virtually or in person, and customized to your organization.
You’re served by an advanced recordkeeping system that captures data needed for nondiscrimination, top-heavy and participant limit testing, as well as plan audits.
You’ll work directly with a dedicated team that is committed
to providing a high level of service and responsiveness.
Mutual of America is proud to offer a wide variety of retirement plans to public and private organizations nationwide.
*Generally, withdrawals are subject to income tax at your ordinary income tax rate at the time of withdrawal, and if made prior to age 59½, a 10% federal tax penalty.
*Generally, withdrawals are subject to income tax at your ordinary income tax rate at the time of withdrawal, and if made prior to age 59½, a 10% federal tax penalty.
Connect with us:
Do you have retirement plan accounts with former employers or IRAs with different financial institutions? You may be able to save time, money and effort by transferring your retirement savings from other retirement plans or IRAs into your Mutual of America retirement plan account or IRA, a variable annuity contract. You’ll receive one convenient quarterly statement, and you can manage your account anytime at
Before making a transfer, you should review the accounts you have with other providers to determine the fees and expenses you currently pay and whether there are any surrender charges that may result and to ensure that it is in your best interest to transfer your other accounts to your current plan.
Ready to build a more
valuable retirement plan?
You should consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the funds carefully before investing. This and other information is contained in the funds’ prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained by calling 800.468.3785 or visiting Read them carefully before investing.
For more information, contact your local Mutual of America office.
Call Now
Download the Brochure
Category and style of the fund
Fit within the mix of existing funds and managers
Investment policy and objectives of the fund
Management fees
Expertise, reputation and stability of the investment team
Competitive historical fund performance
Adherence to the fund’s stated investment objectives and style
Effectiveness of the investment managers’ research
Key investment personnel
Investment process
Relative performance
Performance attribution
Securities offered by Mutual of America Securities LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, marketed under the Mutual of America Financial Group brand.
320 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022-6839 • 800.468.3785 •