Energy news for our
electric and gas customers
Albany, NY family tries every energy-saving program. Here are their results.
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Supporting our customers and communities.
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Electric Emergency
Customer Service
Energy news for our
electric and gas customers
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Electric Emergency
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Helen Burt
Chief Customer Officer
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Vegetation management is a critical part of protecting our customers and communities from outages, keeping everyone safe and protecting the environment. Knowing as much as possible about what’s growing near electric lines is critical.
Taking to the skies for electric reliability
With thousands of miles of lines to inspect, we’re turning to satellite data to help identify possible trouble spots and predict vegetation growth up to five years in advance.
Trees falling on power lines are the biggest cause of electric outages during storms.
Learn more about our tree trimming programs.
McSwiggan’s Pub and Restaurant, nestled in the heart of Weymouth, Massachusetts faced surging costs while reopening after the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s when our energy efficiency team stepped in by helping the business transition from natural gas to electric and save.
Small Business Spotlight
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Big opportunities for
small businesses
Providing help and
hope for a local community center
We are thankful for
our customers and communities.
Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to join with Emmy award-winning George Oliphant and his team of top “George to the Rescue” designers as they helped renovate the Hope 7 Community Center in Troy, NY.
About Hope 7 Community Center
Hope 7 Community Center was established in 1968 in a former firehouse, known as Hope 7. Today, it continues to provide community programs such as a food pantry, after-school programs and summer camps.
Providing help and hope for a
local community center
Our Energy Efficiency Small Business Program helped the Town of Chester, on the eastern edge of The Adirondacks, upgrade the lighting in its bustling town hall at an affordable price—leading to energy savings and health benefits for the community.
Learn how energy efficiency upgrades can help
your small business or organization.
Big opportunities for small businesses
A message of gratitude for our customers
We’re here to help you manage your energy bills with our Customer Savings Initiative.
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Copyright © 2023 National Grid
CM9686 UNY Comm (11/23)
About George to the Rescue TV Show
George to the Rescue is a heartwarming NBC renovation series hosted by Emmy award-
winning George Oliphant, a skilled contractor who uses his talent and a team of top designers
to renovate projects for families and businesses across the country that could use it the most.
In its 14th season, George to the Rescue reminds us of all about the power of community and what can be accomplished when uniting for the greater good.
Watch the full episode >
Thanks to our partnership with the 'George to the Rescue' team and the support of many throughout the community the center received energy-efficiency measures to help reduce energy use throughout building and improvements to indoor and outdoor spaces.
In this season of gratitude, we’d like to pause and say thank you
for being our customer. We are grateful for the opportunity to deliver your energy, and to let you know we’re here if you need us.
The strength of our communities
is directly linked to the success of our local businesses, and we are committed to being your partner
in progress. To that end, our Customer Savings Initiative will continue throughout the upcoming winter, connecting you with resources to help your business reduce energy usage and better manage your energy bills.
On behalf of everyone here at National Grid, we wish you a
happy and safe Thanksgiving.
Finding support for your business
Our small business programs can help your business grow. Learn about energy-saving equipment and incentives.
Learn more

Off the grid
Project C:
Our communities, our commitment
More ways to save
• Save on water heating costs by installing pipe insulation on hot water lines.
• Purchase an ENERGY STAR® certified programmable thermostat to save energy and
easily program and control the temperature of your home, no matter where you are.
• Get incentives for qualified thermostats by participating in our ConnectedSolutions program.
• Explore low- and no-cost energy efficient products for your home and take advantage of
instant rebates at our National Grid Marketplace.
safety reminders
More safety tips
Stay safe from carbon monoxide buildup
Carbon monoxide buildup can be especially severe during the coldest weather, when homes are closed up and heating equipment runs much of the time.
Carbon monoxide poisoning can feel like the flu and, if undetected, can lead to unconsciousness and even be deadly. Those most at risk are elderly people, children, someone who is or has been ill, and anyone who spends most of the time indoors during colder weather.
Depending on how long exposure goes unchecked, symptoms can include:
• Headaches
• Dizziness
• Weakness
• Nausea
• Confusion
• Sleepiness
• Redness of the skin
• Tightness of the chest
• Fluttering of the heart
• Loss of muscle control
If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning:
• Seek fresh air and remain outside. Take everyone with you, including pets.
• Call 911 or your local fire department.
• Seek medical attention immediately.
To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning:
• Have all heating equipment checked yearly by a professional
• Install at least one UL-listed CO detector in your home near bedrooms
• Never use a gas range for heating
• Never use a generator indoors
Financial assistance
and other help
to manage
your bill
Click for more
Automated payment options save time – and you’ll receive a one-time $3 credit on your bill within 60 days of your enrollment.
It’s easy to get started – choose the option that works best for you:
Pay by Bank Account
Use your checking or savings account to make a payment*.
*You’ll need to register for an account profile to pay your bill online. See
Sign up for automated payments for one less thing
on your to-do list
Schedule automated payments from your bank account.
Automated Payments