Momentous Challenges Require Certainty
The ECONOMICS that is beyond reproach. The EXPERTS you need. The EXPERIENCE you rely on.
What’s at stake?
Our response
How we do it
Our impact
What’s at stake?
Our response
How we do it
Our impact
What’s at stake?
Competition, regulation, public policy, strategy, finance, and litigation are high-stakes and high-pressure matters with billions of dollars on the line and the potential to transform companies, economies, and judicial and regulatory systems.
When future-shaping decisions like these can last a lifetime—or more—and the wrong move could be disastrous, how can you be sure the decision you’re making is the best one?
Tomorrow’s outcome hinges on today’s decision.
When the stakes are high and the issues complex, decision-making based on biases, poor analysis, incomplete data, or guesswork can have damaging and irrevocable consequences.
Good decisions come from deep experience and data—not presumption or paid results. You need to be assured that the information and recommendations you’re acting on are beyond reproach. With a proven track record of best-in-class analysis and an obsession with precision, we provide that assurance.
We have the EXPERIENCE you rely on.
Your biggest challenges demand the
most unassailable analysis.
Our response
We use highly customized approaches and innovative solutions to get to the truth around future-making matters and deliver unbiased and defensible findings. But don’t just take our word for it. Our findings and guidance have been tested in courts, arbitration venues, and regulatory reviews around the world. We welcome scrutiny because the rigor of our work is unparalleled.
Even the most uncompromising analysis can have impact only if it is understandable. Our reputation is built on making complex economics clear to judges, juries, regulators, policymakers, and business leaders.
We have the EXPERTS you need.
We take extraordinary measures to ensure
you make a sound decision.
How we do it
The data and our approach to it allow us to confront the most serious and impactful legal, regulatory, and market challenges. Get the proof-positive you need to make your most important decisions—decisions you can trust and others will abide by.
Our clients know their businesses. Their counsel knows the law. We know the ECONOMICS.
Confident decisions grounded in clear economics.
Our impact
What’s at stake?
The ECONOMICS that is
beyond reproach.
The EXPERTS you need.
The EXPERIENCE you rely on.
Momentous Challenges
Require Certainty
The ECONOMICS that is
beyond reproach.
The EXPERTS you need.
The EXPERIENCE you rely on.
Momentous Challenges
Require Certainty