Expertise Center
Exploring solutions in sustainable food production and clean label
Sustainable food systems
Take a video journey with us through the stevia supply chain and learn how producing a sustainable label-friendly ingredient, from seed to shelf, requires a systems approach and long-term commitments to relationships throughout the supply chain, from the ground up.
Sugar consumption in the typical Western diet is beyond recommended levels of 10% of daily calories, as recommended by the WHO. Coupled with an understanding that too much sugar may produce health consequences, food and beverage formulators need solutions for sugar reduction while meeting consumer flavor and texture expectations.
Sugar reduction: A competitive advantage
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Increased consumer interest in fermented foods is inspiring innovation in fermentation processes. Learn more about today’s market for fermented products and why products produced with ingredients derived from fermentation are providing new product development possibilities.
Fermentation: An age-old process refined
Research & special reports
Today’s consumers may be more interested in what’s not included in a product, than what is. “Hold the gluten.” “No dairy, please.” “I avoid products with artificial ingredients.” – Learn why “free-from” foods have had one of the most astounding rises in food product trends.
Free-from foods: Why they’re here to stay
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