DAWN, developed by Nous’ Data and Analytics team, contains socio-economic and human capital data that provides rich insights into the labour market and the economy.
Gain an analytics edge using Data Assets Warehouse for Nous (DAWN)
We live in an age of abundant data
Peter Ellis
Chief Data Scientist
David Diviny
Joy Horng
Senior Data Scientist
Meet JOY
Peter Ellis combines extensive leadership and change management experience in the Australian and New Zealand public sectors with cutting-edge skills in data science and applied statistics. His specialty is helping organisations change and build capability to effectively manage, analyse and present data for better business decisions.
David Diviny is an education sector and data analytics expert at Nous. He has worked with senior leaders from over five universities and state education departments regularly over the last four years. He brings particular strength in the development of effective strategies in changing regulated competitive markets, particularly in higher education.
Joy Horng is an experienced project manager who specialises in data mining, modelling and data strategy development. She has worked with state and federal agencies, as well as education, skills and financial services clients. Joy is passionate about data storytelling to different audiences, using tailored and compelling visualisations.
Data is coming to the forefront of decision-making in many fields. In our experience, clients first need an effective data pipeline, a good-quality data warehouse and sound approaches to statistical inference. When the time comes for big data, effective use depends on this solid foundation, which we see when we use large, non-traditional datasets or artificial intelligence tools.
DAWN shows the power of integrating data sets to solve policy challenges. It is an expandable and flexible database platform populated with data that is ready for use. It brings together datasets together with a common data model, so as new data sets are added they are automatically linkable with other datasets in DAWN.
Data sets are cleaned and checked, so once they are stored they can be used multiple times. This means we can generate analysis rapidly, much more quickly than if we were starting from scratch.
DAWN is an SQL Server database hosted on Microsoft’s Azure cloud services. The design follows dimensional modelling principles, which is best practice for an analytical warehouse. The server is in Sydney, meaning there are no data sovereignty issues for Australian clients.
We use cutting-edge forecasting and machine learning methods in tools, including R and H2O.ai to enhance the data for downstream use as it is loaded into DAWN.
How it works
DAWN has been used to support organisations in many sectors
DAWN helped a state’s construction sector to understand the paths taken by apprentices and trainees through the education and training system, and the relationship of skills supply and demand to industry growth and quality of work.
A government agency to understand current and forecast supply and demand for skills to improve resource allocation to vocational education programs.
DAWN helped a university to understand its actual and potential market share of students, organised by commuting distance from a proposed campus, and to identify which disciplines should be its focus.
Key insights
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of jobs were receptionisits
The Nous Recovery Monitor is a dashboard of real-time data that charts Australia’s progress through COVID-19. The Recovery Monitor features data on industry impacts, employer demands, government procurement, business sentiment, online search patterns, and COVID-19 illness and fatalities. (The Nous Recovery Monitor was decommissioned in 2023.)
Each set of data in the Recovery Monitor tells a story about the recovery. For example, a real-time tracking of job advertisements, prepared in partnership with Burning Glass Technologies, shows that by the middle of 2021 the number of job advertisements was the highest in more than a year, up almost 40 per cent on a year earlier:
Insights like these allow policymakers to see the impact of policies on different parts of the community so they can respond in ways that are timely and effective.
Many of the jobs most impacted by social distancing were held by women
Sales Assistant
Retail Managers
% of females
540,000 ppl
139,000 ppl
153,000 ppl
170,000 ppl
235,000 ppl
DAWN has been used in projects across many sectors, enabling Nous to create interactive dashboards that allow users to explore new insights. Our dashboards are visually compelling presentations of real-time data that help users identify emerging trends as they happen.
Dashboards reveal insights in real time
Near-time daily data on job advertisements
Census data, including income, religion, education and socio-economic status by statistical area
Nous’ employment forecasts to 2024 by detailed geographies, occupation and industry
Detailed data on higher education and vocational education and training, including enrolments and university rankings
Mapping of the relationship between field of education and advertised roles in job advertisements
ASX200 companies’ performance data
DAWN brings together
Get in touch
“Buzzwords relating to machine learning and big data are common. But in our experience, clients first need an effective data pipeline, a good-quality data warehouse and sound approaches to statistical inference. When the time comes for big data, effective use depends on this solid foundation, which we see when we use large, non-traditional datasets or artificial intelligence tools.”
David Diviny
Chief Data Scientist
Every organisation has at its disposal terabytes of data but making sense of it – and deriving insights that can drive action – is a challenge that can quickly overwhelm the best of intentions.
To meet this challenge, we have developed the Data Assets Warehouse for Nous (DAWN), a data warehouse that brings together proprietary data and public information to facilitate rapid analysis for consulting teams on projects. DAWN enables Nous’ consultants to hit the ground running and rapidly provide insight from already cleaned and processed data that is ready to use on projects.
GEt in touch
Contact us to discuss how DAWN can help you use data to inform their strategic decisions
Get in touch
Using employment market data to generate value for students and universities
Digital tools help Vinnies provide rapid support during bushfires
Data analysis helps the New South Wales Department
Data is good, data skills are better and a data skills plan is best
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“Nous’ analytical experience working with large and complex data sets enabled it to quickly integrate many data sources into an effective dashboard. Nous collaborated with key stakeholders to understand our needs and refined the initial prototype to ensure the final product had the required flexibility.”
Michelle Farrugia, RMIT strategy office
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“The challenge put to Nous was to provide data that would inform the Society’s service delivery and have a positive impact. The data Nous provided allowed us to do just that and is still being utilised today in our work supporting communities as they recover and rebuild.”
Elaine Griffin, St Vincent de Paul Society
Business workforce profiles by gender and role
Social media activity from the largest firms and organisations in Australia
Historical employment data
Data in DAWN is available at a detailed geographical level
DAWN enables Nous consultants to access data at the most detailed geographic level possible. This detailed geographical data is either sourced from statistical agencies including the Australian Bureau of Statistics or estimated by Nous using statistical techniques such as iterative proportional fitting.
Using DAWN to generate new insights
Detailed geographical data enables Nous to understand the regional variation across different geographies.
Pre-pandemic = 100
Athol Whitten
Athol is a data analytics expert with extensive experience in mathematical and statistical modelling, simulation and analysis in a range of sectors. He has successfully applied these skills to improve strategy, modelling and management of key public systems and resources throughout Australia and the United States.
David Diviny
Chief Data Scientist
David is an education sector and data analytics expert at Nous. He has worked with senior leaders from over five universities and state education departments regularly over the last four years.
Mateja Hawley
Mateja has extensive experience managing complex analytical and digital projects, often characterised by comprehensive stakeholder engagement, in the government, education, utilities, health and resources sectors.
Paul Geil
Senior Data Scientist
Paul is a data analytics expert with extensive experience in simulation, mathematical modelling, statistical analysis and data visualisation in a range of sectors.
Cornelia Chong
Cornelia has more than five years of experience designing and project managing major infrastructure projects.
In Melbourne she has worked on projects ranging from road and rail construction to utility relocation.
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Data analysis helps the New South Wales Department
Using employment market data to generate value for students and universities
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Using employment market data to generate value for students and universities
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Digital tools help Vinnies provide rapid support during bushfires
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Data is good, data skills are better and a data skills plan is best
Detailed geographical data enables Nous to understand the regional variation across different geographies.