We developed a CER strategy and portfolio of integrated CER opportunities in attractive markets, including EV infrastructure, VPPs, battery storage, metering and technology platforms, where the firm could have a sustainable competitive edge.
Growth strategy to capture opportunities in Consumer Energy Resources (CER)
We conducted an independent economic impact assessment of the Westerns Renewable Link (formerly known as the Western Victoria Transmission Network) to inform planning approvals. We identified effects on local communities, potential mitigation and benefit-sharing measures, and the broader impact on economies of Victoria and the rest of the National Electricity Market states.
Assessing the economic impacts of Western Renewables Link
We developed an onshore renewable portfolio growth strategy, building from assessment of the on-grid and off-grid markets in Australia and New Zealand. The strategy defined the optimal investment strategy to balance risk, speed and return.
Renewable asset growth strategy for a developer backed by large institutional investors
In an Australian-first study, the Victorian Government engaged Nous and a GHD-led consortium to assess the potential for an offshore wind sector in Victoria. We underpinned our case with estimation of Victoria’s net zero energy demand, analysis of the likely land use and social licence impacts, and comparison of alternative large-scale options for decarbonisation.
Determining the potential of offshore wind in Victoria
Net Zero Australia is a multi-year collaboration to analyse in unprecedented detail various scenarios for Australia to achieve net zero by 2050. In a partnership with Melbourne, Queensland and Princeton Universities, we are leading work to assess options for mobilising decarbonisation investment and public support to complement the modelling.
Net Zero Australia collaboration unites academia, practitioners
We developed a strategy to grow market share in core and adjacent markets, we identified priority customer segments, designed the future product portfolio and helped build the capabilities to deliver.
Retail strategy for renewable gen-tailer