Improving our communities’ lives while preserving our environment remains a fundamental energy sector challenge: we must rethink how we source our heating, cooling, lighting, mobility and products made from petrochemicals through an orderly and well-planned transition.
The challenges to improve mental health can seem overwhelming – from insufficient services to lack of integration and difficulty navigating services for consumers, carers and families. It is essential to take a system-wide approach to action, including at the service level.
How can the energy sector transition to net zero and meet the diverse needs of consumers?
Our team of strategy and policy practitioners, engineers, scientists, economists, data scientists and organisational psychologists, with a mix of commercial, government and consulting expertise, bring depth across all aspects of the energy system.
Tim Orton, Managing Principal & CEO
Our approach
Our team
Our work
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Nous stands ready to help you reshape the mental health system through:
Meet our energy experts
Tim Orton
Managing Principal & CEO
Tim is a sought-after strategist and the Managing Principal and CEO of Nous Group. He has led the business through 25 years of uninterrupted growth including expansion across Australia, the UK and now North America. Tim has led strategy work for network businesses, energy retailers and generators for over 20 years.
Contact Nous Group to discuss how we can help your organisation meet changing energy consumer demands.
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Richard Bolt
Richard joined Nous after a diverse career in public advocacy and government. He formerly run Victorian Government departments across energy, resources, transport, jobs and economic development. He holds lead roles in national carbon and energy policy reform and driving technology innovation in energy, resources and agriculture. He is on the Steering Committee of Net Zero Australia.
Simon, a PhD economist, leads’ Nous Sustainable Development sector covering energy, decarbonisation, resources, environment, planning, transport and water. The breath of his energy work covers supporting national energy bodies understand the big shifts in Australia’s energy transition through to supporting renewable energy developers get projects off the ground.
Craig Knox Lyttle
Craig brings over 30 years of global experience helping clients thrive in continuously changing and complex operating environments. Craig has worked with energy and mining companies, regulators, economic development agencies and regional and remote communities, helping them transform the way they work to adapt to change and maintain social licence.
Mohamed Daif
Mohamed is a strategy, investment and innovation expert. He works extensively on energy transition with developers, networks, retailers, investors and governments. His work strategies for new energy markets including storage and DER, commercial analysis and investment attraction. Mohamed has worked in the energy sector in Australia, Europe and the Middle East.
Mateja Hawley
Mateja brings more than 10 years of experience in supporting organisations in energy and related sectors adapt their operating models to deliver on their strategy and decarbonisation objectives. With background in engineering and procurement, she provides practical and implementable strategic advice across all sectors.
Megan Huisman
Megan is an organisational performance expert, covering leadership development, operating and service model design, workforce strategy, and transformation design and implementation. Megan has an excellent track record in successfully building new organisational capabilities and high-performing teams, as well as delivering complex
structural change.
Tom Strawhorn
Tom is an expert in energy and decarbonisation, and what the net zero transition means for businesses, governments and Australians. His energy work includes developing growth strategies, providing commercial and procurement advice and co-authoring the Net Zero Australia study.
Simon Guttmann
Pathways to Net Zero: The challenge of decarbonising households
Pathways to Net Zero: The challenge of decarbonising business and industry
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System planning and design
Engagement and co-design
Service redesign and integration
Monitoring and evaluation
The transition to net zero is the challenge of our time. The energy sector both needs to drive its own decarbonisation. It must also support the decarbonisation of the broader economy.
At the same time, technological change is creating new opportunities for consumers to manage their own energy supply and demand.
The benefits offered by these changes are immense. To achieve them requires a new level of cooperation, innovation and leadership across the public and private sectors.
Pathways to Net Zero: The challenge of decarbonising households
Pathways to Net Zero: The challenge of decarbonising business and industry
Our Approach
Our People
Pathways to Net Zero: Funding the enabling infrastructure
Pathways to Net Zero: Funding the enabling infrastructure
We identify the opportunities for your success and give practical advice to companies and governments.
The net zero transformation that is now underway will change lives and landscapes like no policy has done before. It will need an unprecedented partnership of government, business and communities to make it effective and fair.
Richard Bolt, Principal
Families and communities:
the interpersonal relationships between individuals and the social networks that can influence behaviours, and the relationships between the built environment in neighbourhoods and communities.
Organisations and services:
the organisations and services that support people with complex mental health needs. These may be mental health-specific services, other health services, or social services such as housing or employment services. In Australia these can be delivered by the public, private or not-for-profit sector.
Social and policy environment:
broader society, including the laws and policies (or lack of policies). Actions that influence this level include advocacy and awareness-raising.
the characteristics of individuals that influence behaviour and risk factors, such as knowledge, attitudes, culture, values, gender age, economic status, goals and more.
Individual factors such as age, education, income, cultural background
Schools & workplaces
Family and community
Mental health services
Interpersonal relationships
Other health and social services and supports
State and Commonwealth agencies
Health, economic, education and social policies
Age, education, income, cultural background
Service providers need to consider the delivery of their services, with specific consideration to:
• Lived experience and peer workers are central to the community mental health workforce
• Wrap-around, holistic, integrated services,
and service navigation are essential to achieving positive outcomes.
Learn more about Richard
Learn more about Richard
Learn more about Tim
Learn more aboutTim
Market and opportunity analysis
Corporate and business strategies
Assessment and design of new products and services
Go-to-market strategies and implementation planning
Scenario planning
We developed a CER strategy and portfolio of integrated CER opportunities in attractive markets, including EV infrastructure, VPPs, battery storage, metering and technology platforms, where the firm could have a sustainable competitive edge.
Growth strategy to capture opportunities in Consumer Energy Resources (CER)
We conducted an independent economic impact assessment of the Westerns Renewable Link (formerly known as the Western Victoria Transmission Network) to inform planning approvals. We identified effects on local communities, potential mitigation and benefit-sharing measures, and the broader impact on economies of Victoria and the rest of the National Electricity Market states.
Assessing the economic impacts of Western Renewables Link
We developed an onshore renewable portfolio growth strategy, building from assessment of the on-grid and off-grid markets in Australia and New Zealand. The strategy defined the optimal investment strategy to balance risk, speed and return.
Renewable asset growth strategy for a developer backed by large institutional investors
In an Australian-first study, the Victorian Government engaged Nous and a GHD-led consortium to assess the potential for an offshore wind sector in Victoria. We underpinned our case with estimation of Victoria’s net zero energy demand, analysis of the likely land use and social licence impacts, and comparison of alternative large-scale options for decarbonisation.
Determining the potential of offshore wind in Victoria
Net Zero Australia is a multi-year collaboration to analyse in unprecedented detail various scenarios for Australia to achieve net zero by 2050. In a partnership with Melbourne, Queensland and Princeton Universities, we are leading work to assess options for mobilising decarbonisation investment and public support to complement the modelling.
Net Zero Australia collaboration unites academia, practitioners
We developed a strategy to grow market share in core and adjacent markets, we identified priority customer segments, designed the future product portfolio and helped build the capabilities to deliver.
Retail strategy for renewable gen-tailer
We have successfully applied this approach with many clients
Operating model and organisational design
Process and system design and optimisation
Procurement strategy and commercial reviews
Business transformation and restructuring
Strategic workforce planning and future skills
Cultural change
Capability and leadership development
Workforce design
Data strategy and capability
Demand and supply market models
Workforce projections and analysis
Economic data analysis and insights
Energy system transition
Decarbonisation and net-zero policy
Customer protection
Regulatory review, design, and optimisation
Stakeholder engagement planning and Implementation
Development of strategies to achieve social acceptance
Design for partnerships with traditional owners
Land Use and Participation agreements
Pathways to Net Zero: Speeding up the planning and environmental assessment process
Pathways to Net Zero: Redefining Australia’s approach to building social licence
The race to carbon-neutral is on – we need ambition, wisdom and collaboration to get there safely
Pathways to Net Zero: Speeding up the planning and environmental assessment process
Pathways to Net Zero: Redefining Australia’s approach to building social licence
The race to carbon-neutral is on – we need ambition, wisdom and collaboration to get there safely
Pathways to Net Zero: Speeding up the planning and environmental assessment process
Pathways to Net Zero: Redefining Australia’s approach to building social licence
The race to carbon-neutral is on – we need ambition, wisdom and collaboration to get there safely