The data will give you reliable answers to big questions about your university’s administrative resourcing:
What is the true cost and capacity for delivering admin functions across the university?
What is the end-to-end delivery cost of a particular function (finance, IT, research administration) broken into the transactional activities of the function and the non-transactional activities of the function?
Where do these functions take place across the university?
How does the institution compare to its peers in cost, capacity and satisfaction levels?
Typically 31%
80%+ in transformed operations
Deeper exploration can help you understand more about challenges and solutions:
Engage with rich data sets, presented with modern data visualisation tools, to understand role design, service model changes, and opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Connect with peers across the world to learn about how other universities are approaching similar situations.
Key metrics:
is target achievable based on mix of activities performed
Total change expected
to be achieved to
reach the target
Advance the conversation about administration with staff, faculty and students:
Validate and socialize opportunities for improvements to service delivery on campus.
Enable local leadership to use data and make decisions that suit local circumstances.
Build the business case for change and re-allocating resources.
Accounts process centralized
Turn the insights into actions that make a sustained impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of university administration:
Removed duplication, relocated teams, redesigned processes
Draw on expert support from higher education specialists at Nous Group to achieve real change.
Use the data to inform decisions about key resourcing questions.
Measure the benefits of actions and course correct when needed.
Share your stories and build the collective knowledge base of your sector, chapter or region.
The UniForum program takes members from proven insights to purposeful action with support from other institutions who are on similar journeys.
UniForum experience