IT Cost Reduction
NTT DATA focuses on modern workers, flexible workspaces, and digital workstyles through its Dynamic Workplace offering. This approach is supported by its workplace productivity centers focusing on data-driven insights through a DevOps engineering-led approach. NTT DATA also has a clear focus on experience level agreements (XLA) through its customer experience to XLA solution methodology based on business outcomes.
John Laherty, Senior IT Services Research Analyst (NelsonHall)
With Nucleus Runbook Automation, infrastructure engineers run predefined catalog items and Ansible & Puppet configuration management scripts to simplify and quicken infrastructure management workflows
Orchestrate Infrastructure Management Workflows
Nucleus Intelligent Patch Management enables engineers to identify system security and availability risks related to expired SSL certificates, outdated server BIOS and operating systems and anti-virus versions, and failed server backups routines
Identify Infrastructure Security & Availability Risks
Powered by Financial Sleuth, procurement and IT managers can maintain control of spend across multiple infrastructure vendors by flagging variances between actual billings, contracted pricing and forecast budgets
Improve Infrastructure Spend Control
Enforces policies around who can execute changes and updates to infrastructure deployments and configurations, using role-based access controls.
Maintain Compliant Visibility
With Command Center for Cloud & Hybrid Infrastructure, infrastructure engineers use a single, unified system to manage multi-platform, non-integrated infrastructures spanning one or more public or private clouds
Manage Cloud Infrastructure
with a Single, Unified Interface
Generate user interface design code aligned with your front-end frameworks.
Generate Frontend Client/UI Code
John Laherty, Senior IT Services Research Analyst (NelsonHall)
Analyze applications’ attributes, dependencies, interfaces, and business logic to assess its readiness for modernization.
Rehost Mainframe Applications to the Cloud
Use Cases and Value Props
Products Powered by Nucleus
Purpose-built with easy-to-navigate interfaces, Nucleus intelligent assistance with AI/NLP quickly drives knowledge-based interactive content to expedite self-service issue resolution for business and IT processes. From opening a ticket, updating an issue, or getting a status update without having to wait on the phone or navigate through multiple solutions, Nucleus Virtual Agent helps employees find quick answers to common work questions in real-time.
Nucleus Virtual Agent
Improvement in
user productivity
Annual service desk contacts with automation
Integrates ~100 separate reports containing incidents, problems, requests, changes sourced from multiple ITSM, BI and other performance monitoring tools.
Command Center for Workplace
Visualizes comparisons between target and actual service quality and operational costs to help close the gap. Command Center’s AI and ML capabilities then generate recommended improvements.
Command Center for Service Desk
Empower employees to order exactly what they need in just a few clicks. Through a secure, intuitive, and easy-to-use portal, Nucleus Storefront is customized to each employee’s role and work style to effortlessly order, procure, ship, configure, retire, and refresh the software, hardware, and services they need.
Storefront for Workplace
Scans barcodes to report inventory. Assesses operational health of on-site devices. Facilitates adoption of best practices amongst field services. Simplifies ticket status input process for field services. Assigns open ticket to resolver groups.
Utilities for Field Services and Service Desk
Analyze individual agents’ performance to identify improvement opportunities including faster resolutions and enhanced response quality.
Manage Service
Desk Operations
Empower employees to secure the devices they need for work via an intuitive, self-service shopping portal.
Enable Consumer-grade
Shopping Experiences
Ensure employee devices remain compliant with governance requirements through triggered notifications based on pre-set thresholds.
Maintain Employee Device Governance & Compliance
Optimize field agents’ utilization on client-facing activities.
Optimize Field
Resource Utilization
Streamline acquisition, inventory, shipping, reassignment, disposal, and billing for employee IT devices.
Simplify Employee Device Procurement
Become more agile with staffing levels and activity priorities to maintain service level performance.
Forecast SLA Actuals Against Contractual Targets
Maintain a pulse on all network devices to detect, remediate and eliminate underlying trigger events that deviate devices from expected performance.
Reduce Employee Device Performance Issues & Find Their Root Causes
Use Cases and Value Props
NTT DATA’s experience and transformation-centric solutioning coupled with heightened focus on themes such as immersive collaboration, sustainability, and automation powered by their Nucleus Intelligent Enterprise Platform, have contributed to its position as a Leader in Everest Group’s Digital Workplace Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022-North America. Furthermore, proposed business realignment in NTT is expected to bring long-term synergies and scale advantages for NTT DATA.
Udit Singh, Practice Director (Everest Group)
Improvement in
Time to Value
Improvement in
Mean Time to Resolution
Change Implementation
Products Powered by Nucleus
Scans barcodes to report inventory. Assesses operational health of on-site devices. Facilitates adoption of best practices amongst field services. Simplifies ticket status input process for field services. Assigns open ticket to resolver groups.
Utilities for Field Services and Service Desk
Empower employees to order exactly what they need in just a few clicks. Through a secure, intuitive, and easy-to-use portal, Nucleus Storefront is customized to each employee’s role and work style to effortlessly order, procure, ship, configure, retire, and refresh the software, hardware, and services they need.
Storefront for Workplace
Visualizes comparisons between target and actual service quality and operational costs to help close the gap. Command Center’s AI and ML capabilities then generate recommended improvements.
Command Center for Service Desk
Integrates ~100 separate reports containing incidents, problems, requests, changes sourced from multiple ITSM, BI and other performance monitoring tools.
Command Center for Workplace
Purpose-built with easy-to-navigate interfaces, Nucleus intelligent assistance with AI/NLP quickly drives knowledge-based interactive content to expedite self-service issue resolution for business and IT processes. From opening a ticket, updating an issue, or getting a status update without having to wait on the phone or navigate through multiple solutions, Nucleus Virtual Agent helps employees find quick answers to common work questions in real-time.
Nucleus Virtual Agent
NTT DATA integrated our solutions into an end-to-end, no-touch process. Their expertise enabled us to accelerate product development and delivery. It used to take a year to deliver a product, but with our partnership we can deliver in less than six months on average -- faster than the industry benchmark.
Udit Singh, Practice Director (Everest Group)
Proactively monitor and analyze employees’ digital device experience to generate actionable intelligence and real-time remediation.
Digital Experience Manager
Proactively monitor and analyze employees’ digital device experience to generate actionable intelligence and real-time remediation.
Digital Experience Manager
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When it comes to workplace services, shift IT from a problem to a solution - with NTT DATA's Digital Workplace offering.
When it comes to workplace services, shift IT from a problem to a solution - with NTT DATA's Dynamic Workplace offering.