Pay Equity, Pay Transparency, and Pay Data Reporting
Pay equity has moved to the forefront of regulatory, political, shareholder, employee, and public concern. Not only do enhanced equal pay laws continue to grow both in the U.S. and abroad, but employees and government agencies are bringing high stakes pay claims – including class actions – exposing companies across all industries to public scrutiny and significant legal risk.
At the same time, pay transparency is emerging as a significant global trend. A wave of pay transparency laws has swept across the country, resulting in a sea change of evolving voluntary and mandatory pay disclosures. The European Union has also passed a similar directive requiring member states to adopt pay transparency laws in the next few years. Governmental pay data reporting obligations also are on the rise, both from states and at the global level.
In light of these developments, the pressure on employers to ensure equitable pay for employees is at an all-time high. Learn more about current pay equity and pay transparency developments, and how Orrick’s Pay Equity Team can help mitigate legal risk, develop long-term pay equity and compliance strategies, and put in place best practices.
The Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down the race-conscious admissions programs at Harvard and UNC has raised a host of questions about the future of corporate DEI programs, which already were facing challenges in the form of “reverse discrimination” lawsuits and shareholder proposals. That trend is sure to gain momentum in light of the Supreme Court’s decision.
Pay equity has moved to the forefront of regulatory, political, shareholder, employee, and public concern. Not only do enhanced equal pay laws continue to grow both in the U.S. and abroad, but employees and government agencies are bringing high stakes pay claims – including class actions – exposing companies across all industries to public scrutiny and significant legal risk
At the same time, pay transparency is emerging as a significant global trend. A wave of pay transparency laws has swept across the country, resulting in a sea change of evolving voluntary and mandatory pay disclosures. The European Union has also passed a similar directive requiring member states to adopt pay transparency laws in the next few years. Governmental pay data reporting obligations also are on the rise, both from states and at the global level.