Private Offices & Private Spaces
According to Clutch's poll of employees, 52% of the respondents said they prefer a private office or space over an open floor plan.
The Private Office Lookbook
One of the biggest benefits of having a private office is the privacy that comes along with it. If you have a business that demands discretion, you don’t want just anyone being able to overhear what you are saying on the phone or with clients in person. With an office space that is closed off from the rest of the room, conversations are kept private and confidential. You can keep the door open when you’re available to talk with others and closed when you are working with sensitive information that needs to be shielded from them. Everyone works in a different manner and some people like to have a lot of noise around them while they operate. There are also those who work better in silence. Private offices can make it easier to concentrate without others talking around you and distracting you from your task. You can go to the breakroom when you want to talk to others, but when you need to block distractions out, you are able to do that in the comfort of a private office. Private offices provide a quiet, confidential and secure space to work and leave your belongings, while simultaneously allowing you to join in with your team right outside your door.
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