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Lorem tore veri tatis et quasi archi te cto heys esbe.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur autventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
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John Smith
"Add in a really fun quote here with a great fact or entertaining insight or data point! "
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantiuitatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur autventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo lorem ipsemu.
Lorem tore v
eri tatis et quasi archi te cto be.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur autventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
John Smith
"Add in a really fun quote here with a great fact or entertaining insight or data point! "
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur autventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explic abo lorem ipsemu.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia volu.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantiuitatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia volupae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voltas sit aspernatur autventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo lorem ipsemu.
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Lorem tore v
eri tatis et quasi archi te cto be.
Caption 03:
Lorem tore v
eri tatis et quasi archi te cto be.
Caption 02:
Lorem tore v
eri tatis et quasi archi te cto be.
Caption 01:
Lorem tore v
eri tatis et quasi archi te cto be.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur autventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut.
Monday 7th October
by John Smith
It's impossible for one instructor to know the status of each learner’s knowledge or their unique needs, which means all your team members have to learn the same information, the same way, at the same pace. Classrooms simply don’t allow for personalized learning at scale.
Instructor-led Courses
the science
Unless you have a photographic memory, you likely find it hard to remember everything you learn, even an hour or two after you learn it. Why? Research about how we remember—and forget—gives us a clue.
Instructor-led Courses
Online learning products
Free resources
Instructor-led Courses
It's impossible for one instructor to know the status of each learner’s knowledge or their unique needs, which means all your team members have to learn the same information, the same way, at the same pace. Classrooms simply don’t allow for personalized learning at scale.
Our platform offers a holistic solution that includes skills assessments, content in a variety of mediums, learning paths and analytics. This creates a dynamic, personalized experience for your employees and you.
Choosing The best experience
Instructor-led Courses
Classroom training often involves high fees and travel costs for one-time access, not to mention time away from the office, making your team fall behind on day-to-day projects.
With Pluralsight, you’ll have access to a cost-effective, scalable platform that can be deployed across teams, departments and geographies.
What’s the cost difference?
Instructor-led Courses
Static classroom curriculum and printed materials can’t keep up with the pace of change in technology, making it impossible to help your team stay on the cutting edge.
Our library includes deep coverage of the most in-demand technologies in software development, IT ops, data, cloud and security. With new content from industry experts released daily, our platform will help your team deliver on their current priorities, as well as prepare them for what’s coming in the future.
How do they measure up?
Instructor-led Courses
Instructors are unable to benchmark everyone’s abilities at the start of class or how much they’ve learned—providing you with virtually no quantifiable measurement or judgment on course effectiveness.
With our assessments and advanced skills analytics, you can quantify the current strengths of your team and see measurable improvements over time. Popular content, trend and usage analytics also show you the adoption of our platform, giving you a clear ROI.
Online learning products
Free resources
Also, compare us to
Overall impact
Instructor-led Courses
There’s no way to personalize a course to match your company’s unique needs, projects and people.
With channels, you can curate learning that aligns to, and keeps up with, your industry and unique business objectives.
Instructor-led Courses
Online learning products
Free resources
Online learning providers
Most online tools focus only on content, leaving you without ways to quantify skills, curate content and measure progress.
Your team members get a true platform experience with skill assessments, thousands of courses and curated paths, while you get access to deep analytics around skills growth, trending technologies and engagement.
Choosing The best experience
Online learning providers
Consistent pricing can be impossible to find, especially when you have to jump from provider to provider to find the right content.
With Pluralsight, you’ll have access to a cost-effective, scalable platform that can be deployed across teams, departments and geographies.
What’s the cost difference?
Online learning providers
Most lack a depth of content and breadth of instructors, leaning heavily towards beginners, which may lead your technologists to a brick wall when it comes to finding answers or developing the skills they really need.
With thousands of courses on leading technologies at their fingertips, your employees can dive deep into content designed specifically for professional technologists—not hobbyists.
Ability to measure progress
Online learning providers
Most online providers can’t benchmark a learner’s current skills, or provide you with insights into how skills are improving.
Pluralsight IQ measures skill level in under five minutes and advanced skills analytics allow you to see knowledge gaps, so you can put the right people on the right projects, and understand growth over time.
Instructor-led courses
Free resources
Also, compare us to
Overall impact
Instructor-led Courses
There’s no way to personalize a course to match your company’s unique needs, projects and people.
With channels, you can curate learning that aligns to, and keeps up with, your industry and unique business objectives.
Instructor-led Courses
Online learning products
Free resources
Free Resources
Employees waste time searching multiple sites for answers that can lack relevance and accuracy.
Learners get a true platform experience with skill assessments, thousands of courses and curated paths, while you get deep analytics around skills growth, trending technologies and engagement.
Choosing The best experience
Free Resources
How much is your team’s time worth? While there isn’t an immediate cost to free resources, they’re not free. Instead of spending money, your team is spending valuable time searching for answers and making mistakes, which takes a toll on productivity.
Save time and increase productivity with an easy-to-navigate, searchable platform, so your team members can find trusted answers in seconds.
how much is your time worth
Free Resources
Free resources lack curation and quality control. Your team runs the risk of learning poor, outdated practices that could be introduced into your organization. If your employees violate copyright or the terms of a license, your company could be liable.
Get trusted, curated content covering the most in-demand technologies. It’s thousands of expert-led courses you can provide to your team members with confidence, knowing they’ll gain skills in areas that matter most to your company.
how do they measure up?
Free Resources
It’s simple: Utilizing free resources means zero access to skill measurement.
As a leader, you’ll have access to skills analytics to identify where knowledge gaps exist, so you can put the right people on the right projects.
Online learning products
Instructor-led courses
Also, compare us to
Overall impact
Instructor-led Courses
There’s no way to personalize a course to match your company’s unique needs, projects and people.
With channels, you can curate learning that aligns to, and keeps up with, your industry and unique business objectives.
Instructor-led Courses
Static classroom curriculum and printed materials can’t keep up with the pace of change in technology, making it impossible to help your team stay on the cutting edge.
Our library includes deep coverage of the most in-demand technologies in software development, IT ops, data, cloud and security. With new content from industry experts released daily, our platform will help your team deliver on their current priorities, as well as prepare them for what’s coming in the future.
With Pluralsight, you’ll have access to a cost-effective, scalable platform that can be deployed across teams, departments and geographies.
And how to make skills stick
How quickly we forget
19th century psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus created the “forgetting curve” after studying how quickly he learned, and then forgot, a series of three-letter trigrams.
Click each icon to see what he discovered.
after 20 minutes
AFter 1 hour
AFter 9 hours
within 1 week
42% of the information you’ve just learned could be lost in the time it takes you to drink your morning cup of joe.
In about the time it takes you to watch an episode of your favorite show, you’d likely forget 56% of what you learned.
During the course of a normal work day, 64% of what you learned might be lost!
In less than a week, you’d forget as much as 75% of what you learned.
Why we forget
Our brains are hardwired to recall only the most important facts. The neural processes that determine what’s most important make it nearly impossible to make every detail stick.
why we forget
Within a few hours of first learning something new, read your notes, adding thoughts or summaries of the notes every few lines. If you don’t have notes, reread the text or, if you’re learning online, re-watch portions of the course, taking notes this time.
quick review
While it may be tempting to repeat the process as soon as you can, an important part of spaced repetition is the spacing. The first review should be quick. Each subsequent review should take place at a longer interval than the previous one.
skip a day
Review everything you’ve learned, not just what you’ve forgotten. For example, if you developed a new skill from an online course, watch the course again, adding to your notes to make them more complete.
review again
Testing what you’ve earned improves retention by 20-50%. If you can access relevant skill assessments or learning checks, take them to test your memory and make note of what you’ve missed for further review.
test your skills
In the time since Ebbinghaus discovered the forgetting curve, scientists have suggested several things you can do to fight it.
Click below for each memory-boosting tip.
Eek. Some stressful situations may actually make events more memorable, imprinting “flashbulb memories” into our minds for easy recall.
During slow-wave and REM sleep, memories are transferred from temporary storage in the hippocampus to more permanent memory around the cortex.
Learning in creative or unfamiliar circumstances, or in new ways, triggers additional activity in the hippocampus.
switching it up
Reviewing what you learn strengthens the memory of it. Every additional review slows the forgetting curve and makes the information that much more permanent.
spaced repetition
How to take advantage of spaced repetition
The next review should take place 3-5 days later. Then review again roughly 6-10 days after that. Add another test to improve retention. After 5-6 reviews at longer intervals, what you’ve learned will be a permanent part of your memory.
New e-Learning Measurements: The Challenges and Advantages Facing Your Business”, Larry Israelite, PhD, Pluralsight Webinar, 2015. “Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology”, Hermann Ebbinghaus, 1885. “Forgetting”, Saul McLeod, Simply Psychology, 2008. “The Psychology and Neuroscience of Forgetting”, John T. Wixted, Annual Reviews, November 3, 2003.
When you learn something, a new memory “trace” is created. But if you don’t rehearse and repeat what you’ve learned, memories decay and fade.
memory decay
Old memories and new information compete with and distort the formation of new memories, making it difficult to remember what’s new.
Some information is never transferred from short-term to long-term memory—especially details that your brain deems likely to be unimportant.
failure to store
Memories of traumatic or disturbing events can be suppressed as a means of coping with difficult situations.
memory repression
Secrets to making skills stick
Your new skills development BFF
Need a review?
Click each node to discover 4 barriers to recall.
The time you invest in building new skills is just that: an investment. Optimize your return by:
Stay ahead of the forgetting curve
Understanding the 4 barriers to recall: memory decay, interference, failure to store and memory repression.
Using the best practices for retention, like learning in new ways and taking advantage of spaced repetition.
Reviewing, the right way. Spaced repetition is your new skills development BFF.
How to take advantage of spaced repetition
Stay ahead of the forgetting curve
The time you invest in building new skills is just that: an investment. Optimize your return by: