Key Takeaways
Behavioral health demands outpace supply, causing stress for providers, payers and patients
Providers and payers can act independently to alleviate the issue,
or go one step further to build a partnership
Partnership includes sharing pain points, successes and data across the table and collaborating to build new, concerted solutions
Data and digital tools are key enablers
Lisa Christian
A good charter template will encourage the group to think critically about how they want to work together. It also helps Executive Partners, Councils, and DEI Leaders keep ERGs accountable.
For example, Tyson Bauer, Director of DEI Employee-Led Initiatives at Beam Suntory, uses the four C model (consumers, culture, communities, and careers) to define impact. “As people are thinking through whether or not to create a new ERG here, we look at all four of those buckets and whether or not they have planned impact within each of the four buckets.”
Create a charter template for your ERGs to describe their vision, mission, and goals.
Define the communication vehicles you need for information sharing (both to and from ERGs), decision-making, and demonstration of value to the organization.
Identify channels of communication.
Create a comprehensive package that considers financial reward, career growth opportunities, recognition, and leadership exposure.
Decide how you’ll support and reward ERG leaders.
You’ll need to answer these questions:
Discuss the steps you’ll take to avoid ERG leader burnout.
How will you compensate ERG leaders and participants?
Bonuses, stipends, gift cards, and professional development opportunities are the most common.
How will you measure output and individual performance for compensation?
How will you ensure performance is communicated back to performance managers?
Who has accountability for retention of ERG leaders?
Foundational Measures
Mature Measures
ERG activities:
Number of ERG events hosted (cultural, educational, etc.), average attendance at events
Employee engagement:
Satisfaction with ERG programming, percent of workforce participating in at least one ERG
Percent of leaders sponsoring an ERG, percent of organizational budget that goes toward ERGs
Sense of belonging at company (overall workforce and by demographic)
Community impact:
Dollars spent at community organizations, number of organizations benefited, number of advocacy statements
ERG member outcomes:
Promotion rate of ERG leaders in last 12 months, attrition rate of ERG leaders over company-wide attrition rate
Number and impact of social media posts, new revenue streams opened by ERG networks
Percent of recruiting events featuring ERG partnership, hours of interviews conducted by ERG members or leaders
Mature Measures
Foundational Measures