shop the fresh foam sport at dsw
Turn standing around as you make breakfast into a workout with one simple move. Not only are calf raises a shortcut to runners' calves, they also strengthen the muscles that support the ankle joint.
Wearing New Balance Fresh Foam Sport, which has the flexibility you need through the midsole, start with your feet hip-width apart. Take three slow counts to raise your heels until you're on your tiptoes, and three slow counts back down. Do 20 reps.
Squeeze in this highly effective workout as your coffee brews.
(30 seconds)
Hold a dumbbell at chest height and
run in place as you alternate between lifting your knees.
(30 seconds per side)
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding the dumbbell overhead in both hands. Bend sideways to the right, keeping your neck neutral. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left.
(30 seconds per side)
Holding the dumbbell overhead in
both hands, take a wide stance with
toes pointing outward, and squat low. Alternate side-bending as you
remain in your squat.
shop the fresh foam sport kids at dsw
It's never too early to encourage kids to get active, so bring your mini-me along for a power walk! Style them out in New Balance Fresh Foam Sport Kids and they'll be stylin' and comfortable: this kids’ version has all the comfort and support of the adult version.
shop the fresh foam arishi at dsw
Next time you're waiting for something to download at your standing desk (wearing New Balance's ultra-soft Fresh Foam Arishi shoes), make the seconds count!
Face forward with your feet hip-width apart, extend your hands, and keep your chest up. Sit down into an imaginary chair, keeping your chest up and slightly arching your back (no rounding), press your weight into your heels, and get your thighs as parallel as possible to the floor. Push through your heels to return to standing position.
The classic burpee works your whole body, and you'll be amazed by how quickly you see results. Set the timer for 5 minutes.
Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. Lower into a squat with your hands on the floor. Jump your feet back into plank position. Do one basic push-up. Step or jump your feet back to your hands. Jump straight up, gaining as much height as you can, and repeat.
Take an extra few minutes in park after school drop off and grab a tennis ball.
(2 sets of 15)
Squeeze the tennis ball between your
knees for a few seconds, and release.
(2 sets of 15)
Hold the tennis ball out in front of you and interlace your fingers behind it. Bring it toward your chest, pushing elbows out to the side. Return to starting position and repeat.
(2 sets of 15)
Squeeze the tennis ball as hard as
you can for 15 seconds.
(4 sets)
Sitting tall, draw your belly button to
your spine as tightly as you can,
for 15 seconds to one minute.
(4 sets)
Similarly, squeeze your glutes for
15 seconds to one minute, and release.
Brushing their teeth is supposed to take kids (and all of us!) two minutes, so hit the floor as they're getting ready for bed with a plank challenge! This effective whole-body static move is particularly effective for your abs.
Balance on your hands and toes with your body in a straight line — no dipping or arching your back — with your hands under your shoulders and feet hip-width apart. Stay there until the kids finish rinsing.
shop the fuelcore nergize at dsw
(3 sets of 10):
Wrap the band around the soles of your New Balance FuelCore Nergize. Holding both ends, squeeze up and release.
Stand with a wide stance and neutral spine, pulling the band wide apart in front of your waist. Pass the band overhead with straight arms, pulling as far down behind you as you can.
Grab a resistance band for a quick strengthening and stretching sequence that will release your shoulders and help you wake up refreshed.