Topic 04 Title
Commodo cubilia, donec inventore, at beatae ides. Mollis blandit aliquip leo auctor, nec, provident vehicula vulputate nostra, optio, sem quisque consequatur porro! Facilis, saepe cupidatat sunt proident sapien voluptatum voluptates ante mattis, eu. Aliquid tempus voluptas, minima ullam sit.
Topic 03 Title
Commodo cubilia, donec inventore, at beatae ides. Mollis blandit aliquip leo auctor, nec, provident vehicula vulputate nostra, optio, sem quisque consequatur porro! Facilis, saepe cupidatat sunt proident sapien voluptatum voluptates ante mattis, eu. Aliquid tempus voluptas, minima ullam sit.
Topic 02 Title
Commodo cubilia, donec inventore, at beatae ides. Mollis blandit aliquip leo auctor, nec, provident vehicula vulputate nostra, optio, sem quisque consequatur porro! Facilis, saepe cupidatat sunt proident sapien voluptatum voluptates ante mattis, eu. Aliquid tempus voluptas, minima ullam sit.
Topic 02
Topic 03
Service #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Commodo cubilia, donec inventore, at beatae ides. Mollis blandit aliquip leo auctor, nec, provident vehicula vulputate nostra, optio, sem quisque consequatur porro! Facilis, saepe cupidatat sunt proident sapien voluptatum voluptates ante mattis, eu. Aliquid tempus voluptas, minima ullam sit.
Page 01
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Key Roles
Solution consists of Journeys which are cross-functional, persistent, autonomous, working towards a shared outcome.
In addition to a PO for every Agile team every Journey should have a CPO and RTE.
List to access levels in Jira Align
See Roles for participants
Consists of 4-12 Teams
Consists of 4 or more Journeys
Page 02
Page 03
Page 04
Preparation for PI Planning should begin 4 weeks before PI Planning
Preparation: Recommended Checklist from Journey Playbook
There should be 3-5 OKRs defined for the team and journey levels each PI. A single OKR should consist of 1 Objective and no more than 3 Key Results.
Objectives should be qualitive, actionable by the team, and written with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable yet aspirational, relevant, and time-bound). Key Results should be measurable and quantifiable items that will directly help meet the objective.
During Preparation for PI Planning CPO/PO create OKRs in Jira Align to be reviewed and finalized during PI Planning.
Note: Align portfolio OKRs to journey OKRs and review journey-level epics, keeping in mind customer experience as appropriate
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
OKRs defined at each level should be created to match the duration of their associated work item. The exception is a Team OKR may be defined for the duration of an entire PI, instead of by sprints.
At minimum, any OKRs active in a PI should be put into the status of "In Progress."
For recording of OKRs for Pre-PI Planning
See the template for OKR creation.
A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI or less
See our guidance for what to do if a feature is incomplete at the end of the PI it was planned in.
A risk should not be created or categorized as:
See here for more information regarding risks
A risk should be assessed for likelihood (also referred to as occurrence) and impact. These are evaluated in terms of a High/Medium/Low scale. A risk can be in one of the four ROAM categories.
Please review the NWoW Standards on risks
Select the parent epic the feature will belong to before selecting the Planning Increment.
See Feature Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Risks: Pre-PI Planning Guide
Risk and Dependency Creation &
Pre PI-Planning
A dependency that has already been raised
An active impediment
Commit to dependencies during PI Planning and review during Inspect and Adapt events.
If creating a cross-portfolio dependency, you must fill out the Needed By date.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
A dependency should not be created or categorized as:
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Make use of Roadmaps to manage and visualize the Journey Epics in a timeline view.
A Journey Epic should be achievable within ~ 2 – 4 PIs.
See Journey Epic Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
Roadmaps | Pre PI-Planning
Dependencies: Pre-Planning Guide
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Risk and Dependency Creation | Pre PI-Planning
Journey Epics
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
A form of intake (i.e., I need you to do this work for me)
If teams are working on a work item together in parallel (i.e., two teams working to deliver the same feature together)
Future Backlog Refinement
Feature Backlog Refinement &
Pre PI-Planning
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
For a link to the recording of a session dedicated to feature backlog refinement
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Story title here
Section 1
Story title here
Read More
Story title here
Section 3
Story title here
Read More
Story title here
Section 4
Teams Execute Sprint Ceremonies
2 Week Sprint
Journey Synch
Journey Synch
Feature Refinement
Journey Sprint Demo
2 Week Sprint
Teams Execute Sprint Ceremonies
Journey Synch
Feature Refinement
Journey Sprint Demo
Journey Synch
2 Week Sprint
Teams Execute Sprint Ceremonies
Journey Synch
Feature Refinement
Journey Sprint Demo
Journey Synch
2 Week Sprint
Teams Execute Sprint Ceremonies
Journey Synch
Feature Refinement
Journey Sprint Demo
Journey Synch
Please see below for NWoW Processes, Tooling Standards, and Best Practices as they relate to Journeys.
Click image below to learn more.
Journey Sync
The Journey Sync:
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
- Remove impediments
- Adjust priorities as needed
- Start discussions for Pre-PI Planning
Using Jira Align helps keep the meeting(s) on track.
The Journey Sync, or the separate events of PO Sync and Scrum of Scrums are recommended twice per Sprint within a 30-minute timebox. The Journey has latitude to adjust the frequency and duration of the events depending on the needs of the Journey or as the Journey matures.
If a Journey coordinates with other Journeys but is not part of a Solution, they should coordinate the Journey Sprint Demo with those Journeys and plan it with a focus on the appropriate work and audience.
Solution Sync
Schedule and conduct Solution Sync(s) to resolve issues from the Journey Syncs.
The STE and the CPOs should participate as needed to resolve issues that arise in the Journey Syncs.
A separate Solution Sync can also take place as needed to remove impediments and ensure the Solution is on track.
It may be a combined Sync or divided into a Scrum of Scrums (with the Journey RTEs, facilitated by the STE) and the PO Sync (with CPOs as needed).
The need for a Solution level Sync as well as the cadence and duration should be coordinated by the Solution.
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Feature Refinement
Click here for a link to the recording of a session dedicated to feature backlog refinement.
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
1 per Sprint / 1 Hour
Use Jira Align when refining Features, being sure to follow the Best Practices.
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sprint Demo
The integrated functionality of the Journey, or the most key elements of the integrated functionality or deliverables.
Optional. Held up to once per Sprint (and at least once every other Sprint). Hold it as soon as possible after the Sprint Demo of selected integrated functionality or deliverables (for example, for an epic, with feedback).
Timeboxed to one hour with a focus on key functionality.
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sync
Solution Sync
Schedule and conduct Solution Sync(s) to resolve issues from the Journey Syncs.
The STE and the CPOs should participate as needed to resolve issues that arise in the Journey Syncs.
If a Journey coordinates with other Journeys but is not part of a Solution, they should coordinate the Journey Sprint Demo with those Journeys and plan it with a focus on the appropriate work and audience.
A separate Solution Sync can also take place as needed to remove impediments and ensure the Solution is on track.
It may be a combined Sync or divided into a Scrum of Scrums (with the Journey RTEs, facilitated by the STE) and the PO Sync (with CPOs as needed).
The need for a Solution level Sync as well as the cadence and duration should be coordinated by the Solution.
- Remove impediments
- Adjust priorities as needed
- Start discussions for Pre-PI Planning
The Journey Sync, or the separate events of PO Sync and Scrum of Scrums are recommended twice per Sprint within a 30-minute timebox. The Journey has latitude to adjust the frequency and duration of the events depending on the needs of the Journey or as the Journey matures.
The Journey Sync:
Using Jira Align helps keep the meeting(s) on track.
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Feature Refinement
Recording of a session dedicated to feature backlog refinement.
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
Feature Backlog Refinement | Pre PI-Planning
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sprint Demo
The integrated functionality of the Journey, or the most key elements of the integrated functionality or deliverables.
Optional. Held up to once per Sprint (and at least once every other Sprint). Hold it as soon as possible after the Sprint Demo of selected integrated functionality or deliverables (for example, for an epic, with feedback).
Timeboxed to one hour with a focus on key functionality.
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Preparation for PI Planning
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
OKRs defined at each level should be created to match the duration of their associated work item.
During Preparation for PI Planning CPO/PO create OKRs in Jira Align to be reviewed and finalized during PI Planning.
There should be 3-5 OKRs defined for a Journey each PI. A single OKR should consist of 1 Objective and no more than 3 Key Results.
Preparation: Recommended Checklist from Journey Playbook
Preparation for PI Planning should begin 4 weeks before PI Planning.
At minimum, any OKRs active in a PI should be put into the status of "In Progress."
Recording of OKRs for Pre-PI Planning.
See the template for OKR creation.
Objectives should be qualitive, actionable by and written with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable yet aspirational, relevant, and time-bound). Key Results should be measurable and quantifiable items that will directly help meet the objective.
Note: Align portfolio OKRs to journey OKRs and review journey-level epics, keeping in mind customer experience as appropriate.
A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI or less.
Select the parent epic the feature will belong to before selecting the Planning Increment.
See Feature Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
See our guidance for what to do if a feature is incomplete at the end of the PI it was planned in.
A risk is an event, if it occurs, would negatively impact the outcomes planned for that PI. Risks should be assessed for likelihood (also referred to as occurrence) and impact. These are evaluated in terms
of a High/Medium/Low scale. A risk can be in one of the four
ROAM categories.
Please review the NWoW Standards on risks.
See the training videos below regarding Risks during Pre PI-Planning.
Risks: Pre-PI Planning Guide.
Risk and Dependency Creation | Pre PI-Planning.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
A dependency should not be created or categorized as:
Dependencies exist when one Journey/team is dependent on another before they can complete their work.
Commit to dependencies during PI Planning and review during Inspect and Adapt events.
If creating a cross-portfolio dependency, you must fill out the Needed By date.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
Dependencies are created in Jira Align when:
1. Teams in a Journey is dependent on another to deliver a feature
2. Teams within the same Journey have dependencies when working on different features
Dependencies: Pre-Planning Guide
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
Risk and Dependency Creation | Pre PI-Planning.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
Journey Epics
A Journey Epic should be achievable within ~ 2 – 4 PIs.
See Journey Epic Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
Roadmaps | Pre PI-Planning.
A Journey Epic is created by the CPO.
Objective - Make use of Roadmaps to manage and visualize the Journey Epics in a timeline view.
What is the business outcome/value being delivered.
A risk should not be created or categorized as:
- A dependency that has already been raised
- An active impediment
Identified risks needs to be discussed with the right level of leadership (CPO, SAE, RTE), control partners and other stakeholders.
See here for more information regarding risks.
- A form of intake (i.e., I need you to do this work for me)
When two teams working on the same feature need to plan and sequence their work within the respective sprints.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sync
Solution Sync
Schedule and conduct Solution Sync(s) to resolve issues from the Journey Syncs.
The STE and the CPOs should participate as needed to resolve issues that arise in the Journey Syncs.
If a Journey coordinates with other Journeys but is not part of a Solution, they should coordinate the Journey Sprint Demo with those Journeys and plan it with a focus on the appropriate work and audience.
A separate Solution Sync can also take place as needed to remove impediments and ensure the Solution is on track.
It may be a combined Sync or divided into a Scrum of Scrums (with the Journey RTEs, facilitated by the STE) and the PO Sync (with CPOs as needed).
The need for a Solution level Sync as well as the cadence and duration should be coordinated by the Solution.
- Remove impediments
- Adjust priorities as needed
- Start discussions for Pre-PI Planning
The Journey Sync, or the separate events of PO Sync and Scrum of Scrums are recommended twice per Sprint within a 30-minute timebox. The Journey has latitude to adjust the frequency and duration of the events depending on the needs of the Journey or as the Journey matures.
The Journey Sync:
Using Jira Align helps keep the meeting(s) on track.
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Preparation for PI Planning
Preparation for PI Planning should begin 4 weeks before PI Planning.
Preparation: Recommended Checklist from Journey Playbook.
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
OKRs defined at each level should be created to match the duration of their associated work item.
During Preparation for PI Planning CPO/PO create OKRs in Jira Align to be reviewed and finalized during PI Planning.
There should be 3-5 OKRs defined for a Journey each PI. A single OKR should consist of 1 Objective and no more than 3 Key Results.
A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI or less.
Select the parent epic the feature will belong to before selecting the Planning Increment.
See our guidance for what to do if a feature is incomplete at the end of the PI it was planned in.
Journey Epics
A risk is an event, if it occurs, would negatively impact the outcomes planned for that PI. Risks should be assessed for likelihood (also referred to as occurrence) and impact. These are evaluated in terms
of a High/Medium/Low scale. A risk can be in one of the four
ROAM categories.
Please review the NWoW Standards on risks.
Dependencies exist when one Journey/team is dependent on another before they can complete their work.
Commit to dependencies during PI Planning and review during Inspect and Adapt events.
If creating a cross-portfolio dependency, you must fill out the Needed By date.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
A Journey Epic should be achievable within ~ 2 – 4 PIs.
See the training videos below regarding Risks during Pre PI-Planning.
A dependency should not be created or categorized as:
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
- A form of intake (i.e., I need you to do this work for me)
When two teams working on the same feature need to plan and sequence their work within the respective sprints.
Risks: Pre-PI Planning Guide.
Risk and Dependency Creation | Pre PI-Planning.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
Dependencies are created in Jira Align when:
Dependencies: Pre-Planning Guide.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
Risk and Dependency Creation | Pre PI-Planning.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
See Journey Epic Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
A Journey Epic is created by the CPO.
Objective - Make use of Roadmaps to manage and visualize the Journey Epics in a timeline view.
What is the business outcome/value being delivered.
Roadmaps | Pre PI-Planning.
1. Teams in a Journey is dependent on another to deliver a feature
2. Teams within the same Journey have dependencies when working on different features
A risk should not be created or categorized as:
Identified risks needs to be discussed with the right level of leadership (CPO, SAE, RTE), control partners and other stakeholders.
See here for more information regarding risks.
- A dependency that has already been raised
- An active impediment
Feature Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
At minimum, any OKRs active in a PI should be put into the status of "In Progress."
Recording of OKRs for Pre-PI Planning.
See the template for OKR creation.
Note: Align portfolio OKRs to journey OKRs and review journey-level epics, keeping in mind customer experience as appropriate.
Objectives should be qualitive, actionable by and written with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable yet aspirational, relevant, and time-bound). Key Results should be measurable and quantifiable items that will directly help meet the objective.
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sprint Demo
The integrated functionality of the Journey, or the most key elements of the integrated functionality or deliverables.
Optional. Held up to once per Sprint (and at least once every other Sprint). Hold it as soon as possible after the Sprint Demo of selected integrated functionality or deliverables (for example, for an epic, with feedback).
Timeboxed to one hour with a focus on key functionality.
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
PI & Feature Closeout
Teams Execute Sprint Ceremonies
POs work with their CPOs to re-assess any open features at the end of the PI and either determine if work should continue or reprioritize open features in subsequent PIs.
Please refer to the Scrum and Kanban Playbooks for Team ceremonies.
POs may close out a feature once it’s Definition of Done is met providing that that feature is only associated with their single team.
Please refer to the Scrum and Kanban Playbooks for Team ceremonies.
Recording of PI Closeout in Jira Align
Jira Tooling Standards
A CPO must close out any feature that spans 2+ teams once it’s Definition of Done is met. The duration of the backup CPO (if applicable) must be documented with a start and end date.
When a PI is closed, it is assumed that the Chief Product Owner is in agreement that all features, including those contained to one team, have met their Definition of Done.
It is recommended that a backup CPO be nominated to close out any feature that spans 2+ teams once it’s Definition of Done is met, provided the backup CPO is either one of the POs or someone from the Business.
1 per Sprint / 1 hour
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Preparation for PI Planning
All Journeys must participate in PI Planning which takes place during the 3 -week IP Sprint, aligned to the Enterprise Calendar.
All Journeys must participate in PI Planning which takes place during the 3 - week IP Sprint, aligned to the Enterprise Calendar
Agile PI Planning with Jira Align.
See the template for suggested PI planning Agenda.
See the template for suggested PI planning Agenda
Key Roles
List to access levels in Jira Align.
In addition to a PO for every Agile team every Journey should have a CPO and RTE.
See Roles for participants.
Journey Board
A journey board must be used throughout the PI for feature and dependency management and visualize emerging risks.
Using the Journey Board.
Leverage and update this board for feature backlog refinement on a periodic basis (weekly sync/journey sync, etc.)
Feature Backlog Refinement
Risks and Impediments
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
Feature Refinement
Innovation & Planning (I&P) Sprint
Refinement for known/existing features (prioritized and accepted into the PI): at a minimum 1 per Sprint / 1 Hour or as frequently as information and clarity is available.
Refinement of developing features: These features should be in the backlog and POs work with stakeholders to add more details to be prioritized (ready to start) in the next PIs.
Commit to dependencies during PI Planning and review during Inspect and Adapt events.
If creating a cross-portfolio dependency, you must fill out the Needed By date.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
Please review the NWoW Standards on risks.
The OKRs created in Jira Align are to be reviewed and finalized during PI Planning.
Note: Align portfolio OKRs to journey OKRs and review journey-level epics, keeping in mind customer experience as appropriate.
1 per Sprint / 1 Hour
A 3 -week Sprint, aligned to the Enterprise Calendar which includes Estimation Buffer, Inspect & Adapt (I&A) Events, PI Planning, Innovation, and Ongoing Education.
A risk should not be created or categorized as:
- A dependency that has already been raised
- An active impediment
Use Jira Align when refining Features, being sure to follow the Best Practices.
A dependency should not be created or categorized as:
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
- A form of intake (i.e., I need you to do this work for me)
If teams are working on a work item together in parallel (i.e., two teams working to deliver the same feature together).
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align"for standards on external entities.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
Link to Risks and Impediments document for Jira Align.
Engage with control partners and stakeholders to review ROAM board during Journey syncs.
There should be 3-5 OKRs defined for the team and journey levels each PI. A single OKR should consist of 1 Objective and no more than 3 Key Results.
Objectives should be qualitive, actionable by the team, and written with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable yet aspirational, relevant, and time-bound). Key Results should
be measurable and quantifiable items that will directly help meet the objective.
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
Recording of a session dedicated to feature backlog refinement.
Innovation & Planning Overview.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
OKRs defined at each level should be created to match the duration of their associated work item. The exception is a Team OKR may be defined for the duration of an entire PI, instead of by sprints.
At minimum, any OKRs active in a PI should be put into the status of "In Progress."
Recording of OKRs during PI Planning.
Use Jira Align when refining Features, being sure to follow the Best Practices.
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
Recording of Journey Board for PI Planning
Recording of a session dedicated to feature backlog refinement.
1. Clear description
2. Acceptance Criteria
3. Risks and Dependencies identified
4. Timing (which Sprint)
Journey Board Training.
PI Planning
PI Planning Key Roles
PI Feature Closeout Objectives and Key Results
A Journey consists of Teams which are cross-functional, persistent, autonomous, and outcomes focused all working towards a common goal.
NWoW Processes and Tooling Standards
These standards and best practices help drive consistency in how Journey and Solution events are executed.
Estimation Buffer
I&A Journey Demo
Inspect & Adapt (I&A) Overview
Innovation and Continuing Education
I&A Review Results
NWoW Maturity Assessment
Risks Dependencies
I&A Retro & Problem-Solving Workshop
Sprint Demo
Agility Health
Journey/Solution Sync
Feature/Capability (Journey Epic) Refinement
Pre-PI Planning
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs Features
Risks Dependencies
Journey Epics Feature Backlog Refinement
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Preparation for PI Planning
Preparation for PI Planning should begin4 weeks before PI Planning
Preparation: Recommended Checklist from Journey Playbook
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
OKRs defined at each level should be created to match the duration of their associated work item.
During Preparation for PI Planning CPO/PO create OKRs in Jira Align to be reviewed and finalized during PI Planning.
There should be 3-5 OKRs defined for a Journey each PI. A single OKR should consist of 1 Objective and no more than 3 Key Results.
Note: Align portfolio OKRs to journey OKRs and review journey-level epics, keeping in mind customer experience as appropriate
At minimum, any OKRs active in a PI should be put into the status of "In Progress."
Objectives should be qualitive, actionable by and written with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable yet aspirational, relevant, and time-bound). Key Results should be measurable and quantifiable items that will directly help meet the objective.
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
A risk is an event, if it occurs, would negatively impact the outcomes planned for that PI. Risks should be assessed for likelihood (also referred to as occurrence) and impact. These are evaluated in terms of a High/Medium/Low scale. A risk can be in one of the four ROAM categories.
See the training videos below regarding Risks during Pre PI-Planning.
A risk should not be created or categorized as:
Please review the NWoW Standards on risks.
- A dependency that has already been raised
- An active impediment
Commit to dependencies during PI Planning and review during Inspect and Adapt events.
If creating a cross-portfolio dependency, you must fill out the Needed By date.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Dependencies are created in Jira Align when:
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Identified risks needs to be discussed with the right level of leadership (CPO, SAE, RTE), control partners and other stakeholders.
A dependency should not be created or categorized as:
A form of intake (i.e., I need you to do this work for me)
When two teams working on the same feature need to plan and sequence their work within the respective sprints.
1. Teams in a Journey is dependent on another to deliver a feature.
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Epics
A Journey Epic should be achievable within ~ 2 – 4 PIs.
See the Jira Align Journey Epic Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
Roadmaps | Pre PI-Planning in Jira Align
A Journey Epic is created by the CPO.
Feature Backlog Refinement
Feature Backlog Refinement | Pre PI-Planning in Jira Align
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
Recording of OKRs for Pre-PI Planning
See the template for OKR creation in Jira Align.
A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI or less
Select the parent epic the feature will belong to before selecting the Planning Increment.
See the Jira Align Feature Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
See our guidance for what to do if a feature is incomplete at the end of the PI it was planned in.
Risks: Pre-PI Planning Guide in Jira Align
Risk and Dependency Creation & Pre PI-Planning in Jira Align
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
See here for more information regarding risks.
Dependencies exist when one Journey/team is dependent on another before they can complete their work.
2. Teams within the same Journey have dependencies when working on different features
Dependencies: Pre-Planning Guide in
Jira Align
Risk and Dependency Creation & Pre PI-Planning in Jira Align
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
Objective - Make use of Roadmaps to manage and visualize the Journey Epics in a timeline view.
What is the business outcome/value being delivered.
Journey epics should be closed once all work associated with it is complete.
A Journey epic that does not have all work completed should not be carried over for years.
Recording of a session dedicated to feature backlog refinement.
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs Features
Risks Dependencies
Journey Epics Feature Backlog Refinement
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs Features
Risks Dependencies
Journey Epics Feature Backlog Refinement
Team Execute Sprint Events
Team Execute Sprint Events
Journey/Solution Sync
Feature/Capability (Journey Epic) Refinement
Sprint Demo
Pre-PI Planning
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs
Risks Dependencies
Journey Epics Backlog Refinement
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Preparation for PI Planning
Purpose: Prepare for the upcoming PI Planning session to be held during Sprint 6 -the I&P Sprint.
Preparation: Recommended Checklist from Journey Playbook to Prepare for PI Planning.
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
OKRs defined at each level should be created to match the duration of their associated work item.
OKRs should be reviewed and defined for a Journey for each PI.
A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI or less
Happens in parallel with execution of a PI.
During Preparation for PI Planning CPO/PO create OKRs in Jira Align to be reviewed and finalized during PI Planning.
At minimum, any OKRs active in a PI should be put into the status of "In Progress."
For a recording session of OKRs for Pre-PI Planning
For assistance creating OKRS in Jira Align, refer to the template for OKR creation.
Select the parent epic the feature will belong to before selecting the Planning Increment.
See Feature Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
There should be 3-5 OKRs defined for a Journey each PI. A single OKR should consist of 1 Objective and no more than 3 Key Results.
See our guidance for what to do if a feature is incomplete at the end of the PI it was planned in.
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
A risk is an event, if it occurs, would negatively impact the outcomes planned for that PI.
See the training videos below regarding Risks during Pre PI-Planning.
Risks: Pre-PI Planning Guide
See here for video related to Risk and Dependency Creation | Pre PI-Planning.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
A risk should not be created or categorized as:
Risks should be assessed for likelihood (also referred to as occurrence) and impact. These are evaluated in terms of a High/Medium/Low scale. A risk can be in one of the four ROAM categories.
- A dependency that has already been raised
- An active impediment
Commit to dependencies during PI Planning and review during Inspect and Adapt events.
Dependencies exist when one Journey/team is dependent on another before they can complete their work.
If creating a cross-portfolio dependency, you must fill out the Needed By date.
Dependencies are created in Jira Align when:
Refer to Dependencies: Pre-Planning Guide for an outline of Dependencies in Jira Align.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
Identified risks needs to be discussed with the right level of leadership (CPO, SAE, RTE), control partners and other stakeholders.
See here for more information regarding risks.
A dependency should not be created or categorized as:
A form of intake (i.e., I need you to do this work for me)
When two teams working on the same feature need to plan and sequence their work within the respective sprints.
1. Teams in a Journey is dependent on another to deliver a feature.
2. Teams within the same Journey have dependencies when working on different features
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Epics
A Journey Epic should be achievable within ~ 2 – 4 PIs.
See the Jira Align Journey Epic Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
Click here for a video guide to Roadmaps | Pre PI-Planning
A Journey Epic is created by the CPO.
Objective - Make use of Roadmaps to manage and visualize the Journey Epics in a timeline view.
What is the business outcome/value being delivered.
Journey epics should be closed once all work associated with it is complete.
A Journey epic that does not have all work completed should not be carried over for years.
Feature Backlog Refinement
Please refer to Feature Backlog Refinement | Pre PI-Planning video for further assistance.
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
Refinement of developing features: These features should be in the backlog and POs work with stakeholders to add more details to be prioritized (ready to start) in the next PIs.
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs
Risks Dependencies
Journey Epics Backlog Refinement
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs
Risks Dependencies
Journey Epics Backlog Refinement
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Feature Acceptance
Teams Execute Sprint Ceremonies/Events
Please refer to the Scrum for Software Development, Scrum for Non-Technology Teams and Kanban for NWoW Teams Playbooks for more information regarding Team ceremonies.
Participants: NWoW teams, Coach
Purpose: To timely provide transparency into the body of work committed vs. delivered every PI
Purpose: To increase collaboration and team engagement to deliver on committed work.
During these Sprints, Teams perform the Team Ceremonies, work Stories per their Archetype
Please refer to the Jira: Standards and Best Practices for assistance with Stories, Features and Jira Cloud.
Team Execute Sprint Events
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sync
Solution Sync
Jira Align should be used to conduct Solution Syncs to help keep the meeting(s) on track leveraging the following capabilities:
Purpose: To maintain alignment and resolve issues with other teams in the Solution
During the Journey Sync:
For Journeys not part of a Solution, it is highly recommended that the Journey Sync is held with appropriate audience (i.e. other Journeys, control partners and stakeholders).
The STE and the CPOs should participate as needed to resolve issues that arise in the Journey Syncs.
It is recommended that this sync be held once per Sprint and timeboxed to one hour. The Solution has latitude to adjust the frequency and duration of the events depending on the needs of the Solution or as the Solution matures.
- Impediments
- Dependencies and Risks
- Adjust priorities
- Start discussions for Pre-PI Planning
- Impact to releases
- Journey Room
- Journey Board
- PI progress
- Program Dashboard
- Dependency maps
- Journey Room
- Journey Board
- PI progress
- Program Dashboard
- Dependency maps
The Journey Sync, or the separate events of PO Sync and Scrum of Scrums are recommended twice per Sprint within a 30-minute timebox. The Journey has latitude to adjust the frequency and duration of the events depending on the needs of the Journey or as the Journey matures.
Purpose: To maintain alignment and resolve issues with other teams on the Journey.
Jira Align should be used to conduct Journey Syncs to help keep the meeting(s) on track leveraging the following capabilities:
Journey/Solution Sync
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Backlog Refinement
Journey Epic Refinement
These discussions should help drive the following outcomes:
The Journey Epic Refinement is recommended to be held once per Sprint and timeboxed to one hour.
A Journey Epic is created by the CPO keeping in mind the business outcome/value being delivered. Epics should be sized so they can be completed within 2-4 PIs.
The Backlog Refinement is recommended to be held once per Sprint and timeboxed to one hour.
Jira Align should be used when refining Features. Please follow the Feature Template as a standard to create new features and update existing ones.
The Journey Board should be leveraged and updated during Backlog Refinement and Journey/Solution Syncs.
Jira Align should be used to refine Journey Epics. Please refer to the Journey Epic Template to prepare and hold this discussion.
Please refer to the Tooling Roles & Responsibilities, at scale - a visual showing the hierarchy of Work Items and Responsible Parties.
Purpose: To maintain the Journey Backlog (features) and prepare for the next PI Planning session
Purpose: To maintain the Journey Epic Backlog and prepare for the next PI Planning session
Feature/Capability (Journey Epic) Refinement
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sprint Demo
Timing - once per Sprint, timeboxed to one hour with a focus on key functionality.
Demo of selected integrated functionality or deliverables of the Journey, or the most key elements.
This time should be used for the stakeholders to see the working functionality and provide feedback and see the progress of the objectives that was committed to.
Sprint Demo
Please refer to the Jira: Standards and Best Practices for assistance with Stories, Features and Jira Cloud.
It is expected that POs and CPOs have continuous discussions on the feature progress and the definition of done during the course of the PI.
Any changes to the acceptance criteria and or definition of done, should be reflected in the features created in Jira Align.
In Jira and Jira Align, the PO is responsible for accepting Features, Stories, Dependencies for their team.
Participants: SAEs, CPOs, RTE, Coach
Process: The Journey Sync is an event facilitated by the Release Train Engineer (RTE) and involves CPOs, SAEs to discuss or re-visit the below items:
Use Finalized DoR to estimate and influence Feature target start and end dates.
Apply agile mindset and WSJF practices into how the Features are prioritized with input from CPO.
Process: The Solution Sync is an event facilitated by the Solution Train Engineer (STE) and involves CPOs, SAEs to discuss or re-visit the below items at the Solution level:
- Adjust Priorities
- Impacts to Releases
- Start Pre PI-planning
- Impediments
- Risks and Dependencies
- Review OKRs
Participants: CPO, PO, Stakeholders, *Coach (optional)
Process: Backlog Refinement is an event facilitated by the CPO and involves POs to discuss:
Participants: CPO, STE, *RTE (optional), Stakeholders
This ceremony/event aims at continuous planning and refinement of Journey Epics, considering OKRs, emerging priorities, the Journey's progress, and customer experience.
Process: Journey Epic refinement is an event facilitated by the CPO. The Chief Product Owner (CPO) is responsible for:
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Feature Refinement
Journey Epic Refinement
If applicable, additional Solution level refinement should also be planned on a recurring cadence to achieve the continuous planning and refinement of the Journey Epics.
CPOs are to close out Epics when associated Features have been completed.
The Solution should strive for continuous planning, taking into account emerging priorities and the Journeys’ progress across the PIs. If appropriate, customer experience should be a driving factor.
The STE and CPOs should participate in Feature refinement as needed, keeping OKRs in mind.
Best practice is to hold 1 per Sprint for 1 Hour.
Use Jira Align when refining Features, being sure to follow the Feature Template.
For a link to the recording of a session dedicated to Feature Backlog Refinement.
Please refer to the Tooling Roles & Responsibilities, at scale - a visual showing the hierarchy of Work Items and Responsible Parties.
Journey Epic Template -Journey Epic Template: a tool to help users refine Journey Epics in Jira Align
Purpose: Maintain the Journey Backlog and Prepared for the next PI Planning.
Participants: CPO and all the people needed to properly refine the features.
Process: Review and update the Journey Backlog and Prepare for the next PI Planning (Pre-PI Planning).
Purpose: The CPO is responsible to split the epic into Features or Capabilities during backlog refinement. CPOs help prioritize these items in their respective backlogs and have ongoing responsibilities for their development and follow-up.
Participants: STE, CPO, applicable stakeholders, non-functional requirement owners - privacy, accessibility, etc responsibilities for their development and follow-up.
Process: The STE and CPO should continuously refine Journey Epics, considering OKRs, emerging priorities, the Journey's progress, and customer experience.
The Purpose of the Journey Sprint Demo is to gather feedback on the work completed by the Journey.
Participants include CPOs, POs/SROs, STEs, RTEs, Portfolio Engineer, Enterprise Architect, stakeholders, and others as needed.
For Solution level, the Demo would consist of multiple Journey's demo-ing the same.
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sprint Demo
Timing - once per Sprint, timeboxed to one hour with a focus on key functionality.
Demo of selected integrated functionality or deliverables of the Journey, or the most key elements.
This time should be used for the stakeholders to see the working functionality and provide feedback and see the progress of the objectives that was committed to.
The Purpose of the Journey Sprint Demo is to gather feedback on the work completed by the Journey.
Participants include CPOs, POs/SROs, STEs, RTEs, Portfolio Engineer, Enterprise Architect, stakeholders, and others as needed.
For Solution level, the Demo would consist of multiple Journey's demo-ing the same.
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Feature Acceptance
Teams Execute Sprint Ceremonies
The PO needs accept feature - stories, dependencies, etc.
Only POs can accept feature.
When a PI is closed, it is assumed that the Chief Product Owner is in agreement that all features, including those contained to one team, have met their Definition of Done.
Please refer to the Scrum and Kanban Playbooks for more information regarding Team ceremonies.
Participants: NWoW Teams within each Journey.
Purpose: Timely acceptance of features provides transparency into the body of work committed vs. delivered every PI.
Participants: POs
Purpose: Sprint Ceremonies are used by teams to collaborate and get visibility into the body of work that has been committed to and that is in progress. POs use sprint ceremonies to accept work that has been completed and to address any challenges the teams face.
During these Sprints, Teams perform the Team Ceremonies, work Stories per their Archetype
Please refer to the Jira: Standards and Best Practices for assistance with Stories, Features and Jira Cloud.
Accepting Features
Please refer to the Jira: Standards and Best Practices for assistance with Stories, Features and Jira Cloud.
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Sync
Solution Sync
Using Jira Align helps keep the meeting(s) on track.
Purpose: Participants: STE and CPOs
Process: Schedule and conduct Solution Sync(s) to resolve issues from the Journey Syncs, dependencies, dashboards
Highly recommended:
If a Journey coordinates with other Journeys but is not part of a Solution, they should coordinate the Journey Sprint Demo with those Journeys and plan it with a focus on the appropriate work and audience.
Use Finalized DoR to estimate and influence Feature target start and end dates.
Agile mindset and WSJF practices into how the Features are prioritized with input from CPO.
The STE and the CPOs should participate as needed to resolve issues that arise in the Journey Syncs.
A separate Solution Sync can also take place as needed to remove impediments and ensure the Solution is on track.
It may be a combined Sync or divided into a Scrum of Scrums (with the Journey RTEs, facilitated by the STE) and the PO Sync (with CPOs as needed).
Timing and frequency: The need for a Solution level Sync as well as the cadence and duration should be coordinated by the Solution level.
- Impediments
- Dependencies and Risks
- Adjust priorities
- Start discussions for Pre-PI Planning
- Impact to releases
- Impediments
- Dependencies and Risks
- Adjust priorities
- Start discussions for Pre-PI Planning
- Impact to releases
- Journey Room
- PI progress
- Program Dashboard
- Dependency maps
- Journey Room
- PI progress
- Program Dashboard
- Dependency maps
The Journey Sync, or the separate events of PO Sync and Scrum of Scrums are recommended twice per Sprint within a 30-minute timebox. The Journey has latitude to adjust the frequency and duration of the events depending on the needs of the Journey or as the Journey matures.
Purpose: The Journey Sync is a Journey event that combines the Product Owner (PO) Sync and SoS.
Participants: RTE, CPOs, SAEs
Process: The Journey Sync facilitated by the RTE involves CPOs, SAEs to discuss or re-visit as needed:
Using Jira Align helps keep the meeting(s) on track.
Link to Jira Align Learning Hub for a full inventory of our training materials, recordings, registration links for core training sessions as well as continuous learning session, and user support guides. .
Link to Jira Align Learning Hub for a full inventory of our training materials, recordings, registration links for core training sessions as well as continuous learning session, and user support guides. .
Participants: POs, CPOs
Process: Preparation for PI Planning should begin 4 weeks before PI Planning.
Iteration work process flow.
Product Owners should begin to outline Features for the next PI starting in Sprint 2.
Note: Align portfolio OKRs to journey OKRs and review journey-level epics, keeping in mind customer experience as appropriate.
Objectives should be qualitive, actionable by and written with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable yet aspirational, relevant, and time-bound). Key Results should be measurable and quantifiable items that will directly help meet the objective.
Features should be in a Ready state prior to PI Planning.
Please review the NWoW Standards on risks.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Purpose: Backlog Refinement is a periodic activity to define, discuss, estimate, and establish acceptance criteria for upcoming backlog items. At a Journey level, this is performed on Features in Jira Align.
Participants: POS, Stakeholders
Process: Refinement of developing features: These features should be in the backlog and POs work with stakeholders to add more details to be prioritized (ready to start) in the next PIs.
Process: Sprint ceremonies/events are held as per team working agreement. It is attended by team members to discuss the body of work that has been committed to and that is in progress. Product Owners (POs) use sprint ceremonies to accept work that has been completed and to address any challenges the teams face.
For Journeys who have Coaches engaged, it is highly recommended to have your Coach participate in these ceremonies.
For reference see Jira Align Teams and Sprints.
Participants: CPO, POs
Process: POs should accept Feature(s) once it’s acceptance criteria and Definition of Done is met providing that that Feature is only associated with their single team.
A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI or less.
Please follow the Feature Template as a standard for creating, refining and accepting features.
Participants: STE, SAEs, CPOs, RTE, POs, Coach
Use Finalized DoR to estimate and influence Feature target start and end dates.
Apply agile mindset and WSJF practices into how the Features are prioritized with input from CPOs/SAEs.
During the Solution Sync:
Splitting Epics into Features or Capabilities during refinement.
1. Existing Features
- Progress
- Risks
- Dependencies
2. New Features
- Priority
- Description
- Estimate
- Establish acceptance
POs are expected to accept features throughout the PI as and when the acceptance criteria of that Feature is being met. A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI.
Prioritizing these in their respective backlogs
Closing out Epics when associated Features have been completed
A Journey Epic should be achievable within ~ 2 – 4 PIs.
Agreement on the scope and effort for the work that will support team goals in the upcoming iteration(s)
Shared understanding of how upcoming work may be solutioned
Estimated features with acceptance criteria ready for the next iteration
Spikes for further investigation
Follow-up actions are determined
Current PI risks and impediments have been surfaced and discussed
See our guidance for what to do if a Feature is incomplete at the end of the PI it was planned in.
If applicable, additional Solution-level refinement should also be planned on a recurring cadence (recommended to be held once per Sprint timeboxed to one hour) to achieve the continuous planning and refinement of the Journey Epics.
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs
Risks Dependencies
Capability Backlog Refinement
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Preparation for PI Planning
Purpose: Prepare for the upcoming PI Planning session to be held during Sprint 6 -the I&P Sprint.
Participants: POs, CPOs
Process: Preparation for PI Planning should begin 4 weeks before PI Planning.
Preparation: Recommended Checklist from Journey Playbook to Prepare for PI Planning.
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
OKRs defined at each level should be created to match the duration of their associated work item.
OKRs should be reviewed and defined for a Journey for each PI.
A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI or less
Happens in parallel with execution of a PI.
Iteration work process flow.
Product Owners should begin to outline Features for the next PI starting in Sprint 2.
During Preparation for PI Planning CPO/PO create OKRs in Jira Align to be reviewed and finalized during PI Planning.
Note: Align portfolio OKRs to journey OKRs and review journey-level epics, keeping in mind customer experience as appropriate.
At minimum, any OKRs active in a PI should be put into the status of "In Progress."
For a recording session of OKRs for Pre-PI Planning
For assistance creating OKRS in Jira Align, refer to the template for OKR creation.
Select the parent epic the feature will belong to before selecting the Planning Increment.
See Feature Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
There should be 3-5 OKRs defined for a Journey each PI. A single OKR should consist of 1 Objective and no more than 3 Key Results.
Objectives should be qualitive, actionable by and written with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable yet aspirational, relevant, and time-bound). Key Results should be measurable and quantifiable items that will directly help meet the objective.
See our guidance for what to do if a feature is incomplete at the end of the PI it was planned in.
Features should be in a Ready state prior to PI Planning.
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs
Risks Dependencies
Capability Backlog Refinement
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
A risk is an event, if it occurs, would negatively impact the outcomes planned for that PI.
See the training videos below regarding Risks during Pre PI-Planning.
Risks: Pre-PI Planning Guide
See here for video related to Risk and Dependency Creation | Pre PI-Planning.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
A risk should not be created or categorized as:
Please review the NWoW Standards on risks.
Risks should be assessed for likelihood (also referred to as occurrence) and impact. These are evaluated in terms of a High/Medium/Low scale. A risk can be in one of the four ROAM categories.
- A dependency that has already been raised
- An active impediment
Commit to dependencies during PI Planning and review during Inspect and Adapt events.
Dependencies exist when one Journey/team is dependent on another before they can complete their work.
If creating a cross-portfolio dependency, you must fill out the Needed By date.
Dependencies are created in Jira Align when:
Refer to Dependencies: Pre-Planning Guide for an outline of Dependencies in Jira Align.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Training deck for Jira Align Training - Risks and Dependencies.
Identified risks needs to be discussed with the right level of leadership (CPO, SAE, RTE), control partners and other stakeholders.
See here for more information regarding risks.
A dependency should not be created or categorized as:
A form of intake (i.e., I need you to do this work for me)
When two teams working on the same feature need to plan and sequence their work within the respective sprints.
1. Teams in a Journey is dependent on another to deliver a feature.
2. Teams within the same Journey have dependencies when working on different features
Preperation for PI Planning OKRs
Risks Dependencies
Capability Backlog Refinement
NWoW Process
Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Journey Epics
A Journey Epic should be achievable within ~ 2 – 4 PIs.
Purpose: Backlog Refinement is a periodic activity to define, discuss, estimate, and establish acceptance criteria for upcoming backlog items. At a Journey level, this is performed on Features in Jira Align.
Participants: POS, Stakeholders
Process: Refinement of developing features: These features should be in the backlog and POs work with stakeholders to add more details to be prioritized (ready to start) in the next PIs.
See the Jira Align Journey Epic Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
Click here for a video guide to Roadmaps | Pre PI-Planning
A Journey Epic is created by the CPO.
Objective - Make use of Roadmaps to manage and visualize the Journey Epics in a timeline view.
What is the business outcome/value being delivered.
Journey epics should be closed once all work associated with it is complete.
A Journey epic that does not have all work completed should not be carried over for years.
Feature Backlog Refinement
Please refer to Feature Backlog Refinement | Pre PI-Planning video for further assistance.
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
Refinement of developing features: These features should be in the backlog and POs work with stakeholders to add more details to be prioritized (ready to start) in the next PIs.
PI & Feature Closeout
PI Planning Key Roles
PI Feature Closeout Objectives and Key Results
Risks Dependencies
PI Planning Key Roles
PI Feature Closeout Objectives and Key Results
Risks Dependencies
Journey includes all teams including non-technology/business operations and teams that contributed to the work product. These teams should be included in the events described here.
Topic 04 Title
Commodo cubilia, donec inventore, at beatae ides. Mollis blandit aliquip leo auctor, nec, provident vehicula vulputate nostra, optio, sem quisque consequatur porro! Facilis, saepe cupidatat sunt proident sapien voluptatum voluptates ante mattis, eu. Aliquid tempus voluptas, minima ullam sit.
Topic 03 Title
Commodo cubilia, donec inventore, at beatae ides. Mollis blandit aliquip leo auctor, nec, provident vehicula vulputate nostra, optio, sem quisque consequatur porro! Facilis, saepe cupidatat sunt proident sapien voluptatum voluptates ante mattis, eu. Aliquid tempus voluptas, minima ullam sit.
Topic 02 Title
Commodo cubilia, donec inventore, at beatae ides. Mollis blandit aliquip leo auctor, nec, provident vehicula vulputate nostra, optio, sem quisque consequatur porro! Facilis, saepe cupidatat sunt proident sapien voluptatum voluptates ante mattis, eu. Aliquid tempus voluptas, minima ullam sit.
Topic 02
Topic 03
Topic 04
Service #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Service #4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Commodo cubilia, donec inventore, at beatae ides. Mollis blandit aliquip leo auctor, nec, provident vehicula vulputate nostra, optio, sem quisque consequatur porro! Facilis, saepe cupidatat sunt proident sapien voluptatum voluptates ante mattis, eu. Aliquid tempus voluptas, minima ullam sit.
Page 01
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Key Roles
A Journey consists of Teams which are cross-functional, persistent, autonomous, and outcomes focused all working towards a common goal.
Solution consists of Journeys which are cross-functional, persistent, autonomous, working towards a shared outcome.
In addition to a PO for every Agile team every Journey should have a CPO and RTE.
List to access levels in Jira Align
See Roles for participants
Consists of 4-12 Teams
Consists of 4 or more Journeys
Page 02
Page 03
Page 04
Preparation for PI Planning should begin 4 weeks before PI Planning
Preparation: Recommended Checklist from Journey Playbook
There should be 3-5 OKRs defined for the team and journey levels each PI. A single OKR should consist of 1 Objective and no more than 3 Key Results.
Objectives should be qualitive, actionable by the team, and written with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable yet aspirational, relevant, and time-bound). Key Results should be measurable and quantifiable items that will directly help meet the objective.
During Preparation for PI Planning CPO/PO create OKRs in Jira Align to be reviewed and finalized during PI Planning.
Note: Align portfolio OKRs to journey OKRs and review journey-level epics, keeping in mind customer experience as appropriate
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
OKRs defined at each level should be created to match the duration of their associated work item. The exception is a Team OKR may be defined for the duration of an entire PI, instead of by sprints.
At minimum, any OKRs active in a PI should be put into the status of "In Progress."
For recording of OKRs for Pre-PI Planning
See the template for OKR creation.
A Feature should be achievable by 1 Journey within 1 PI or less
See our guidance for what to do if a feature is incomplete at the end of the PI it was planned in.
A risk should not be created or categorized as:
See here for more information regarding risks
A risk should be assessed for likelihood (also referred to as occurrence) and impact. These are evaluated in terms of a High/Medium/Low scale. A risk can be in one of the four ROAM categories.
Please review the NWoW Standards on risks
Select the parent epic the feature will belong to before selecting the Planning Increment.
See Feature Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
Risks: Pre-PI Planning Guide
Risk and Dependency Creation &
Pre PI-Planning
A dependency that has already been raised
An active impediment
Commit to dependencies during PI Planning and review during Inspect and Adapt events.
If creating a cross-portfolio dependency, you must fill out the Needed By date.
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
A dependency should not be created or categorized as:
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Make use of Roadmaps to manage and visualize the Journey Epics in a timeline view.
A Journey Epic should be achievable within ~ 2 – 4 PIs.
See Journey Epic Template for more information on specific fields within a Feature issue type.
Roadmaps | Pre PI-Planning
Dependencies: Pre-Planning Guide
Please review the NWoW Standards on dependencies, as well as "Creating and Managing Dependencies in Jira Align" for standards on external entities.
Risk and Dependency Creation | Pre PI-Planning
Journey Epics
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice
A form of intake (i.e., I need you to do this work for me)
If teams are working on a work item together in parallel (i.e., two teams working to deliver the same feature together)
Future Backlog Refinement
Feature Backlog Refinement &
Pre PI-Planning
Be sure to include all the people needed to properly refine the features.
For a link to the recording of a session dedicated to feature backlog refinement
NWoW Process
Jira Align Tooling Standards
Best Practice