Turning time-lost
Efficient Hours
in Manufacturing
into money-found
You can’t make more time! But whether you are running 8-hour shifts or longer cycle times, you need to make the most out of your production hours and track down any obstacles blocking you from 100% efficiency.
The maximum hours of production you can have in a day is 24 – that is a nonnegotiable fact.
So exactly how many hours are lost to shift changeovers, breaks, and downtime? And what about the time wasted on scrap and rework?
with PTC’s Digital Performance Management (DPM), you can track lost time at a glance, drill down to the root cause, and reclaim those hours.
But then: what are the best ways to invest this newfound time and get the most out of your production cycle?
Increase production
innovate process
reduce expenses
The first and maybe most obvious option is to increase production. Evaluate the causes of downtime or increase inventory to improve service levels or support higher sales, boosting customer satisfaction.
DPM visualizes bottlenecks and downtime, so you can quickly identify hours that would be better applied elsewhere.
For those focused on continuous improvement (CI) efforts, you can reinvest the lost hours found to improve production.
Not only does DPM deliver data and objective comparison metrics for setting priorities, but it also records the efficiency of your CI projects via the Action Tracker.
Putting lost time back into production gives you the opportunity to deliver cost reductions through labor utilization or scrap reduction.
With proper performance monitoring via DPM, you can leverage automated operational analyses that point to effective cost-saving opportunities.
Time is Money
Are you ready to find more hours in your day and turn them into profits with DPM? Explore more resources about DPM to get started.
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