4 Ways to Save Costs
The current state of manufacturing leaves no time for workforce inefficiency. But operators still spend precious time learning outdated systems, due to:
data systems
data capture
Tools that Enhance Workforce Productivity
Here are four ways to optimize your workforce efficiency to ensure operators can leverage clearer information efficiently—and save direct and indirect material costs.
Digital workforce instructions
Provide clear, up-to-date, in-context instructions so your operators can readily access and analyze the data they need.
Augmented guidance
Provide over-the-shoulder support to reduce training times and improve overall quality of training—while keeping employees and customers safe.
Connected tools
Break down data siloes to ensure your workforce has a fully unified view into production across the plant floor.
Analytics-enabled role-based applications
Get the right data into the right hands to enhance operators’ knowledge of products and processes.
Digital workforce productivity tools such as analytics-enabled role-based applications, connected tools, augmented guidance, and digital workforce instructions improve industrial workforce efficiency by increasing comprehension and productivity, reducing training time, improving safety, and enhancing overall product quality. This equips your workforce to build the complex, sophisticated products the market requires.
Worker productivity increases by
Training time-to-proficiency reduces by
Quality improves up to
Building Resilience with Digital Workforce Productivity
Vestas—a global wind turbine manufacturer—relied on paper-based instructions for their dynamic build process. After implementing digital work instructions, Vestas expects to cut their time to roll out an in-house solution by more than half.
“With this [digital work instruction] technology in place, Vestas believes they are set up for success in a factory of the future, with a road map of how they can easily integrate this data with other smart tools and even robots.”
Get Resilient and Save Labor Costs with Digital Workforce Productivity
Don’t wait to equip your workforce with the tools they need to become resilient. Learn more about saving labor costs, increasing productivity, and improving agility.
Advancing Worker Productivity Using IoT and Digital Work Instructions webinar
Vestas Turns to Digitization in Manufacturing for a Sustainable Future
Labor Loss
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Source: Advancing Worker Productivity Using IoT and Digital Work Instructions webinar
–Vestas case study
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