Building a Scalable Industrial
Transformation (IX) Program
IX Leaders Weigh In
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Top Challenges Facing Many Industrial Leaders
When planning for industrial transformation (IX), a crucial first step is implementing data connectivity. Industrial Ieaders must be fully engaged in this transformational process. If not, their programs will fall apart. There are a number of roadblocks leaders have reported they’ve faced when planning their industrial transformation initiatives.
Poor Data Quality
Data science teams spend 80% of their time on data scrubbing instead of data analysis.
People, process, and security issues are now in the forefront; challenges with technology are taking a backseat.
Alignment Across Departments
Legacy systems don’t integrate with implementations and can’t be ripped and replaced since they’re too integral to workflows.
Legacy System Integrations
Scalable IX Starts with Data Connectivity
Scaling connectivity is possible when leaders develop flexible systems across all processes in their facilities. Half of industrial enterprises surveyed report they have embarked on an industrial transformation (IX) journey, realizing a number of benefits, with data at the core. Foundational to an IX program is establishing a fundamental technology that drives the organization’s connectivity initiative. IX leaders are seeing increased revenues, lower cost of goods sold (COGS), and increased operating margins as a result of their IX programs. Hover below for more info.
more likely to have reduced COGS by more than 10% as a result of their IX Program
of leaders make up this portion of
the market
of IX Leaders are
more likely to have
increased revenues
by more than 10%
more likely to be actively engaging Operations (not just OT) in their programs
Scalable IX Starts with Data Connectivity
Key Steps
to Achieve IX
Leaders understand that without transforming there is no scaling. Here are the steps they recommend for implementing successful industrial transformation (IX) programs.
Step 2
IX leaders recommend having members of the team with a deep understanding of operations as well as technology.
IX leaders are 3x more likely to build internal expertise across IT and OT with CIO’s as the program leads.
Step 1
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1
Industrial leaders recommend budgeting more for IX and are 450% more likely to have a three (3) year budget of $100MM+.
Step 2
Industrial leaders who found a 61% increase Y-o-Y in organizational issues among their top challenges recommend re-imagining business processes to establish improvements.
Step 3
To maximize buy-in, industrial leaders recommend doing IX programs with plant personnel, welcoming input, and listening to solutions from all levels to create a culture shift.
Step 4
Source: LNS Research, “Getting Real” In Industrial Transformation, Research Spotlight, August 2021
Step 6
Industrial leaders recommend standardizing software and building a data infrastructure from sensors to optimize connectivity.
Step 5
With 150 drivers and 300+ protocols, Kepware supports thousands of device and system types.
Industrial Leaders recommend utilizing a scalable unified architecture for their IT/OT convergence.
Step 6
Kepware connects multiple devices and systems with a single application, significantly reducing implementation and administrative time by standardizing on a single interface and workflow.
With KEPWARE+, industry leaders are saving time and money by connecting legacy systems to modern infrastructure, optimizing communications with devices, and improving productivity. Kepware provides a single secure connectivity layer that manages data integrations, facilitates equipment and process operations, and enables industrial transformation.
Kepware Enables Industrial Transformation
Ready to get started on your Industrial Transformation (IX) Journey?
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Source: LNS Research, ‘Challenges That Matter: Top Three Reasons Industrial Analytics Fail’, Blog, 2023
Source: LNS Research, “Getting Real” In Industrial Transformation, Research Spotlight, August 2021
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