"Working with other researchers and commercial partners like QIAGEN will lead to a greater impact, new technology, and more forensic cases solved. The QIAGEN extraction kits are excellent for forensic work because they give us good quality RNA, overcoming our challenges of small sample size and significant contamination."
Dr. Titia Sijen, Research Team Leader of the Biological Division, Netherlands Forensic Institute.
“ICMP has been working with QIAGEN for more than two decades – including in the Philippines, Iraq, Syria, Chile, Brazil and identifying Tsunami victims in Thailand – and they’re one of our most trusted partners.”
Adnan ‘Adi’ Rizvic, Director of Data Systems and Coordination, ICMP
“We use and abuse our QIAGEN instruments. They perform great, have very little maintenance that we've had to handle and are very user-friendly. All the serologists who are new to the job learn how to use these instruments fairly quickly. This way, they can positively impact solving crimes soon after they start training.”
Allison Nunes, Laboratory Director & COO, DNA Labs International
"We use a lot of QIAGEN equipment such as the BioRobot® EZ1 instrument for DNA extraction of six samples at a time. For our level of throughput, the instrument is absolutely perfect. Students get experience with robots, but we don't waste a lot of supplies - we only use one cartridge for one sample at a time."
Kelly Elkins, Forensic Scientist and Professor of Chemistry, Towson University Human Remains Laboratory
“[FIGG] is a wonderful type of analysis that we had never used before 2019. And we're so fortunate to be able to use it now to resolve some of these cases, as it has proven extremely effective.”
Nici Vance, PhD, State Forensic Anthropologist, Oregon State Medical Examiner's Division