Commercial Optimization
Curated portfolios of high quality data assets across different geographies and therapeutic areas ready for your research. Tap into deeper data sources and real-world data expertise and understanding to generate more complex, clinically rich evidence.
Evidence Networks
Access non-identified, integrated global data from more than 15 million oncology patients over 10 years in at least
30 primary cancers, including
Real-World Data and Studies
Improve discussions with regulators
and payers using new evidence methods developed over the course of decades,
and focus on demonstrating value in both
existing and new oncology treatments.
Regulatory Submissions
Therapeutic expertise is key to ensuring you are asking the right questions, and seeing opportunities to capture new ideas, new discoveries and new approaches. IQVIA brings expertise from a wide range of therapeutic areas that help you connect the dots, capture best practice, and be at the forefront of discovery in Oncology.
Therapeutic Expertise
Build or optimize planning and design scenarios, recruit patients and support sites, all with the support of oncology experts across our Centers of Excellence. We also help you understand and incorporate companion diagnostics and ground-breaking biomarker methodologies.
Trial Design & Delivery
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oncology capabilities
Explore our Therapeutics and Specialty Expertise
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Infectious Disease
and Vaccines
Central Nervous
Rare Disease
You are working hard to develop
breakthrough oncology treatments in a world
where we continuously struggle to find answers
to one of the most puzzling disease areas of all time.
Powered by the IQVIA CORE™, we can help pave a more predictable path forward for your most innovative oncology products. Whether it’s biomarker discovery, precision medicine or immuno-oncology, we can help get your life changing cures to the patients who rely on you – faster.
Your goal is to deliver the latest and best treatments to manage or cure gastrointestinal or hepatological
conditions like NASH.
Learn how the IQVIA CORE™ – powered by unparalleled data; insightful and actionable analytics; advanced technology; and unrivalled institutional knowledge – will increase the predictability of your molecule.
You are discovering and developing novel pediatric treatments to advance care for the unique needs of infants, children and adolescents.
Through our Pediatrics and Rare Disease Centers of Excellence, IQVIA offers a specialized mix of strategies to ensure your pediatric studies are successfully planned and executed safely.
Infectious Disease and Vaccines
Protect the global population against the
threat of infectious disease through innovative
new approaches to drug development.
With global, on-the-ground expertise and insights, IQVIA helps you gain a better understanding of these diseases, and develop effective vaccines, antivirals and antibiotics on an accelerated timeline.
Central Nervous System
You are under immense pressure to cure or prevent the devastating diseases of the Central Nervous System (CNS).
Through our CNS Center of Excellence we can accelerate the development of new medicines for diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and
Multiple Sclerosis.
Rare Disease
Your work provides hope to families of over 350 million people living with one of 7,000 rare diseases.
IQVIA provides you with insightful analytics, unrivalled institutional knowledge and operational expertise to make recruitment more predictable, while improving efficiency and improving outcomes.
Indication-specific evidence platforms that improve value and outcomes across healthcare systems globally
EMR and genomics data
User-friendly, technology-enabled solutions that give you access to insights in near-real time
Improve overall market performance by integrating deep oncology expertise with data, analytics and technology. Methodically drive evidenced-based decision making through your organization and bring new cancer medications to market faster with increased differentiation and value.
Access non-identified, integrated global data from more than 15 million oncology patients over 10 years in at least 30 primary cancers, including
EMR and genomics data
Indication-specific evidence platforms that improve value and outcomes across healthcare systems globally
User-friendly, technology-enabled solutions that give you access to insights in near-real time
EMR and genomics data
Indication-specific evidence platforms that improve value and outcomes across healthcare systems globally
User-friendly, technology-enabled solutions that give you access to insights in near-real time
Trial Design & Delivery
Therapeutic Expertise
Regulatory Submissions
Real-World Data and Studies
Commercial Optimization
Evidence Networks