A weight lifted
Fees of no value
Pre-tax < After-tax
Beyond tax-aware
Tax drag is not only a burden that weighs on returns over time, but also an indicator that portfolios are not deploying proper solutions. Active tax management solves both issues, removing the weight of tax drag while serving the critical oversight role, saving advisors and investors time, money and effort in the process.
A weight lifted
Think of taxes as another investment fee, one that is both permanent and lacking in requisite value. Taxes do not pay for a vigilant advisor or the ease of a quality platform. Taxes commonly outstrip expense ratios and management costs. And taxes on investments offer nothing to portfolios but wasted potential.
Fees of no value
We live in a pre-tax world where investor statements can claim big returns without needing to provide the substantially different after-tax outcomes. This ignores reality, leading to inevitable disappointment and angry clients. By focusing on after-tax, we find the solution before it becomes your problem.
Bold claims and low costs sound good on paper, but cheap products come with cheap solutions, and investors will pay. Russell Investments’ active tax-managed approach avoids the hidden pitfalls of passive investing and offers a more targeted path to tax savings with versatile strategies that fit into any tax-managed portfolio.
Pre-tax < After-tax
Beyond tax-aware