REdefining ingenuity
for tomorrow's battlefield
SAIC and Polaris Government and Defense are formally teaming up for the U.S. Army’s Infantry Squad Vehicle (ISV) program. We bring systems engineering and integration expertise using state-of-the-art tools and processes to give the ISV a technological edge on the battlefields of tomorrow. Our deep domain understanding comes from extensive field support and advanced experimentation support for the Army.
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SAIC is giving U.S. warfighters a capability that Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) and reconnaissance operations within a Brigade Combat Team (BCT) can configure for multiple echelons. The MRZR SFAB has onboard vehicle power and can be air assaulted to the forward edge of the battlefield to provide complete mission command capabilities.
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Complex, specialized missions require experts to get the job done. We invested to research and demonstrate a solution that leverages available technologies in new and innovative ways for mission needs. We leverage commercial products and in-house solutions to integrate weapons, systems, and platforms effectively and efficiently.
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SAIC’s Cyber Situational Understanding methodology leverages data science, tradecraft, and agile concepts that convert mission needs into analytic solutions quickly to bring faster decision-making.
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SAIC can leverage the power of your enterprise’s tools and experts into a knowledge management system to accelerate design and technical integration while driving innovation for greater mission impact. Whether defense agencies use our digital engineering infrastructure as a service or call upon us to build infrastructures for them, they gain better control over their knowledge bases, program life.
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A blockchain provides a secure, distributed, write-once ledger of time-stamped transactions. Integrating blockchain-based “smart contracts” secures supply chain information to be immutable. SAIC’s blockchain solution delivers safe and efficient receiving, validating, acknowledging, and time-stamped supply chain management status records.
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