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The Department of Defense’s JADC2 strategy is maturing into combined JADC2, or CJADC2. DOD organizations are expected to operate in a global and digitally integrated warfighting environment with allied nations. No matter what operational domains your organization works in, information systems will need to plug into the CJADC2 infrastructure with international partners.
To help you achieve mission data interoperability for combined-force integrations, SAIC provides CJADC2 information systems engineering. We execute data-centric architectures that facilitate secure and efficient data-sharing between combatant partners. Our enterprise strategies and ground-level methods for data-centricity have proven to eliminate data silos across domains and operational levels.
Accelerating battlespace effectiveness through data interoperability between DOD partners and coalition forces
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Today’s threat environment requires real-time mission data exchange and interoperable sensor-to-shooter capabilities for the joint force, allies and partners to carry out multi-domain defense operations. The traditional network-centric approach for information systems protects data but slows down or even prevents its releasability when missions depend on it. Data-centricity modernization by SAIC for your CJADC2 program:
Makes your organization’s data a permanent and valuable asset and uncouples it from specific systems, applications and networking elements
Simplifies portability and security implementation of your data so that it can be safely integrated with other data for command and control
Enables machine-to-machine data flows to eliminate time-consuming manual efforts.
CJADC2 requires a unified environment for sharing data rapidly at multiple security and operational levels. SAIC has a long history of experience in supporting multilateral missions that has helped shape our strategy, architecture and solutions, enabling battle commanders to have every partner’s information in combined joint operations.
We helped build DOD's first operational data-centric capability and are assisting in the development of the multilateral Mission Partner Environment (MPE). We are a member of the Air Force's Advanced Battle Management System Digital Infrastructure Consortium and developing cloud-based command and control for ABMS. For MPE and other expeditionary information systems, we are applying zero trust and open architecture principles to the CJADC2 tenets of data, cloud, edge and transport.
Click on each tenet below to learn more.
Persistent access to data under rapid multi-domain, multi-level operating conditions is the key to CJADC2 success. Whether it is for facilitating information flows between DOD partners or between DOD and coalition forces, SAIC’s work transforms data to be platform-agnostic so that it can be distributed and shared more easily. We are supporting the transformation from network-centric to data-centric information systems that results in greater security-implementation flexibilityand machine-to-machine connectivity for data.
Our data engineering work also encompasses development of ontology and knowledge models to enable data fusion, development of AI algorithms for data collection and processing, and development of machine learning-assisted data loops between command and the tactical edge.
CJADC2 warfighting requires cloud capabilities to be ubiquitous and globally available, not only at the command level but also across the front lines to provide secure application hosting and data handling. As a cloud engineering leader for DOD and government, SAIC stands ready to support modernizations, migrations and operations in the cloud. With a long history of supporting joint combined mission operations, we are providing expert continuous-integration/continuous-delivery support to power a rapid and agile pipeline of cloud-driven digital capabilities for warfighters.
SAIC is the prime industry partner for the Cloud One enterprise cloud for DOD. We have close and influential relationships with all the major cloud service providers and work closely with Cloud One mission-system owners on fielding hybrid and multi-cloud computing environments, DevSecOps chains and optimized managed services.
CJADC2 warfighters will have enhanced situational awareness, navigation, communications and target acquisition — even in austere environments — as a result of feeding tactical information to command and control and receiving decision information in rapid and continuous data loops. Front-line operators will be equipped with wearable and portable devices that gather, process and send data, video and communications via mobile cloudlets. They will work with physically distanced, cross-domain human and unmanned collaborators in a tactical mesh network.
Edge is about giving commanders persistent access to the best kinetic/non-kinetic and lethal/non-lethal fires among ubiquitous options in their command-and-control toolkits. SAIC is working with a host of technologies and developing data architectures to enable cloud-driven edge services and capabilities.
A range of needs for today and tomorrow’s battlefields makes high-bandwidth, ultra-high-speed, low-latency data transport critical for missions. Command-and-control and situational-awareness applications that feed the common operating picture will be pushing mountains of data. Crystal-clear streaming video requires enormous bandwidth. We will see peer-to-peer transfers of large data files in seconds using cell signals in austere and localized areas of the battlefield.
To create seamless connectivity between edge assets, and also between tactical partners, we are working with a diverse range of data transport options, including 5G, LoraWAN, LTE and Bluetooth. We need to utilize all available mobile-broadband means of moving zeros and ones between terminals, mobile satellite antennas and signal equipment.
Contact us to see how we can accelerate your CJADC2 mission and outcomes.
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Joe Sublousky leads SAIC's CJADC2 business, responsible for strategizing, developing and implementing solutions that help defense customers operationalize their CJADC2 support and capabilities. Connecting SAIC's capabilities development to customer needs, he directs the company's investments in areas such as digital engineering, AI/machine learning, cloud, DevSecOps and cybersecurity to align with defense and national security imperatives, leveraging his experience from actual use of the technologies in the field. Sublousky is a combat veteran whose Air Force career spanned 28 years; he commanded several C2 units across operations, communications and cyber domains. In his career, Sublousky has worked with DOD customers to instantly analyze threat data, predict actions and prevent attacks with trusted solutions.
Vice President, JADC2
Joe Sublousky
Joe Sublousky
Jay Meil
Chief Data Scientist, SAIC Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factory
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Jay Meil is the chief data scientist for SAIC’s Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factory, where he directs AI strategy and solutions across multiple domains. In 2021, Meil was recognized with an SAIC research fellowship for his work in multi-modal data fusion.
Meil has 18 years of experience designing and implementing applied mathematical models to drive data-centric decision-making at scale. He is passionate about developing AI solutions that facilitate the transformation of multi-INT data into actionable intelligence in support of a common operating picture across defense and national security agencies.
Jay Meil
Chief Data Scientist, SAIC Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factory
Jay Meil
Vice President, Joint All-Domain Command and Control
Joe Sublousky
Meet Our Experts
with SAIC
SAIC is developing data-centric systems that will streamline information-sharing in DOD’s Mission Partner Environment.
Accelerating Data Exchange for JADC2 Warfare
Cloud-style services for warfighters on remote front lines give them better tactical information and capabilities, leading to better battlefield decisions.
Enhancing Tactical Edge Situational Awareness
SAIC is supporting U.S. Air Force’s CJADC2 efforts in the Advanced Battle Management System.
Air Force Cloud-Based Command and Control Takes Flight
CONTACT US to get started
The Department of Defense's JADC2 strategy is maturing into combined JADC2, or CJADC2. DOD organizations are expected to operate in a global and digitally integrated warfighting environment with allied nations. No matter what operational domains your organization works in, information systems will need to plug into the CJADC2 infrastructure with international partners.
To help you achieve mission data interoperability for combined-force integrations, SAIC provides information systems engineering. We execute data-centric architectures that facilitate secure and efficient data-sharing between combatant partners. Our enterprise strategies and ground-level methods for data-centricity have proven to eliminate data silos across domains and operational levels.
Click on each tenet below to learn more.
Persistent access to data under rapid multi-domain, multi-level operating conditions is the key to CJADC2 success. Whether it is for facilitating information flows between DOD partners or between DOD and coalition forces, SAIC’s work transforms data to be platform-agnostic so that it can be distributed and shared more easily. We are supporting the transformation from network-centric to data-centric information systems that results in greater security-implementation flexibilityand machine-to-machine connectivity for data.
Our data engineering work also encompasses development of ontology and knowledge models to enable data fusion, development of AI algorithms for data collection and processing, and development of machine learning-assisted data loops between command and the tactical edge.
CJADC2 warfighting requires cloud capabilities to be ubiquitous and globally available, not only at the command level but also across the front lines to provide secure application hosting and data handling. As a cloud engineering leader for DOD and government, SAIC stands ready to support modernizations, migrations and operations in the cloud. With a long history of supporting joint combined mission operations, we are providing expert continuous-integration/continuous-delivery support to power a rapid and agile pipeline of cloud-driven digital capabilities for warfighters.
SAIC is the prime industry partner for the Cloud One enterprise cloud for DOD. We have close and influential relationships with all the major cloud service providers and work closely with Cloud One mission-system owners on fielding hybrid and multi-cloud computing environments, DevSecOps chains and optimized managed services.
CJADC2 warfighters will have enhanced situational awareness, navigation, communications and target acquisition — even in austere environments — as a result of feeding tactical information to command and control and receiving decision information in rapid and continuous data loops. Front-line operators will be equipped with wearable and portable devices that gather, process and send data, video and communications via mobile cloudlets. They will work with physically distanced, cross-domain human and unmanned collaborators in a tactical mesh network.
Edge is about giving commanders persistent access to the best kinetic/non-kinetic and lethal/non-lethal fires among ubiquitous options in their command-and-control toolkits. SAIC is working with a host of technologies and developing data architectures to enable cloud-driven edge services and capabilities.
A range of needs for today and tomorrow’s battlefields makes high-bandwidth, ultra-high-speed, low-latency data transport critical for missions. Command-and-control and situational-awareness applications that feed the common operating picture will be pushing mountains of data. Crystal-clear streaming video requires enormous bandwidth. We will see peer-to-peer transfers of large data files in seconds using cell signals in austere and localized areas of the battlefield.
To create seamless connectivity between edge assets, and also between tactical partners, we are working with a diverse range of data transport options, including 5G, LoraWAN, LTE and Bluetooth. We need to utilize all available mobile-broadband means of moving zeros and ones between terminals, mobile satellite antennas and signal equipment.
Today’s threat environment requires real-time mission data exchange and interoperable sensor-to-shooter capabilities for the joint force, allies and partners to carry out multi-domain security and defense operations. The traditional network-centric approach for information systems protects data but slows down or even prevents its releasability when missions depend on it. Data-centricity modernization by SAIC for your CJADC2 program:
CJADC2 means a unified common operating picture and information environment for sharing data rapidly at multiple security and operational levels. SAIC has always taken the “combined” approach as the necessary one for tomorrow’s battlefields regardless of the makeup of the partners. Our long history and experience of supporting multilateral missions have helped shape our strategy, architecture and solutions, enabling coalition commanders to have every partner’s information in combined joint operations.
We helped build DOD's first operational data-centric capability and are assisting in the development of the multilateral Mission Partner Environment (MPE). We are a member of the Air Force's Advanced Battle Management System Digital Infrastructure Consortium and developing cloud-based command and control for ABMS. For MPE and other expeditionary information systems, we are applying zero trust and open architecture principles to the CJADC2 tenets of data, cloud, edge and transport.
Makes your organization’s data a permanent and valuable asset and uncouples it from specific systems, applications and networking elements
Simplifies portability and security implementation of your data so that it can be safely integrated with other data for command and control
Enables machine-to-machine data flows to eliminate time-consuming manual efforts.
Contact us to see how we can accelerate your CJADC2 mission and outcomes.
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Joe Sublousky
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Vice President, JADC2
Joe Sublousky
Jay Meil
Joe Sublousky leads SAIC's CJADC2 business, responsible for strategizing, developing and implementing solutions that help defense customers operationalize their CJADC2 support and capabilities. Connecting SAIC's capabilities development to customer needs, he directs the company's investments in areas such as digital engineering, AI/machine learning, cloud, DevSecOps and cybersecurity to align with defense and national security imperatives, leveraging his experience from actual use of the technologies in the field. Sublousky is a combat veteran whose Air Force career spanned 28 years; he commanded several C2 units across operations, communications and cyber domains. In his career, Sublousky has worked with DOD customers to instantly analyze threat data, predict actions and prevent attacks with trusted solutions.
Jay Meil
Chief Data Scientist, SAIC Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factory
Jay Meil is the chief data scientist for SAIC’s Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factory, where he directs AI strategy and solutions across multiple domains. In 2021, Meil was recognized with an SAIC research fellowship for his work in multi-modal data fusion.
Meil has 18 years of experience designing and implementing applied mathematical models to drive data-centric decision-making at scale. He is passionate about developing AI solutions that facilitate the transformation of multi-INT data into actionable intelligence in support of a common operating picture across defense and national security agencies.
Joe Sublousky
Jay Meil
Meet Our Experts
with SAIC
SAIC is developing data-centric systems that will streamline information-sharing in DOD’s Mission Partner Environment.
Accelerating Data Exchange for JADC2 Warfare
SAIC is developing data-centric systems that will streamline information-sharing in DOD’s Mission Partner Environment.
Enhancing Tactical Edge Situational Awareness
Command-and-control and situational awareness applications are prime for leaps in data bandwidth and speed.
5G Mobile Broadband Benefits Defense at the Tactical Edge
Accelerating battlespace effectiveness with data interoperability between DOD partners and coalition forces
Makes your organization’s data a permanent and valuable asset and uncouples it from specific systems, applications and networking elements
Simplifies portability and security implementation of your data so that it can be safely integrated with other data for command and control
Enables machine-to-machine data flows to eliminate time-consuming manual efforts.
SAIC is helping SDA build the Application Factory that will deliver mission applications for satellite-based battle management, command, control and communication.
SDA Leads On-Orbit Data Processing for CJADC2 Effort