SAIC Virtual Space Mission Training
SAIC is redefining space training with our virtual reality-based simulations. We are deploying life-like, immersive environments for individuals or entire groups to facilitate operational visualization and mindset. The realism of our virtual environments is the result of our integration of augmented reality, virtual reality, data visualization, and gaming technologies.
Click on each of the four videos to explore our virtual training offerings for simulating missions, exploring conceptual and future assets, interacting with in-orbit assets, and analyzing design constellations.
mission training
Future and
Conceptual Assets
Satellite gantry
Design Constellations
mission training
Future and
Conceptual Assets
Satellite gantry
Design Constellations
Replace table top exercises with dynamic mission simulations
Networked virtual reality headsets for a geographically dispersed workforce
Roles can be played by trainees or computer-controlled avatars
Branching logic allows trainees to follow decision ramifications to conclusion
mission training
Future and
Conceptual Assets
Satellite Gantry
Design Constellations
Future and Conceptual Assets
Experience Real World Assets and Future Concepts
Familiarize workforce with environment from anywhere
Explore full-sized, virtual models
Stream real data onto virtual screens
mission training
Future and
Conceptual Assets
Satellite Gantry
Design Constellations
Satellite Gantry
Interact with in-orbit assets
View 3D render of satellites you operate
Engage with models in an interactive setting
Experience the dynamics of constellation orbits and sensor patterns
mission training
Future and
Conceptual Assets
Satellite Gantry
Design Constellations
Design Constellations
Conduct real-time trade analysis
Immediate feedback and analysis of design
tradeoff decisions
Make decisions that affect budget, schedule,
and performance metrics
Maximize investments and optimize mission capability
mission training
Future and
Conceptual Assets
Satellite Gantry
Design Constellations