Location 1
Ratione eveniet quia lacinia! Est, iaculis ducimus, nonummy sint ornare quo dignissimos erat senectus enim quibusdam massa explicabo tempus debitis aliquid, rem! Aptent laudantium? Saepe voluptatum ipsam eget.
Location 2
Ratione eveniet quia lacinia! Est, iaculis ducimus, nonummy sint ornare quo dignissimos erat senectus enim quibusdam massa explicabo tempus debitis aliquid, rem! Aptent laudantium? Saepe voluptatum ipsam eget.
Location 3
Ratione eveniet quia lacinia! Est, iaculis ducimus, nonummy sint ornare quo dignissimos erat senectus enim quibusdam massa explicabo tempus debitis aliquid, rem! Aptent laudantium? Saepe voluptatum ipsam eget.
Tip: How to save time when creating popups for a map.
Create one popup that has the images, text format, animations, and interactions you want the other popups to have. Copy and paste the popup and change the names of the pasted popup group in the layers panel. In this experience, there is popup1 - popup3. You can then change the text and replace the icons etc. in each popup. This is more efficient than making each popup from scratch.
To change the color of the Province/Territories, select the path shapes in the respective group, scroll down in the Design panel, and select the color swatch.
In the layers panel within the "Canada" folder there are three groups with + icons.
Select one of these groups and you'll notice the "Use group as trigger" is checked off in the Design panel. This makes it so all the paths and the + icon in that group will change from their default state to hover state at the same time.
Each of these groups also has the "on click - show target(s) & hide others" interaction applied to show one specific popup group.
Each Province/Territories with the + icon has a "hover" state applied. To edit the hover state, select the Province paths or + icon and click the drop down next the "default state" in the Design panel. Select "Hover" in the drop down, then you can change the way the path shape or + icon looks when the user hovers over it.
Create an interactive map as an effective way to engage users.
Template - Canadian Map Component
1280px x 800px
Pete Pleas
Vertical specialization: MT&L
Eddie Devcic
Vertical specialization: MT&L
Lindsay Draus
Vertical specialization: Healthcare
Mike Rogalevich
Vertical specialization: Government
Gina Lee
Vertical specialization: Retail/ISV