Template - Case Study
1280px x 4730px
The video background is pinned which means it is fixed to a specific point in the viewport. Pinning an object allows you to keep the objects always visible on the canvas, regardless of where the user scrolls on the canvas.
Note: Pinned objects do not currently work on full-height embedded experiences; only standalone experience and scrolling embedded experiences.
To unpin select the "pinned video background" group. Next to the X,Y coordinates click the pin icon.
To replace the video, select the video on the canvas or in the layers panel and click the "Replace Video" button, which is next to the video thumbnail in the design panel. Any video settings on the original video will carry over to the new one.
Cycle interactions (cycle next and cycle previous) allow users to cycle through a folder or group of objects at the click of a button. When a user clicks to activate this interaction, Ceros will automatically show the next object (or group or folder) in your targeted folder while also turning off the visibility for all of the other assets in that folder. Alternatively, you can use the cycle previous interaction to show the previous object in the folder.
To source new SVGs, locate the Media Library in the top toolbar, select "Icons," and search key terms.
To change the color, select the .svg file (try searching .svg in the layers panel), scroll down in the design panel, and select the color swatch.
In this experience, there are two tabs with only one visible at a time.
In the studio, after making your edits in each tab, make sure to turn the visibility of "tab: the challenge" ON and "tab: the solution" OFF.
Electronic Defense Firm Leverages Seerist for Pre-Travel Intelligence Reports
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One of Europe’s leaders in production of Electronic Defense equipment supplies all solutions, systems, and products in the electronic warfare field – including interception capacity during law enforcement operations, surveillance of risk areas, self-protection of platforms in hostile zones, and monitoring the electro-magnetic scenario with an annual revenue over 150 million.
THE Challenge
The organization did not have a partner for providing risk and threat intelligence to its travel security team, requiring internal analysts to manually scan for OSINT and combine that data with intelligence gathered by their travel security provider. Without the assistance of an intelligence partner, this took the organization’s security analysts hours to collate reports, preventing them from providing other services and insights to the leadership team. They simply did not have enough resources to accomplish their jobs to the best of their abilities.
Seerist is able to accomplish this task within minutes – the very task that was taking their team hours. Seerist is a perfect tool for this organization thanks to its ease of use and rich functionality, as well as with the fact that Seerist works with both governments and American Federal Agencies. Today, the team uses Seerist to fulfill its duty of care towards travelers, and their travel security analysts finally have an intelligence partner to support them in their daily activities – saving hours of time and providing data that is deeper and more accurate than the team was ever able to secure alone.
What once took hours, now takes minutes.
Sharing Value
The travel security analysts no longer spend hours drafting pre-travel reports for their travelers. Instead they download a city report and monitor verified events and events AI in the location of interest.
The team has significantly more confidence in the information and assessments they provide to their travelers.
The team shares content with stakeholders outside of security to demonstrate the additional value Seerist could provide to the organization overall.
"If we want to be seen as the leader in everything we do, it is time for us to also step up our security game by basing our work on the top service out there."
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and intelligence efforts.
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