Technincal Bulletins
Start your car diagnosis by learning if a recall or TSBs is the core root of the problem. With one click of the red button, you'll see the exact number of TSBs, recalls, and OEM campaigns that are related to this specific vehicle and code you're working on.
Top Repairs
The Top Repairs graph displays the most common repairs for this code on this specific vehicle, based on it's mileage. Using data points from millions of real world repair orders, the Top Repairs graph is a hit list that shows you the most common fixes for the problem.
It's a Diagnostic experience right in front of you.
Smart Data
You need to look at the vehicles data to understand what’s going on. Fast-Track Intelligent Diagnostics helps speed up that process up by providing you with a custom PID list specific to that code and that vehicle. Thresholds are also automatically set up for those data parameters. And when you are looking at that data at idle, if any parameters are out of range, they are marked with a red flag, so you know to take a closer look.
Code Specific Functional Tests and Reset Procedures
It's time to take on a functional test or bi-directional control so you can dig deeper. In Functional Tests & Reset procedures, you only see tests related to that vehicle and code. And, if you’ve verified the failure and made the repair, navigate straight to any reset procedures needed to finish the fix.
Guided Component Tests
ZEUS™ and TRITON™ series products include a scope, meaning you can verify component failures. Go straight to the relevant test(s), but also get a step- by-step guide showing you how and where to test, including pin in and out locations.
SureTrack® Expert Information
SureTrack provides you with a detailed description of Real Fixes that other technicians have carried out before. Each of these fixes has been verified by Snap-on engineers and are written in the same structured way to help you understand how the procedure was carried out.