Blower Motor and Assembly
A piece of equipment designed to move air through a system.
Fan & Condenser Unit
Fan & Condenser Unit
Main function is to remove heat from within the home. It does this by passing warm indoor air through return ducts and then over the condenser coil within the AC system. Often called “the air conditioner.
drain pan
Drain Pan
Protects home against water damage and biological growth. It collects water that results from the air conditioning process and moves water out of home – either emptying to the sewage system or another external location.
Type of vent that can be located high on a wall/ceiling or low on the ground. Most have a damper controlled by a lever that lets you control the flow of air through the opening of the vent.
Type of vent that is typically located high on a wall or ceiling. Unlike registers that blow air out, grilles pull air back into the system for reuse.
Air Ducts
Air Ducts
Where treated air is carried from the HVAC system to various areas of the home. There are different types of air ducts including fiber glass duct board, insulated flex duct, metal air ducts, metal interior insulated, and metal with exterior wrap.
Evaporator Coils
Evaporator Coil
Depending on the system, the coil sits on top, below or in-line with the air handling unit. The function of the evaporator coil is to pick up the heat and humidity from the home as the air handling unit forces air through the coil. This component makes up one-half of the refrigeration cycle.
Supply Plenum
Takes newly cooled or warmed air from the heater or AC system and, in turn, distributes it throughout the building using the HVAC's ductwork. There is also a return version of this.
Air Handling Unit
Air Handling Unit (Furnace)
A heating system component designed to warm up air for distribution to various rooms.
Return Air Duct
Return Duct
Sucks in used air from rooms and, using the ductwork, sends it back to the core HVAC system to be re-heated or cooled for redistribution
Air Filter
Usually made of a spun fiberglass material or from pleated paper or cloth enclosed in a cardboard frame. Its basic function is to clean the air that circulates through your heating and cooling system. Filters and traps particulates including dust and dirt.
A chemical, usually a vapor, which can be used in a mechanical system to produce a cooling heat transfer effect while changing the pressure of the refrigerant.
Condenser Coils
The condensing coil is a component of the larger condensing unit located outside. The functions is to take the heat and humidity that has been picked up from the evaporator coil and release it to the outside. If you ever wonder why hot air blows from the condensing unit, this is why! This component makes up the other half of the refrigeration cycle.
Condenser Coils