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amenities give Sacramento
its waterfront
Embracing the river
Market Hall
Outdoor Cafe
K Street Plaza
K Street West of the underpass transformed into a car free pedestrian alley, with street trees shading cafe spillout, freestanding tables and chairs, and a view to the waterfront.
Accordion Deck summer concert series showing floating stage.
We partnered with local events planning experts Unseen Heroes
to discuss program concepts that might betransformative for the district. The area is ripe for newfood venues, markets, and food-oriented events thatwill form a backdrop for new experiences and reframe Sacramento today: situated in the heart of a farmingregion and a food culture, where farm-to-fork is possible with minimal food transport.
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TK Street West of the underpass transformed into a car free pedestrian alley, with street trees shading cafe spillout, freestanding tables and chairs, and a view to the waterfront.
Mother Lode Playground
The playground is a real life gold miner’s map made three dimensional, with promising trails leading into steep mountain ranges that are cut by the river channel.Between peaks, different ages can play with equipment and tools that imagine digging, sifting, wading for gold. A pump at the south end of the playground can bemanually-operated to release water into the river channel that passes through the mountains, activating water wheels as it flows.
The Accordian Deck
Generous and dynamic public terraces that rise, fall,and reveal with the river• Inviting water-level public paths along the river• Floating wetlands to serve as a living laboratory to study the river. Improved boat access along with a new waterside cafe increases attractiveness as a boating destination.
The Landing turns its face to the west, to the river, with dynamic and highly-visible
features that make the waterfront newly engaging and accessible.
A river-Oriented waterfront
Front street sidewalks are expanded to create spillout space for cafes, sidewalk seating for retail, pop up space, and street furniture. Parking is limited on weekends and at special events.
62% of pedestrian activity occurs between
11am and
29% of pedestrian activity occurs between 5pm and 11pm
3% of pedestrian activity occurs between 11pm and 5am
6% of pedestrian activity occurs between 5am and 11am
Food-focused programming to create an everyday eating destination
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the chart to
see more!
K Street West of the underpass transformed into a car free pedestrian alley, with street trees shading cafe spillout, freestanding tables and chairs, and a view to the waterfront.
K Street Plaza
The area is ripe for new food venues, markets, and food-oriented events that will form a backdrop for new experiences and reframe Sacramento today. Situated in the heart of a farming region with a growing food culture, Sacramento can be a destination for farm-to-fork with minimal food transport.
for Visitors and Residents
The playground is a real life gold miner’s map made three dimensional, with promising trails leading into steep mountain ranges that are cut by the river channel. Between peaks, different ages can play with equipment and tools that imagine digging, sifting, wading for gold. A pump at the south end of the playground can be manually-operated to release water into the river channel that passes through the mountains, activating water wheels as it flows.
Mother Lode Playground
We partnered with local events planning experts Unseen Heroes to discuss program concepts that might be transformative for the district.
concert series
The Accordion Deck is a generous and dynamic public terraces that rises and falls with the river. This strategy invites water-level public paths along the river. New floating wetlands to serve as a living laboratory to study the river. While improved boat access along with a new waterside cafe increases attractiveness as a boating destination.
A Dynamic Terrace
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icons on the image to
see more!
Existing weekly pedestrian counts
January-March 2018
A key strategy of the development is to re-enliven the city after hours. How can resident
and tourists alike be convinced to stay downtown?
proposed weekly pedestrian counts
January-March 2019
47% of pedestrian activity occurs between
11am and
40% of pedestrian activity occurs between 5pm and 11pm
6% of pedestrian activity occurs between 11pm and 5am
7% of pedestrian activity occurs between 5am and 11am